Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hash lost, for example, 90% of its content of thiamine in only 48 hours when it was added to the su

What is lost by cooking and preparing food? | Diet
Vitamins are organic chemical compounds that are necessary for the body's health and life, and that it can not only produce, at least not in sufficient quantities. One of the most important questions is whether we can certainly foods from india and eating healthy food defray the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals. foods from india Most people, foods from india fortunately, foods from india enough foods from india to eat a variety of foods which still provides the body with the base amount of the vitamin.
However, today it is not difficult to become deficient foods from india in certain vitamins because in menus dominated foods from india by the processed food industry. Food processing loses most of its nutrients, foods from india and for its poverty not just blame the manufacturers who use all kinds of fertilizers and pesticides, but also the stability of some vitamins.
Processing into white wheat flour loses almost all of its vitamins and minerals, and most people today eat food made from such flour. The following listing the vitamins that are easy to lose during storage and cooking.
Vitamin C Vitamin C is the most unstable of all the vitamins, in contact with air is oxidized and is unstable, and when the light is on. Therefore, it is advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, because you are a long time in the air and light, foods from india they can lose all your vitamin C. A good example is bruised apple that the point of impact changes color as it oxidizes. When vitamin C is oxidized, it does not protect more fruits or vegetables from decay.
Also, leave it chopped or grated foods from india fruit or vegetables on the air, it will change color as it will oxidize. If we add to this the fruit and vegetables, vitamin C, such as from lemon juice, vegetables foods from india will slowly change color because it added vitamin foods from india C protects against oxidation. foods from india
Cooking and preparing food moist most of the vitamin C is lost due to oxidation in air or in water melting. Green vegetables which are cooked in a lot of water lost about 55 to 75% of its vitamin C 10 to 15% of this loss is irreparable, because it destroyed in the cooking process, and 45 to 60% remained in the water in which the vegetables are cooked.
What it saps one month, can lose all vitamin C. Because of all this it is clear that today is not difficult to become deficient in this important foods from india vitamin if you do not take out fresh foods or supplements.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) With vitamin C, thiamine is one of the most unstable foods from india vitamins. Is sensitive to almost everything and is easily destroyed in the preparation foods from india and storage of food, and is stable only under acidic foods from india conditions. It is easily lost in the water when cooking food, but when you chop and wash food. What is more chopped food, the more they will lose thiamin in cooking and washing. Losses of 20 to 70%. Light roast meat loses about 65-85% of thiamine.
Hash lost, for example, 90% of its content of thiamine in only 48 hours when it was added to the sulfur dioxide. Other preparing meat also cause losses. When baking foods from india bread loses about 15-30%, and in the presence of baking soda (which is alkaline) losses are much higher, up to 50%.
Losses of thiamine in pet food depends on how much food is acidic, and the temperature and the time that is needed for canning. Thus, the losses were quite small in canning fruits and vegetables, but they can be great at preserving meat where it loses up to 85% of the vitamin. Sterilizing the milk loses 50%, and 20% to pasteurization thiamine.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) This vitamin is very unstable and sensitive foods from india to acidic and alkaline environments. Stable only in neutral pH. Wheat flour loses about 60% of its pantothenic foods from india acid prepares you with baking powder. Pantothenic acid is a water soluble vitamin, a loss may occur during the cooking foods from india and washing in water. It is estimated that about 30% of the vitamin is lost in the meat, which is why the water in which the meat is advisable to continue to use the stove.
Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin which may make large losses during the preparation of food in the water. Cooking can lose up to 50% of folic acid because it stays in the water in which the food is cooked. This can be partially replaced if the liquid after cooking we use for making foods from india sauces, soups, etc.
In addition to losses in the water for cooking and preparing food folic acid is very sensitive to oxygen, light and extremes of pH (acid and alkali). When sterilizing milk may lose all folic acid, depending on how it is subsequently exposed to air. Vitamin C in the milk has a protective foods from india effect by folic acid and, if present, foods from india will prevent the oxidation of folic acid. Folic acid is especially sensitive to sunlight.
Natural Vitamin E tocopherols are not overly stable. Are quite sensitive to air as readily oxidize, especially if they are in the presence of alkali, high temperature or light. foods from india Therefore, during the processing and storage of food can cause substantial losses. Potato chips can, for example, lose up to 50% of your vitamin foods from india E if is stored at room temperature

Croatian Food Agency

Recycled milk denied the Croatian Food Agency: - Public Relations - Public Relations
After several months of sporadic but persistent occurrence of articles on recycled milk, this is the fame and officially doomed. Although from the beginning unfounded and even a little funny story about an alleged multiple "recycling" milk which is expired, it is still upsets some ghosts. We already wrote about the hoax mail with which it all began, in which a bunch of nonsense pseudoznanstvenih allegedly signed by Dr. Andrej olea europaea olive fruit oil Gregori, as well as below that ensued when they are about the topic manifested Minister Čobanković and Croatiastočar. After the news that Serbia has no recycled milk, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are relevant not comment on the question of whether drinking spoiled milk recycled. Tracing the developments in the region, Croatian Food Agency is to our request, and referring to the Regulation on animal by-products not intended for human consumption and the Food Act, gave a detailed explanation of why there is no chance of Croatia drink recycled milk.
"The legislation olea europaea olive fruit oil of the Republic of Croatian regulating the safety of food and feed is fully in line with EU legislation. In accordance olea europaea olive fruit oil with the Regulation on animal by-products not intended for human consumption (OG. 87/09), milk and other foods of animal origin which have expired are: animal by-products not intended for human consumption. In accordance with the laws and regulations olea europaea olive fruit oil they have to be stored at an appropriate temperature, in a dedicated storage approved olea europaea olive fruit oil in accordance with the Regulations, or in a separate area in the plant approved in accordance with the requirements of food.
So, this means that the dairy that produced and put on the market milk and / or milk products, after the expiry date, you may return the product in the same facility in which they are produced and stored in a separate room designated for the storage of animal by-products not intended for human consumption, which is kept solely to their harmless disposal.
Furthermore, according to the Food Act (OG, no. 46/07), operators of food and feed at all stages of production, processing and distribution within the businesses under their control shall ensure that foods or feeds satisfy the requirements of food law which are relevant to their activities olea europaea olive fruit oil and shall verify that such requirements are met. So, just as is true for milk and milk products.
MAFRD, MHSW and the State Inspectorate olea europaea olive fruit oil oversee the implementation of food regulations and confirm the compliance of the operator of food with food regulations. For this purpose, established a system of official controls monitoring food and feed, as well as other relevant activities. Food regulations also establish effective and appropriate measures to ensure the preventive effect, and penalties for violations of the legal provisions. olea europaea olive fruit oil
An important change in the new system is that control over the food system is no longer solely on the final product, but the whole system of production and distribution to the final consumer. Globalization, in particular the creation of a single market and in order to achieve competitiveness, it is necessary to provide a way to solve the problem of different national legislation relating to food. In this context, we have come to the conclusion that the uniform food safety can only be ensured if the control is carried out at each stage of its manufacture, processing olea europaea olive fruit oil and distribution. The responsibility for food safety is expanded, divided among several entities involved in the chain, and each is responsible for its share of production in order to ultimately got a safe product.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that in all stages of production, processing and distribution of food, according to the Food Act (46/07), must establish traceability olea europaea olive fruit oil "from farm to fork." According to the principle of "one step forward, one step back", operators of food and animal feed must be able to identify any legal or natural olea europaea olive fruit oil person who has supplied them with food, feed or animals used for food production. Also, they must be able to identify other entities that have delivered their products.
That is exactly what control mechanisms that allow food safety system works in our country. Reason for fear and concern olea europaea olive fruit oil for consumers does, and signs of recycled olea europaea olive fruit oil milk have no foundation.
Croatian Food Agency "Related olea europaea olive fruit oil Articles: Recycled milk on TV - the numbers on the bottom of the carton have nothing to do with milk Recycled Milk II - Čobanković and Croatiastočar no recycled olea europaea olive fruit oil milk Recycled milk Flawed aka hollow hoax to frighten consumers each week hoax one - you hide a mysterious box at the bottom tube? We found a

