Tuesday, May 6, 2014

موسى النبي في البرية ولم تمسسها بأذية حملت جمر اللاهوتية وهي عذراء ببكورية وانطق بأسرار خفية طوباك

In the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Mother westlog of God Mary is compared to the miraculous burning bush that Moses saw on Mount Sinai, especially in the Coptic month of Mary who is called "Kiahk" and partly coincides with Advent.
The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire in a bush. He looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Moses thought, "I must go and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." The Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses." He answered, westlog "Here I am." westlog He said, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground "(Exodus 3.2 to 5)
Just as the bush burned to the presence in it of the divine fire, without being consumed, so, despite the womb of Mary is burned to have contained the fire of the Word consubstantial with the Father, even though she is not consumed.
The icon Coptic above entitled "Pi-Vatos" or "the bush," Moses, you see barefoot with hands outstretched pleading the glory of God in the burning bush down in the form of fire. The iconographer is inserted into the bush, the image of the Blessed Virgin westlog Mary to indicate westlog that she is the real bush which burned in the fire of the divinity of the Son of God
In the Coptic Chant, which is the annual that the season of Advent, the Virgin Mary is constantly compared to the burning bush seen by Moses. Here are some excerpts from the annual Chant in which admirably describes this miraculous foreshadowing.
2. The bush that Moses saw in the desert, with the fire that was burning, but it burned the branches is the symbol of the Virgin Mary without any stain, in which the Word of the Father, and was incarnate; and the fire of his divinity did not burn the womb of the Virgin, that even after it's built, it continued to be a virgin (Theotokia Thursday)
3. By God, that can not be seen by all ages, deserved to see the glory of Moses on the Mount. For she saw the bramble where the fire was, without his burned branches, nor did destroy the leaves. In truth the fire lit in the bramble, which is not burned, there was God, and he himself spoke to the prophet: "O Moses, or Moses, or Moses, whom I love, I am the God of your fathers, and there is more out of me. Loose the shoes from thy feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground, or prophet. "
4. Meditate on bramble where is the fire, without them burn the branches, nor did destroy the leaves: it is the symbol of Mary, the Immaculate Virgin, in which he was incarnate and the Word of the Father. For this we sing with the virgin John: "And 'this holy bride who was adorned for the Lamb" (Rev. 21.2 to 9).
In particular Kiahk, month of waiting for the Christmas of the Savior, the Coptic Church sings during the chant, praise "The bush that Moses saw." westlog Praise westlog speaks of prefiguration of the Theotokos and the birth of the Word in the Old Testament and the glorification westlog and honor which belong to the Virgin because, with her yes, he gave to the world the Savior of mankind. It was probably composed in Arabic in the nineteenth century and resumes Theotokia Thursday cited above. It has a refrain that is repeated, using the cymbal and triangle, for all the praise: The bush that Moses saw the prophet in the wilderness that was burning inside, yet it was not consumed, it is the figure of the Blessed westlog Mary Mother of Light which led within himself the firebrand of divinity nine months in her womb while remaining a virgin. To understand how this praise is loved by the people Coptic, just watch the video located after the Italian translation of the Arabic text (short version) in which the bishop Anba John leads the people in ecstasy!
1 - العليقة التي رآها والنيران تشعل جواها 2 - مثال أم النور طوباها تسعة أشهر في أحشاها 3 - أنا أفتح فمي وأتكلم بكرامة أم النور مريم 4 - بك يا زين العالم صرنا ومن أسر إبليس خلصنا 5 - تمت عنك كل الأقاويل بشأن ميلادك عمانوئيل 6 - جبرائيل بالبشرى ناداها أتى وسكن في أحشاها 7 - حل بروح قدسه في أحشاك بشري كامل حملته يداك 8 - خلص آدم وبنيه وأسبغ نعمته عليه 9 - داود أبوك قال عنك إله الآلهة صار في حضنك 10 - دعيت أما لمن أنشاك أتى وسكن في أحشاك 11 - سماك الآباء الأبرار سكن فيها المولى الجبار 12 - شهد حزقيال ورآها دخل وخرج فيها مولاها 13 - طأطأ أعلى السموات ونزل وهو في حضن أبيه لم يزل
موسى النبي في البرية ولم تمسسها بأذية حملت جمر اللاهوتية وهي عذراء ببكورية وانطق بأسرار خفية طوباك يا زين البشرية westlog أحرارا بعد العبودية طوباك يا زين البشرية والشهادات النبوية طوباك يا زين البشرية بحلول الكلمة الأزلية westlog وهي عذراء ببكورية وأخذ منك الناسوتية طوباك يا زين البشرية وأبراه من سم الحية طوباك يا زين البشرية ونطق بشهادات نبوية طوباك يا زين البشرية لأجل خلاص البشرية وأنت عذراء ببكورية سماء ثانية جسدانية طوباك يا زين البشرية بابا قائما في الشرقية والختم في صيانة إلهية لأجل خلاص البشرية

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