Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Punch Excision

The treatment of facial acne One of the problems is that everyone does not want. It will take time and money to keep a lot of it. Sometimes to much invested to keep your blemishes pembuatan kitchen set and it still refuses to fade away again.
Punch Excision & Grafting, also called. "The hole cut out" for use in the treatment of acne and Box Car Scar Ice Pick Scar, which has the appearance of acne scars are deep holes no larger than 3 mm, and has a few holes. With surgery with medical smaller. pembuatan kitchen set Diameter of 2 mm
Usually the surgery is done only once. Which at the time of surgery Anesthesia, medicine is not to be hurt. For the benefit of treatment Punch Excision & Grafting is a small hole will disappear soon. The treatment consists of 2 ways.
After treating acne with Punch Excision & Grafting is done. To take care of the wound caused by surgery about 1 week in between, do not use cosmetics to the face at all. On wound healing are healed. Be noted that there is a little dash of acne scars old.
For the treatment of acne that way. It will cost each hole is approximately 1,000 - 2,000 baht, however. Before treatment methods. Should consult pembuatan kitchen set a doctor for evaluation. Acne and treatment plan to fit correctly.
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