Friday, November 29, 2013

And so we can adequately preserve its fruits, we must place them in optimal conditions that include

Of 2014. was named the year of family farming in the future young farmers greater support Permitted methods and means of production must and wine new challenges for high-tech tractors and combines for four years to abolish quotas for sugar production
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Newest of 2014. was named the year of family farming in the future young farmers greater support Permitted methods and means of production collins marine smithfield must and wine new challenges for high-tech tractors and combines for four years to abolish quotas for sugar production in Velika Gorica: Notice eco producers bee brood diseases caused by molds Great shortfall honey yield in Istria Ministry banned the slaughtering without stunning increase in the number of producers and the area of ecological agricultural products Searches manure pears planting sniffer horses to cover fruit trees in winter incentive for cows planting triticale EAFRD 2014 Croatian YHS-004 to operate the farm would pullets hens Read other news
And so we can adequately preserve its fruits, we must place them in optimal conditions that include accommodation in cold storage at a temperature of minus 0.5 to plus 1.0 degree collins marine smithfield C and a relative humidity of 85%. In such conditions, the fruits of plum namijenih use in fresh state can be kept from 4 to 15 weeks.
On the other hand, the requirement for the safe and efficient storage of dried plums implies that the humidity of dry fruits is between 18 and 22 percent. In addition, collins marine smithfield the important and the temperature in the warehouse, which should be below 10 degrees C, while relative humidity should be less than 70 percent. However, during collins marine smithfield storage, prune must be protected from moisture, light, heating, foreign odors and pests.
In this respect, the most dangerous are mites that are barely visible to the naked eye. There are several kinds of mites are the most dangerous and dried fruit and flour mites. The first attack only insufficiently dried fruits plums that by the folds have a characteristic whitish powder. However, it is not sugared fruits, reminiscent of the best odors. Flour on the other hand mites usually occurs in warehouses in which the prunes before stocked grains. As a result of her attack throughout the warehouse quickly noticed an unpleasant odor, which is a sure sign of contamination collins marine smithfield and the uselessness of dried fruits.
Because of this plum fruit must accommodate the previously cleaned and disinfected by appropriate means premises, which is mandatory for all measures and other inventory, packaging and vehicles plum fruits are delivered to the room for their safekeeping.
Related Articles: They do not have anyone to sell plums, no payments or brandy! Under yields rich plum break branches and prune producers worried ... The decline in fruit after flowering collins marine smithfield After flowering often we see a stronger decline in fruit. Runs between the 10th .. Fertilization plums in the period before the entry into full bearing, Plum has a certain ... Harvesting and storage collins marine smithfield of plums Given the variety and purposes, the fruits are harvested in. .. Harvesting and storage of pear fruits are ripe when the tear easily when they compose ...
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The discovery that some types of milk in Croatia contain illegal levels of carcinogenic toxins caus

The discovery that some types of milk in Croatia contain illegal levels of carcinogenic toxins caused these days real emergency. Part of the product was withdrawn from stores, some people have even decided to return bad milk, and the other to avoid all these producers
Aflatoxins are mycotoxins produced by fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium, among which the most famous are Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Belong to the strongest known carcinogenic substances of natural origin. Aspergillus is a very common and widespread in nature. Contamination of food, such as cereals or peanuts, can occur before harvest or during storage. To mold mycotoxins created monte melkonyan must be met several microclimate parameters, of which the most important are temperature and humidity. Aspergillus belong to ubkvitarne mold, which means they are naturally monte melkonyan widespread and present in the environment. Crops are particularly susceptible to mold growth if during monte melkonyan growth and ripening were exposed to significant atmospheric monte melkonyan oscillations monte melkonyan or if stored in an inadequate manner with high levels of humidity and higher temperatures. Therefore, high levels of aflatoxin characteristic of tropical and subtropical climates. For their development of optimal temperature is 32 C and humidity of 15% and above.
Our climate is not ideal for their development, but with climate change and the microclimate - for example, in silos or even more frequently in the process of ensiling time during the process occurring over the temperature of the environment, aflatoxin and other mycotoxins can occur in colder climates.
Expert for mycotoxins, PhD. Radovan Fuchs, PhD, from the Institute for Medical Research says that aflatoxin 1950s in England for the first time associated with mass poultry plague on some farms. 'Fed the chickens, ducks and turkeys with imported monte melkonyan food, among other things, with arachis nuts and corn from the tropics, "explains Fuchs, adding that such a substance aflatoxin finally isolated in 1961. year.
The presence of aflatoxin is most commonly observed in the cashews, peanuts, cereals particularly maize, soybean, cottonseed, etc. Since it is resistant to high temperatures is in the products obtained from contaminated raw materials such as vegetable oils, peanut butter and cosmetics, but in milk and milk products if they are milking animals were fed contaminated feed.
Aflatoxin have extremely harmful to the liver where their mutagenic monte melkonyan and carcinogenic effects the most. The nucleus of the cell to bind to DNA and RNA, causing disturbances in the synthesis of cellular proteins. There are several types of aflatoxin. Their toxicity is not the same, and most are AB1, AB2, AG1 and AG2. The most toxic to humans and most animals is AB1, least toxic AG2. Aflatoxin M1, which is found in our milk produced in mammals from AB if dairy animals fed with feedstuff which was present AB. Aflatoxin M1 was found in the breast milk of women.
"These types of mold can appear and produce a toxin, among other things, due to poor storage technologies in silos or during the process of ensiling fodder," said Dr. Fuchs and noted that it should monitor and analizrati origin monte melkonyan of milk in order to accurately determine where she got a raw material in which the poison is present. 'It would be good to get to unwind monte melkonyan with some cleverly targeted and clear answers to protect consumers but also producers of milk and dairy products. In dairy milk does not always arrive with only one farm, a dairy industry also imports significant quantities of milk and milk powder. A lot of the factors that in this particular case we do not know, but the real information can come, "said the former minister of science and education.
High doses of aflatoxin can cause acute poisoning, hepatic necrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure and even mental changes, and coma. Exposure to low levels for long periods does not cause such dramatic symptoms, especially in adults, however, children are more sensitive.
'We are in the milk permissible concentration of 0.05 micrograms per liter. According to reports in the media was detected concentration of 0.06 micrograms. Allowable amount includes certain safety margin. How do you come up with these limits? On the basis of toxicological testing and scientific research that determines the doses in experimental conditions not caused adverse effects. This value is the starting point for calculating the safe limits with a number of other elements which adds so. safety factor. Europe has a lower allowable levels than the United States because it applied a higher safety factor. The U.S. is allowed to limit as much as 10 times higher. So there is no reason to panic because, you live in America, monte melkonyan you drank milk with 0.5 micrograms and more. These higher levels also have their justification. However, once you accept the rules they must be strictly adhered

