Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The idea of having genetically engineered genes permanently living in our guts has staggering impl

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There are no clinical studies of genetically modified nabisco ritz crackers food. The only published experiment with people eating GMO food, showed that genetic material in GM soy are transferred into the DNA of bacteria nabisco ritz crackers living inside our intestines and continues to function. Even after we stop eating GM foods, we may still constantly produce GM proteins into us.
As the Institute for Responsible Technology nabisco ritz crackers has noted, genetic engineering process creates significant accidental damage, causing mutations in hundreds or thousands of sites throughout the plant's DNA. Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and hundreds may change behavior. Even the inserted gene can be damaged or rearranged, and may create nabisco ritz crackers proteins that can trigger allergies or promote disease.
The idea of having genetically engineered genes permanently living in our guts has staggering implications: If the antibiotic gene inserted into most GM crops were to be transferred, it can create antibiotic-resistant diseases. Bt toxins (Bacillus thuringiensis) inserted into GM crops to kill pests are now finding the bloodstream to 93% of women and 80% unborn due to the consumption of meat, milk and eggs from animals fed with GMO corn. This could turn bacteria in our gut to inner factories of pesticides. Animal studies show that DNA in food can migrate to organs throughout the body, even into the fetus.
And we've seen cross-species transfer nabisco ritz crackers of DNA has happened before. A significant percentage of human DNA is actually viral DNA that became a part of us for over 40 million years ago. There is concern that virally transmitted DNA may cause mutations and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia nabisco ritz crackers and mood disorders. GMO organisms may exacerbate this phenomenon.
Genetically modified matgener transferred to our own genes can lead to problems like leaky gut syndrome. The small intestine is responsible nabisco ritz crackers for approximately 70% of our immune system, and acts as a selective nabisco ritz crackers sieve: nabisco ritz crackers it lets only nutrients and well digested fats, proteins and starches enter the bloodstream and keeps large molecules, microbes and toxins out. The leaky-gut syndrome nabisco ritz crackers occurs when the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, and the microvilli on the lining becomes damaged and this prevents the microvilli from absorbing nutrients and producing necessary enzymes and secretions for healthy digestion and absorption. Between the cells are desmosomes, which holds cells together and form a strong nabisco ritz crackers structure that prevents large molecules from passing through. Once an area becomes inflamed, the structure is weakened, allowing larger molecules to escape. This means that the immune system produces antibodies and cytokines to fight molecules because they are perceived as antigens.
Allergies nabisco ritz crackers have already skyrocketed in the United States, and with the introduction of GMO soy in the UK, soy related allergies rose to 50%. Still facing the NFSA a deaf ear to the dangers of genetic engineering.
In 1989 there was a tragic outbreak of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome nabisco ritz crackers (EMS), an incredibly painful disease. The outbreak was traced to the consumption of L-tryptophan supplements produced by a Japanese company using genetically modified bacteria. The bacteria are used to increase yield, but they increase the impurities during the fermentation process that may lead to a level of impurities which led to EMS.
To this day the government has refused to address the issue of purity standards for GMO-produced products. Instead claimed federal agencies and biotech companies that contaminants linked to the EMS tragedy were caused by changes in the company's production process despite the fact that the company followed carefully purity standards enforced by government rules.
EMS is rare and the onset was rapid enough that the case histories of the patients nabisco ritz crackers could be linked nabisco ritz crackers to this grant, and it was also acute enough that doctors were attentive. There is a very clear causal link between EMS and these genetically engineered organisms.
Effect of other genetically modified products need not be so obvious so quickly, but can be even more devastating as we have reported previously, is that GMOs causing terrible genetic changes in mammal offspring. Scientists see birth defects, nabisco ritz crackers high infant mortality rates, and sterility in hamsters, rats, and livestock fed GMO soy and corn, and in some hamster pups grow hair in the mouth.
The late George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology in 1967 and Higgins nabisco ritz crackers Professor of Biology at Harvard University, was one of the first scientists to speak out about the potential dangers of genetic engineering:
Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] conf

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