Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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Main income testimonials testimonies Weekly Agenda of the 19th Knesset 18th Knesset evidence summaries and achievements of the socio - Summer Conference Tsha"g socio - Summer Conference Tsha"b substrates and Performance Database Rules stuck picture: Legislation affecting pensioners Update: Legislation Affecting Arab sector snapshot: legislation relating to immigrants Commonwealth press information activists Dictionary Toolbox Stock social Guard active legislative news current events opinions
This week the Knesset committees Sunday, Knesset Interior and Environment: Families await their surrogacy baby Tue, Economic Committee: Whale buffer gas rights Tuesday, the Knesset Education and Culture: the privatization of the education system - where? Wednesday, the Finance Committee: raising train fares - Offer Quick discussion Wednesday, the Finance Committee: the collapse colour 150c of the balconies in her room
Jamie Oliver, famous chefs England better known C"hsf naked "was in 2005 with the series" Jamie's School Dinners ". He visited Greenwich School District in the state, trying to improve food quality and nutritional value of meals served there. Last process school, including students in the experimental boycott did the new menu, screened mini - series of four episodes praised colour 150c the importance of controlled and healthy food in the school system. Following the series two hundred thousand Britons signed a petition of the organization created following the broadcast colour 150c of the series, "Feed Me Better". Public pressure resulted in complete removal of sodas from schools, to significantly reduce the consumption of fried foods, and fund worth 60 million pounds to support additional programming.
Israeli reality, however, the borax and the voice is still being sold at kiosks schools. "The rate of overweight in grades Israel is 21%, and the fifth grade class climbs to 31%," said the site "Globes" a few months ago. And the Knesset Education Committee will be required to take it, when will tomorrow (Monday) discussion on the bill food quality supervision in the education system.
The bill passed its first reading in July 2012, continuity rule was applied four months ago, and since then continued the legislation stalled. Gideon Sa'ar, Minister of Education asked for the bill to determine colour 150c the provisions and terms of the nutritional composition of food of the educational institutions. Under the bill, suppliers and those who sell the food will be required to publicize the nutritional value of the food sold. Failure to meet these conditions will result in a high 6000, and continuing colour 150c breach will be charged colour 150c 3,000 fine for every day of violation of conditions. Before the committee approved the bill, and the law takes effect, keep in mind the following worrisome colour 150c statistic: Israel is among 10 countries that suffer the most obese. 64% of the population in the country suffers from overweight.
And if all of this statistics is not enough colour 150c to set off alarm bells among us as citizens and among members of the Knesset, "Globes" adds the comparison performed between the natives of the 50s in the 90s shows that in four decades, colour 150c the percentage of obese jumped fivefold.
Since 2004, with the amendment, colour 150c four years later, elementary school students and kindergarten are bound to get one hot meal a day. As of 2011, 164 301 students are under the roof of the catering education. Reports and documents written on restaurant pupils in Israel emphasized, once again, the importance of the meal served to students at school. "For most children is the only hot meal a day, and Cshaichoto poor - you're probably looking for an - permanent health," colour 150c said MK Yechiel Bar, Acting Chairman of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, just last week.
So ask yourself which one is better? Fried meat with too much oil, or its storage meat is done improperly? I, personally, colour 150c prefer my steak deep-fried than a lot of coliforms. Please note that a huge percentage (63%) of packets arriving colour 150c kindergartens abnormal temperature, and generally catering emerging problem our young children.
State Comptroller's report in 2009 examined some schools lunch program and found some kitchens were hygiene and sanitation conditions. Some providers of food, the report colour 150c says, do not follow every day to provide the required amount of dishes, and do not meet the application colour 150c complete colour 150c the meal it undertook to provide. Supervision of the Ministry of Education implements the project, since 2007, is only partial and did not meet the requirements.
The problem lies, according colour 150c to a report by the Knesset Research Center, multiplicity colour 150c of regulatory bodies that act in coordination and full cooperation and ambiguity in the areas of responsibility of each factor. Ministry of Health, as a charge of public health, oversees food suppliers when they are granted licenses Manufacturer and business, but he supervises the feed mill itself - because he claims not yet approved devices. colour 150c the results of the control partial can be seen in the table before: packets do not reach in time, not stored at the right temperature, and laboratory tests find some things unfit for consumption. lucky individuals beneficiaries under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in the catering, they recognized educational institutions are not official.
The comedy of errors, apparently, under the supervision of the food in the school system can be summarized in the following colour 150c story: In 2006, director of the Ministry of Education issued a circular prescribing the manner of feeding and its control. Circular cast overall responsibility for the program on an input of Veterinary Service - urban, colour 150c but not explicitly specify who is responsible for the supervision nutritional massacre in the dining room of the school? truck driver who leads the food? perhaps the responsibility is with

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