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Home Personal Growth Relationships Spirituality Self Help Healthy Living Alternative Recreation Boa

Home Personal Growth Relationships Spirituality Self Help Healthy Living Alternative Recreation Board of the disease EkoŽivot Career Г©lelmiszer online Workshops Lifelong Learning Young Entrepreneurs My Home Tips and Tricks Leisure Announcements Games Workshop Г©lelmiszer online Hobby Courses Inspiration Г©lelmiszer online Biographies News Flash tips Alpha PLUS Blog
According to Anic dictionary of foreign words, Г©lelmiszer online and aflatoxin are chemical Г©lelmiszer online compounds known in several Г©lelmiszer online isomers of formula C 17 H 10 O 6, is very toxic and carcinogenic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus, which grows on peanuts, the nuts and some grains.
These are probably the best known and most researched toxins in the world, and people are interesting because they are associated with many bolestma in animals and humans. The reason is that the exploration of aflatoxins exhibit mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic (causing fetal malformation) Г©lelmiszer online properties. Г©lelmiszer online Belong to the strongest known carcinogenic substances of natural origin. After prolonged exposure of the body to these compounds, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to human health. Г©lelmiszer online Behind called Г©lelmiszer online aflatoxin hides several compounds of which B 1 is considered the most dangerous. The discovery of aflatoxin
The compounds were discovered Г©lelmiszer online in the 1950s when in England on farms in several months 100,000 turkeys died. The new disease was named Turkey Г©lelmiszer online X disease. After some time, he soon discovered that the disease is not limited to turkeys. It caught ducks and pheasants. The investigation is sick animals connected with food, namely Brazil nuts. It turned out that a nut kills other animals Г©lelmiszer online not only turkeys and it is a fungus Г©lelmiszer online Aspergillus flavus by which aflatiksini name - A. flavus.
Aspergillus flavus Г©lelmiszer online and another species of the same genus A. parasiticus, are predominantly responsible for aflatoxins. Aspergillus belong to ubkvitarne mold, which means they are naturally widespread and present in the environment. Crops are particularly susceptible to mold growth if during growth and ripening were exposed to significant atmospheric oscillations or if stored in an inadequate manner with high levels of humidity and higher Г©lelmiszer online temperatures. With favorable temperature and humidity of the molds grow on different types such as peanuts, dried fruits, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecan nuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts) and spices and grains Г©lelmiszer online (mostly maize).
These compounds can be found in animal products - meat and milk - if the animals were fed contaminated food. Since the aflatoxin-resistant high tamperature is in the products obtained from contaminated raw materials such as vegetable Г©lelmiszer online oils, peanut butter and cosmetics. Molecule of aflatoxin in the body can enter breathing and inhalation of contaminated air or by entering through the digestive tract. Production of aflatoxin is optimal at relatively high temperatures, and the greatest danger of contamination in hot and humid climates. The optimum temperature is 32 C and humidity of 15% and more. Although tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and South America are considered problematic areas, aflatoxins are found in temperate regions of North America and Europe.
What will be the consequences of toxic contamination in animals depends on many factors - the type of animal, age, sex and diet. Studies have shown that younger animals are more susceptible to serious consequences, even though the elderly are not immune to aflatoxins. The consequences can range from gastrointestinal Г©lelmiszer online dysfunction and reduced reproducibility to anemia Г©lelmiszer online and jaundice. Aflatoxins in the body most affected by the liver.
In humans, long exposure to aflatoxin leads to a higher Г©lelmiszer online risk of developing liver cancer, but exposure to these compounds is the most dangerous for children because it can lead to a backlog in development. The exposure also leads to a low immune system and the body becomes more susceptible to viral diseases. High doses of aflatoxin can cause acute poisoning, hepatic necrosis, cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure and even mental changes, and coma. Exposure to low levels for long periods does not cause such dramatic Г©lelmiszer online symptoms. Acute poisoning mycotoxins in European and American countries are almost Г©lelmiszer online unknown. Prevention
The only option to combat these dangerous compounds is prevention, and that prevention when growing food. During the collection and storage of food is necessary to keep the guidelines by which the presence of harmful mold and aflatoxin minimized. The main factors Г©lelmiszer online on which depends whether the mold develop as temperature and humidity. If you are taking care of them, the problem should not be.
It should also be noted that there are studies that have shown that certain lactic acid bacteria can remove significant amounts of mycotoxins in milk, which is an encouraging task. Control of storage Г©lelmiszer online conditions and control the levels prescribed in animal foods are the only way to aflatoxin Г©lelmiszer online levels do not rise to a level dangerous to human and animal health

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Krk cheese is a native Croatian island cheese that belongs to a group of hard, full-fat cheeses pro

Krk cheese aroma yoghurt with and without additives testing rheological properties of stirred yoghurt during long-term storage using the dynamic test Oscillating quality milk some delivery areas in Croatia
Krk cheese is a native Croatian island cheese that belongs to a group of hard, full-fat cheeses produced from raw, thermally oreo nabisco untreated sheep milk. Latest research Krk cheese were carried out in the mid of the last century. oreo nabisco Since then there have been some changes in the technology of production of this cheese. Autochthony production and properties of Krk cheese are the basis of any codes to protect its geographical origin. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the quality of sheep milk for cheese production Krk, quality whey (as raw material oreo nabisco in the production of cottage cheese) and cheese, and manufacturing technology of Krk cheese on the family farm (farm) of the island. The analysis of the composition of sheep milk for cheese production Krk determined the average values of the following parameters: Fat 7.81%, 5.59% protein, 4.97% lactose, dry matter 19.04%, non-fat dry matter 11,06 %, pH 6.66, titratable acidity of 9.41 SH and the freezing point of - 0.555 C. Somatic cell count (SCC) was an average of 407,000 cells / mL, and the total number of microorganisms (UBM) 950 000/mL. Average composition of Krk cheese was: 34.38% fat, 23.24% protein, dry matter 63.22%, water in fat-free dry matter 57.36%, fat in dry matter 54.38%, 1.97% salt , pH 5.78; lactic acid 1.216; WSN / TN 10.15% and TCNSN / TN 6.28%. Results oreo nabisco of microbiological analysis of Krk cheese show that only 55% of the analyzed samples of cheese corresponding provisions of the Regulations oreo nabisco on microbiological standards for foodstuffs (Official Gazette, 46/94.). Necessary modifications in the technology of production of sheep milk and cheese to raise the microbiological oreo nabisco quality and reducing variability in the composition and quality of Krk cheese between OPG, in order to prepare the cheese oreo nabisco to protect quality labels geographical indications (PGI). . Aroma yoghurt with and without additives
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes that occur during storage of some probiotic dairy products, depending on the duration and temperature of storage. In this paper, the percentage of components aroma samples of probiotic yoghurt during storage at + 4 C and 20 C. Determined as acetaldehyde, diacetyl, ethanol, and lactic, citric and acetic oreo nabisco acid, and analysis were carried out starting from the 0-th day, every fifth day for 20 days. Acetaldehyde, ethanol, and lactic, citric and acetic acid were determined by enzymatic methods and colorimetric diacetyl. The results show that the share of acetaldehyde decreased during storage with a faster decline in concentration at 20 C. On the other hand, the concentration of diacetyl, ethanol and acetic acid growth during storage at both temperature levels. The concentration of lactic acid during storage at both increasing temperature and after 20 days of storage increases twofold. oreo nabisco Also the concentration of citric acid and doubles during storage. The increase of all determinations of organic acids is slightly higher at higher storage temperatures. . Examination of the rheological properties of liquid yogurt oreo nabisco during long-term storage oreo nabisco using the dynamic test Oscillating
The intent of this study was to investigate the rheological properties of liquid yogurt oreo nabisco during prolonged storage at 4 and 8 C. Preliminarily determined optimum amount of additives to increase the dry matter content of milk (whole milk powder, oreo nabisco whey-lactalbumin) and the fermentation. During oreo nabisco the 42 days, or 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of storage in a refrigerator at 4 and 8 C, the change oreo nabisco of pH, acidity and rheological properties of liquid yogurt using the dynamic oscillation method. The results showed that the addition of whole milk powder or whey protein, affect the rheological properties of liquid yogurt. Longer-term storage of liquid yogurt and results of dynamic oscillations indicate permanent higher value storage module (elasticity) G 'and dominated by the elastic properties of a viscoelastic oreo nabisco product, in relation to the loss modulus (viscosity) G''. Increasing the value of the modulus of elasticity and viscosity module is constantly taking place, and at pH 4.0 and below, as an indication of renovation longer chain in the structure oreo nabisco of the curd. Different storage temperatures were not significantly influenced by changes in the rheological properties of the tested types of liquid yogurt and the relationship above modules kept the same tendency to increase. . The quality of milk some delivery areas in Croatia
The bulk samples of cow's milk with five delivery regions in Croatia, a chemical composition and hygienic quality. The milk quality during the one-year period oreo nabisco (1998/99). Ie before accepting the Ordinance on the quality of fresh raw milk. The purpose of the clean

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

From the balancing tank milk goes into the section for recovering heat standardizator nanotechnolog

Sterilization is the heating of milk at t over 100 C with the aim to destroy the power and njihovinih dispute [1]. The industry used the following two methods of sterilization in the packaging, 110-120 on C/10-40 min. flow, 130-150 o C / seconds (indirect and direct).
With the injection of milk into water vapor or vice versa. Coming to the turbulence which evens out the whole mass, so that the duration of the heating can be very short. Suspension of steam condensate is done in a vacuum chamber. Due to the evaporation of the water comes to a sharp decline t, much faster than in the tubular heat exchangers.
Predgrijevanjem increases thermal satbilnost milk. This is done by translating the Ca 2 + in the insoluble salts of phosphoric and citric acid. These salts are usually deposited on the surface of casein particles are called colloidal nanotechnology in food packaging fraction of calcium. Then followed:
From the standpoint of homogenization is better to be done after sterilization, because after her milk is not subjected to higher mechanical shocks. However, the microbiological point of view it is better to be done before sterilization because it is possible recontamination in the homogenizer. Because this is a great start stump maintenance higjene homogenizer and the pump which delivers milk homogenizer.
Then enters the court where the expansion is held constant vacuum that fits t of 77 C. Here condensation of injected nanotechnology in food packaging steam evaporates nanotechnology in food packaging and thus cools the current product. Vacuum-is set up so that the entire amount of water in the water vapor is inserted into the injector evaporates in the expansion Court.
6th Fill and seal packaging. Sterilized milk goes into the buffer tank, then the machine nanotechnology in food packaging for a leakage. Packaging must be sterile, impermeable to gases and light, odorless and taste and to stand up to heat and chemical treatment.
7th Storage and delivery. Sterilized milk kept at room t (20 o C). His durability is 2-3 mjeseca.Vodena steam sterilization must be absolutely clean as it comes into direct contact with the milk. This method of sterilization, injection of water vapor also called uperisation. . Indirect
From the balancing tank milk goes into the section for recovering heat standardizator nanotechnology in food packaging [2], then the homogenizer, then the heat exchanger section for sterilization that, warm water vapor, then the cooling section (recuperation, then cold water), buffer tank and packaging .
Perform sterilization containers may be discontinuous in rotating autoclaves or continuous conveyor where the bottles are translated through the heating section, sterilizing and cooling. In this second nascina of utilization of heat and energy is larger and better quality products.
In addition to the heat, there are other natural methods of sterilization, as well as radiation (UV, microwaving), etc. which is very rarely used in the retail industry. milk processing. Chemical methods of sterilization (acids, alkalis, salts) are used only for preserving the sample for analysis in the quality control of milk or products.
[1] Milk podvrgnoto regime sterilization is called Sterilized, not sterile, because the ordinance allows the sterilized milk may be several per ml. [2] Sometimes the line does standardizat, because all the milk pasterizuje, so when pasterizacji carry out standardization. Number of pages: 4,582
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Educational Course to move to the new edition of ISO / IEC 17020 Novi Sad, 12.07.2013. Course manager for ISO 17025 Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course for ISO 9001 manager Novi Sad, 14-15.12.2013. Course HACCP administrator Novi Sad, 21-22.12.2013.
The biological value and nutritional importance of milk Cheddar, Feta cheese physical properties of milk Dutch cheese Homogenization of milk Yogurt Kačkavalj unsweetened condensed milk sweetened condensed milk cheeses classification criteria Butter Milk Powder Characteristics and composition of milk Other products based on milk pasteurization of milk Pasteurized milk Cream Prebiotics in the dairy industry Reception The use of milk in the dairy whey protein concentrate in the production of fermented milk products Probiotics industrial milk products Sensory analysis of cheese whey separation milk cheese spread, cream-type quark starter cultures in milk technology sterilized milk drying nanotechnology in food packaging milk Švajcars

Monday, November 25, 2013

Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. T

4th Standardization. What percentage of fat will set depends on who we want to make cheese. Grease is set to proteins. The milk used to make cheese diageo distilleries should have a greater ratio protein / fat, because it has more protein, diageo distilleries protein gel is thicker and easier to compose in his fat and other ingredients (ie, the better to grasp). What is mechanically diageo distilleries fit into this gel into the whey.
Negative impact on the properties of milk pasteurization: Ca at high temperature can exceed the insoluble form, and is such a useless, leading to the formation of a softer curd [2]. Processing curd is difficult and takes longer, and whey syneresis slowly unfolds.
7th Preparing diageo distilleries for coagulation. Added chemicals and starters. Ca concentration diageo distilleries in the milk is not sufficient diageo distilleries and is added in the form of CaCl second To be added to the input 10-15g/100kg milk. Ca is added mandatory, because diageo distilleries it affects primarily on getting a solid curd suitable for processing. In some countries, HNO 3 was added, to prevent swelling of the cheese milk contains bacteria if butyric acid [3]. For us it is not allowed. Color must be natural, diageo distilleries eg b-carotene, etc. They are not necessary, are added in order to achieve some specific smooth the cheese (more intensive yellow, diageo distilleries pink dots at the intersection, etc.). This is added to the starter and [4], to got used to the maximum, and thus exhibited activity for zrijenja.
Can be used monocultures or polyvalent culture (more microorganisms in combination), and can be used in combination with a starter and a mold (Roquefort, Camembert cheese); selection depends on the type of cheese that we produce.
8th Coagulation. For most cheeses involves the addition of proteolytic enzymes of different origin, and rarely effect of organic acids mainly in combination with proteolytic enzymes (fresh cheese).
During the coagulation of the transformation of casein salt conditions in the gel state, which is manifested in the formation of protein networks that fit fat, liposoluble diageo distilleries vitamins and undissolved salt. . Coagulating enzyme chymosin is obtained from the stomach of young ruminants extraction with NaCl. With aging animal chymosin goes into pepsin. Only a few weeks after birth there chymosin, which means that we have slaughtered a young calf to come to chymosin. Because of this, they wanted a new preparations.
Coagulation of milk chymosin is performed at 30-32 C. Optimal t of chymosin is 37-40 C, in the stomach of ruminants is formed, and it is the optimal action. However, the coagulation of this t do not receive the Characteristics of a good curd which reduces yield.
Phase I (enzymatic, biochemical). Chymosin causes hydrolysis diageo distilleries of k-casein [5] on the para-k-casein and macropeptide (goes with whey), thus changing diageo distilleries characteristics k-casein. In this way the casein micelles lose its stability, because losing diageo distilleries hydrated layer (macropeptide).
Phase II (non-enzymatic). Para-k-casein flokulise in the presence of Ca 2 + and Ca obtained by k-caseinate. Then the particles of Ca-caseinate to connect with each other and create a 3D protein network - a gel that fit other components diageo distilleries of milk. It is in fact grus.
Amount of chymosin that is used for the coagulation of milk is a function of enzyme activity [6]. Thus, the enzymes are added at a concentration such that the coagulation takes 20-40 min. Light coagulation of milk depends on many other factors, of which the most important are: t, c (Ca 2 +), the pH of milk, milk type c (SM, first of all, proteins that are substrates of the reaction). diageo distilleries
Pepsin diageo distilleries can be used in combination with chymosin. I have a weak characteristics of the curd. Mikrobiloloski diageo distilleries enzymes. Obtained from the mold, which is used most of Mucor miehei. There are many commercial names for these enzymes, usually by the names of factories that produce them. Microbiological protease as opposed to non-specific enzymes chymosin as degraded k-casein to a larger number of components. diageo distilleries
9th Processing curd [7]. The aim is to mechanically accelerate syneresis of whey and whey separates from the curd. This operation involves cutting the curd, stirring, dogrijevanje and drying grain curd and whey drain.
First performed longitudinally and then transversely cut the curd with special diageo distilleries knives called. harps. The grain size affects the texture of the curd cheese. If the products are cheese, curd grain size should be smaller. The average size after cutting should be at 1-3 mm.
The heating time is from 10 to 40 minutes and depends on the type of cheese, but it is important that the temperature is gradually increased, usually about 1 C/2min. If dogrijevanje diageo distilleries suddenly created around grain curd solid membrane (epidermis) which prevents the separation of whey and negatively affects the quality of the cheese.
When the temperature reached dogrijevanja, followed by drying the grains at this temperature, with constant stirring, to achieve a further dehydration of the grain. Disabling mixing, grains stick together in a mass siRNA, after which the whey is released.
on pressing. Size of pressure depends on the type and weight of the cheese. If the weight is higher diageo distilleries and the pressure

Planted henna should regularly zaljevati that should be abundantly zaljevati del monte monterey bec

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Newest Last year, missing more than 3000 OPG's a sad story of a family farm further rise in prices of maize and wheat Acid indigestion or acidosis cattle loan from the UAE will provide four times higher yields in Serbian agriculture Croatia gets new law on wine for an easier way of grapes to the shelves in France farmers block highway term decline in the price of soybean harvester Introduced new C Series 9206 carousel instead of the domestic dairy processing milk Tests import price of wheat in Croatia's 2013 application of zeolites in agriculture serbia payment incentives in agriculture for 2012 to 2013 YHS-004 growth carp Duro Dakovic županja growing plum profitability accurate herbicide plant breeding Lipizzaner marigold height Read more news
These dwarf forms are grown as indoor flowers. High henna have a very nice piece, del monte monterey and the thin flower. They are suitable del monte monterey for planting in the two lines, so that the garden can create intimacy. The most beautiful henna are of medium height with a curvaceous red flower, a leaf is also sturdy and decorative. These henna is mostly used as garden flowers.
For planting canna be in the fall to prepare the soil and the soil tillage and fertilization performed with NPK fertilizers. These flowers are sensitive to low temperatures, so the appearance of the first autumn frosts have taken out of the country. Stems henna is cut to a height of 10-15 cm, and rhizomes are taken to preserve as much of the country that turf during the winter keeps rhizomes from drying out. Rhizomes are put into storage and stacked in a pile.
As a warehouse can serve dry basement where the constant temperature 10 degrees Celsius. In early March rhizomes del monte monterey presents Henna flowers sensitive del monte monterey to low temperatures, del monte monterey so the appearance of the first autumn frosts have taken out of the country from storage, clean the land and share. Sod can be divided into 5-7 parts, but so that every part of the stay two to three buds. After dividing rhizomes del monte monterey are planted in warm leju which will soon chase shoots. By mid-May, the plant will reach 15-20 cm in height and can then be planted in the garden at the desired earlier del monte monterey pripljemljeno place. In this way, we intend to avoid getting killed del monte monterey by spring frost, and we get early flowering. del monte monterey
Planted henna should regularly zaljevati that should be abundantly zaljevati del monte monterey because the only way we can get a well-developed del monte monterey flowers, and constantly del monte monterey blooming of the appearance of autumn frosts. The plan to breed rice and rice gives each new canoe and a new flower. So do not intend to plant density because then quickly reproduce and give a lot of flowering. For so many leaf and flower, as already mentioned, del monte monterey and the soil should be well into the fall fertilize.
Against plant diseases henna successful protection after dividing del monte monterey rhizomes, and before planting. This measure applies the same as for other bulb flowers. Kane is a bit like a grown flowers, so the diseases do not occur.
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is pe

on admission dry storage temperature and choice of milk. The quality dry storage temperature of milk for unsweetened condensed milk must meet stringent criteria dry storage temperature because evaporated milk contains concentrated milk dry matter and what is the product for longer storage.
The high content of dry matter adversely affects the stability of the protein in the milk of the system, especially if exposed to high temperatures. If milk is also increased acidity dry storage temperature can come to a complete destabilization of the coagulation system during sterilization.
However, the primary objective is: Increasing dry storage temperature the thermal stability of concentrated milk during processing. By increasing the thermal dry storage temperature stability comes because much of it is in the thermal treatment reduces the amount of soluble calcium in milk. Influencing the viscosity of the final product [2].
about Uparavasnje. In order to increase the dry matter to the desired value [3] is concentrating by evaporation of some of the water from the milk. Evaporation takes place in a multistep vacuum evaporator heat exchanger types.
of Standardization (II). Adjusts the overall content of the SM [4] in the now paired milk. It is performed by the addition dry storage temperature of water, dry storage temperature skim milk or homogenized cream. Carried out in tanks for standardization at a temperature of 5 C.
During the re-standardization of the milk are added salt stabilizers in order to increase its stability at elevated temperature. For this purpose the carbonate or bicarbonate (Ca, K, Na), citric acid and citrates (K, Na), phosphates, dry storage temperature etc. Stabilišućeg essence of action of these salts is their high affinity to Ca.
Sterilization filled and sealed cans is performed in a continuous dry storage temperature autoclave at 100 o C to 120 o C/15-20 minutes. Sterilizer is composed of three parts: part of predgrijevanje, sterilization and cooling, and cans moving on a rotating beams. And the turn around its axis in order to accelerate the transfer of heat.
Sterilization thickened milk flow, before the package is performed by briefly indirect warming at about 130-140 C/15-20s. This mode is the least pronounced negative effect of temperature on the stability of the protein in milk.
of storage. It has been found that it is the quality changes over time and storage temperature. dry storage temperature Because of this, in recent times this product, and if it is permanent, dry storage temperature not kept at 20 C than at somewhat lower temperatures (10 C).
Because of the possibility of corrosion of cans relative humidity of the room should dry storage temperature be below 50%. During storage is done by tumbling cans, the more frequently the product is intended for long keeping. This prevents the formation of layers of fat on the surface, that due to the long standing and low temperature cured, and makes it difficult dry storage temperature to re-emulsifying fat in the product.
Due to its composition and properties of evaporated dry storage temperature milk is very much used in the diet, and usually not directly. It is used in the household as an adjunct in the preparation of various products, as well as in various branches of the food industry (the addition of coffee, confectionery, ice cream, etc.).
Mikrobilološke if spores of Bacillus and Clostridium species survive dry storage temperature sterilization: sweet clotting protein degradation bulging cans. Reinfection, in case of bad closing cans, leading to kiselomliječne fermentation and coagulation.
[1] In practice it is often called, and evaporated milk. Evaporation - removing part of the water from the milk. [2] heat treatment temperature affects the viscosity of KNM and KZM, or the tendency to increase in viscosity during dry storage temperature storage. This defect is called the age clotting and result of the physico-chemical changes, and no microbiological porijekla.Medjutim while at KNM simply with increasing t thermal dry storage temperature treatment decreases the viscosity, KZM in the following situations: t about 65 C and over 120 C reduces the viscosity products and the tendency to subsequent increase of viscosity during storage, at 90-100 C increase clotting tendency to old-age, t lower than 65 C even lead to a decrease dry storage temperature in viscosity during storage.
Although the appearance of old-age clotting dry storage temperature affects the whole range of factors (viscosity, composition of milk, dry matter content, the amount of sugar added (at KZM), t of storage, etc.) one can say that the main cause of these defects changes of proteins, especially casein. The first leads to the formation of agglomerates clusters of casein dry storage temperature micelles, thus imobilizuje much of the dispersing dry storage temperature agent and causes an increase in viscosity.
Registration dry storage temperature is free. Members each week by e-mail we send our magazine with news from the food industry, professional publications, notifications of new regulations and technical literature, seminars and competitions. Members can use our forum. Of course, you can always unsubscribe.
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cooling of the crystallization. During cooling crystallisation of lactose for: lowering the tempera

Sweetened condensed milk is the product obtained by removing some of the water from milk, which is then added to the high concentration of sugar in order to increase sustainability (osmoanabiotski food preservation method).
Standardization of I. At this stage of the process used to set the ratio of fat to SNF, so it complies with the regulations [1]. Performs a compilation of material balance (added to other fat milk, skim milk or cream).
of heat treatment. It is very important because sterilization is not running. Therefore, the goal of complete destruction osmofilnih and thermophilic microorganisms and enzyme inactivation (mainly lipase and proteolytic).
o Adding sugar. Is added in order to increase sustainability. Sucrose is preferably added - in a crystalline form or in the form of a 65% solution. Benefits of using sucrose foods in india as: good solubility, which at high concentrations is not crystallized. Not easily foods in india susceptible to fermentation. Fits habits.
For quality products and it is important to place added sugar. The optimum time adding sucrose before the end of evaporation or after evaporation. Adding before thermal treatment leads to an increase thermoresistence bacteria and their enzymes and increases the tendency to clot the age. Pass before evaporating. Increases the possibility of old-age foods in india clotting, and increased temperature boiling foods in india milk with added sugar, would be a problem during foods in india evaporation, and high viscosity of such a solution.
on Standardization II. During the re-standardization control the total dry matter, sugars and fats, and on the basis that determines the desired ratio of sucrose to total dry matter and adjust the concentration of total solids.
Cooling of the crystallization. During cooling crystallisation of lactose for: lowering the temperature, a high concentration of lactose (> 10%) the presence of high concentrations of added sugar and relatively low water content.
Lactose has the ability to produce presićene, metastable solutions, in which the presence of nucleation leads to the crystallization mass. For quality KZM is very important that the amount of lactose that will certainly unfold, not in the form verlikih foods in india crystals, which produces poredstavljalo flaw (SanDisk).
Due to its composition, a high concentration of total solids and sugar in particular, is not used directly in the diet. It is used in the preparation of various household products (coffee, ice cream, pudding, cream, foods in india beverages, etc.), then the confectionery industry as a source of components of milk and sweetness.
Physico-chemical: SanDisk. The most common flaw of this product. Only incurred during the production or storage of the result of the improper seeding, irregular crystallization (slow cooling, sufficiently intense mechanical foods in india treatment), a high concentration of dry matter of milk and sucrose, low viscosity, very low storage temperature, and other factors. SanDisk cause large crystals of lactose. Increase in viscosity. It is known as the age clotting. Mana is caused by changes in the protein. The formation foods in india of a sediment. Changes in color and taste.
Mikrobilološke, can be caused foods in india by bacteria, molds and yeasts (this product is not sterilized): Bacteria. Can cause coagulation products, and can be avoided by a high concentration of lactose foods in india in the aqueous phase. Molds. Also induce formation of agglomerates, and odor. To prevent infection molds recommended foods in india closing cans under vacuum, and their eventual foods in india development prevents the low-temperature storage (15 C). Yeasts. Lead to the transformation of sucrose into alcohol and CO 2 and bulging cans. The infection most commonly originates from sugar. Prevents foods in india the high concentration of sugar in the aqueous phase (> 63%) and microbiological control of sugar that enters into the process.
Registration is free. Members each week by e-mail we send our magazine with news from the food industry, engineering texts, information about new regulations and professional literature, seminars and competitions. Members can use our forum. Of course, you can always unsubscribe.
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Friday, November 22, 2013

Generally, there is strong scientific evidence for the beneficial effects heranba of bioflavonoids

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Many people are fighting a battle with illness. In our body on a daily basis has a large amount of harmful substances in different ways - food, water, air. And what we take to be rid of, antidotes that we take in order to help your body to freely perform natural functions without excessive spending to fight with them? We want you to age quickly or slowly? Slowly, of course, but it is not a process heranba that will unfold itself. It just takes a bit of knowledge that we maintain long youth and health. heranba In ancient civilizations terms "pomlađivač" and "Elixir" were in everyday use. Remember, these are not miracles! Unstable thieves
In our body there is a multitude of harmful substances generated as products of metabolism and external influences. Some of them are free radicals, which can be considered very unstable molecule. Specifically, for survival they lack a single molecule, and to make it up for and maintain it, take molecules from healthy cells of the body, degrade them and bind them. The process of binding free radicals for healthy cells of our bodies literally causes aging and leads to various diseases. This process heranba can be stopped, or at least slow down, and the key role of antioxidants, which can be applied to the officers who constantly catch the crooks, or free radicals. The first defensive ranks
Antioxidants heranba are extremely important group of different compounds in our bodies that make up the defensive line against free radicals. Our body is able to produce antioxidants with the help of certain types of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. By entering larger amounts of such foods help the body, especially in the disease state, it effectively heranba maintains the required level of immunity. Most antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables, heranba and most often are the pigments that give them color. It is wrong to think that only vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, best known as antioxidants, may be carriers of antioxidant defense, and that was just enough to take them in order to cover their antioxidant heranba needs of your body.
Bioflavonoids, among which the most significant citrus bioflavonoids, heranba brave as our helpers of the immune heranba system, in the form of a large number of natural compounds, which are formed within the plant, preventive work in different diseases. As his good sources point out the grapefruit and lemon, because in them bioflavonoids found in whole fruit and husks, especially in the crust. heranba
Generally, there is strong scientific evidence for the beneficial effects heranba of bioflavonoids on the body. It has been proven that they can positively affect the function of the damaged veins and capillaries, reducing their fragility and improve blood circulation. When it citrus bioflavonoids, numerous studies have shown to have antithrombotic properties, which may be useful in treating phlebitis and some blood-clotting disorders.
Some bioflavonoids are used in the food industry as food additives in order to prevent the oxidation of fats, but also to increase the nutritional value of food and biodiversity. In addition, citrus bioflavonoids increase the effectiveness of vitamin heranba C, which leads to the conclusion that taking vitamin C as one of the most powerful vitamin that helps the immune system, however, is not in itself enough.
One of the best and most accessible source of citrus heranba bioflavonoids extract of grapefruit heranba seeds. Interestingly, it was discovered only thirty years ago on a pig farm in the vicinity of which the factory was located in what is produced grapefruit juice. Remnants squeezed grapefruit juice producers heranba have given farmers, who used them as food for pigs. After some time, they noticed heranba that the pigs ceased to spread an unpleasant smell, followed by grapefruit juice producers decided to investigate the cause of this phenomenon. They came to the conclusion that they just squeezed grapefruit residues in food which farmers fed pigs cause termination embarrassing me

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Contact and orders

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A woman who is not feeding properly can still have a healthy baby, but it will be detrimental to th

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A woman who is not feeding properly can still have a healthy baby, but it will be detrimental to their health. If you have nutritional deficiencies, the body will make milk production to number 1 priority while mother needs will suffer. It's just like in pregnancy when the fetus's potato wafers nutritional needs were met first, before potato wafers those of the mother. In fact, the baby that weighs a few pounds will get around 1000 calories per day in breast milk!
What it means to feed properly during the lactation period? We compare a mother nursing an athlete participating in the marathon, but the difference does Duration: 24h 4h mother than just the athlete. Getting food and colic Recommendations
Getting Increase water intake, lactation tea with 1 liter per day, so drink about 2.5 - 3 liters of fluid daily. Breast-feeding mothers still tend to be thirsty them more often, especially during feeding sessions, because part of the water consumption contributes to milk production. But do not overdo it: too much liquid ingested may also lower the quality of milk produced. Increase your daily caloric intake to 2500 calories, you can even eat more if you plan to breastfeed for longer potato wafers than three months (2800 calories per day). But again, be careful: Many nursing mothers are tempted by sweets. Stop at healthy foods! Eat more protein: basic rule is to eat 2 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. Share caloric intake over five meals: potato wafers breakfast, lunch, snack

Find out what happens when you quit smoking It is not mandatory to get fat as everyone says around

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Healthy skin from the inside know that what we eat (and what we drink) is reflected in the appearance of our skin. Essential for healthy skin are vitamins A and E. Vitamin A you can find in abundance in fruits and green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange carrots, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, mango, papaya, apricots, melon etc.. Vitamin E is in vegetable oils of all kinds (corn, olive, surgital spa soybean, sunflower), wheat germ, nuts, seeds, surgital spa olives. White flour versus full
Flour diet deprives us of essential nutrients. Although many products are fortified (enriched with certain nutrients) Nutritionists recommend eating whole grain products. Wholemeal, being less processed, contains many of the natural nutrients and is rich in fiber. A high fiber diet prevents diverticulosis, help lower blood cholesterol and apparently offers protection against surgital spa certain cancers.
Yogurt Yogurt is high in protein an excellent food: rich in protein and calcium, contains just as much potassium as a banana, is an excellent source of vitamin B2, improves surgital spa lactose digestion and active cultures present in certain types of yogurt protects against diarrhea surgital spa and strengthen the immune system. Last but not least, increasing immunity, yogurt consumption reduces the risk of colon and breast cancer. I convinced? No day without surgital spa antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds that "neutralizes" free radicals - byproducts of metabolism that the cumulative effect, over time, lead to premature aging, heart disease, arthritis, cataracts, cancer. The good news is that the most important antioxidants - vitamins A (beta carotene), C and E are found in many foods. Good sources of vitamin C are kiwi, orange and grapefruit juice, broccoli, tomatoes, surgital spa cabbage, papaya, potatoes.
Tomato as cover although not yet finalized, several studies suggest that everybody should eat raw tomatoes, especially surgital spa cooked, because abundant in lycopene. It seems that these substances can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast and cervical cancer in women.
Find out what happens when you quit smoking It is not mandatory to get fat as everyone says around you. Some gain, some lose weight, while others remain the same weight. surgital spa However it is much healthier to be a nonsmoker fuller than not trying to quit for fear of pounds. Fattening usually occurs because a replacement with another - constantly crunching. But this can be remedied if,

Monday, November 18, 2013

Libra_ Senior Member mannequin

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good. for some time now we have entered a sort of plateau with canopy weight gain, although keep an Monti quite accurately and correctly. Now, an explanation should be enough: I quit smoking, I started taking the pills, I suffer from chronic constipation and eat something more and more messy. In addition, I have physical activity. noberasco spa Consequently, I directed spreo slightly strict diet, another Monti, but less organized. noberasco spa Man derives from the doctor diet Monti is a glycemic index diet, a dissociation of lipid and carbohydrate, calorie light periods followed by periods of diversification. Montignac apply all the rules that you find in books or, in short, on the site, in girls who keep diaries Monti. Man Diet allows faster weight loss due to a rigid and a more severe restrictions. Ms. Man presents a weight loss regimen consisting of periods, strict, slightly hypocaloric within 14-18 days, followed by an equally long period of diversification, equivalent to Phase I Monti. Repeat this alternation within 14-18 days until we celebrate 3 months ending compulsory diversification, and then go on a maintenance diet, equivalent to Phase 2 Monti. There exist special flours for bread 'lose weight eating' low glycemic index and pastries, pasta with low GI, created by famous nutritionist to find information on the website Dandie from a simple Google search. There are three menu options proposed in weight loss book. I personally have to keep version 3, which allow total freedom of choice over their food at lunch and dinner. I will return all menu options in a future post.
Libra_ Senior Member mannequin
Option 1 snack between meals: raw carrots, cucumbers or almonds (maximum 50 grams almonds / day). Breakfast - every single day săptămnii 1 slice bread "weakens mncnd" Ajit pr 1 apple / 1 grapefruit / 1 thick slice of pomelo 2 fingers / 3-4 plums (fresh or dried) Day 1 PR NZ chicken / turkey / beef cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, leeks DINNER Fish (cod, mackerel, trout, salmon) or Fish (not vegetable oil, squeeze over oil) Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, noberasco spa onions, lettuce, noberasco spa radishes, cauliflower, raw celery, raw carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, cabbage, leeks, asparagus 1 slice bread "weakens mncnd" Day 2 Fresh Fruit NZ PR list: Pineapple , papaya, cherries, apples, pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, grapefruit, kiwi, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, plum, gage. 1 semi-natural yogurt noberasco spa (250 ml PNA) Dinner Beef tomatoes, lettuce, celery, 3-4 large olive, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, noberasco spa cucumbers, leeks, asparagus PR NZ Day 3 of tuna / salmon Oil well drained green beans, lettuce, 1 tomato, peppers, mushrooms, leeks, asparagus 1 grapefruit / 1 apple Dinner Beef / chicken / turkey lettuce, tomato, cucumber, raw celery, leeks, asparagus NZ Day 4 PR 1 boiled egg, 200 g ct much like Swiss / Emmentaler 1 slice bread "weakens mncnd" zucchini, peppers, green beans, onions, noberasco spa leeks, asparagus Grilled Chicken Dinner spinach, noberasco spa peppers, green beans, lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, leeks, asparagus Day 5 PR NZ beef / chicken / turkey spinach, lettuce, cabbage, noberasco spa peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, leeks, asparagus DINNER Fish (cod, mackerel, trout, salmon) or canned ton oil well drained tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, mushrooms, raw carrot, raw celery, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, leeks, asparagus Day 6 Fresh Fruit NZ PR list: pineapple, papaya, cherries, apples, pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, grapefruit, kiwi, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, plum, gage. 1 semi-natural yogurt (250 ml PNA) Dinner Chicken / turkey lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, leeks, asparagus 1 grapefruit / 1 apple Day 7 PR NZ 2 boiled eggs 1 ct countries want natural yoghurt (PNA to 250 ml) or 200 g Emmental type cheese, Swiss cheese zucchini, cauliflower

Sunday, November 17, 2013

FOOD killer Those who want can download the document by clicking this link.

FOOD killer Those who want can download the document by clicking this link.
A study on food security released in France says that half of the food in Romania are infected with cancer-causing substances "aflatoxin". It can not be destroyed unichips spa by boiling or by metabolism. Food phenomenon aflatoxin infection in South-Eastern Europe is known to Western specialists for over 15 years and is called "Balkan syndrome". unichips spa Es intake can make a sausage meat containing only 5%.
In 2004, in Romania explode a scandal importing a lot of red pepper (paprika) in Hungary, infected unichips spa with aflatoxin. The product was immediately withdrawn from the market, but no one was punished. unichips spa Aflatoxin is a carcinogen produced by fungi that infect food stored in poor conditions. It is commonly found in coffee, peanut, corn, nuts and spices. The above-mentioned microorganisms produce several toxins, in which the most dangerous are aflatoxins, which are in turn of more than one. The scandal seemed to have appeared from nowhere, until that time in Romania not heard anything about mushrooms in question. What is it? The story began in 1960 when England died within months 2,000 turkeys. Farmers panicked and asked biologists unichips spa to find out what's causing the disaster. Step by step, it was concluded that all the birds were fed peanut cakes from a single repository and that all died because they were blocked kidneys. After a while, found the culprit: a microscopic fungus. It grows in damp and dark and secrete a toxic substance to the body. Furthermore, the toxin can not be destroyed by boiling or by metabolism. Thus, an animal that ate infected corn toxin forward on the man who consume meat slaughtered. Westerners have taken immediate action, in that they have developed unichips spa a whole industry of storage, different for each product. Such protection system catering called HCCP was taken from NASA specialists, who invented cosmonauts security. Simultaneously, adopted a series of legislative measures that protect the food market for products infected with the deadly toxin. The phenomenon is further studied by Western experts, most countries being monitored from this point of view, producing economic unichips spa effects for those who violate food safety laws.
A study called "Food Safety", published in 2002 in the French journal Food Science and Technology shows that Romania is among the countries infected with mycotoxins. The products analyzed by French native, half soaking also deadly substances. Chapter "Romania" in this document is entitled "Studies Dutton - 1996 ', and Western scientists place our country in the area affected by what they called 15 years ago" Balkan syndrome ". Ever since then it was known that populations of Romania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav space consuming countries heavily infected grain mycotoxin unichips spa producing fungi of "aflatoxin", especially those that attack the kidneys. unichips spa Why? While developed countries have created advanced technologies for food storage to prevent illness mycotoxins population, unichips spa poor countries, including Romania, have not invested anything in this area. If a grain elevator in the Netherlands, for example, even the air is filtered to prevent any infection of the food, the more backward unichips spa countries such as those in Latin America and Eastern Europe, the main problem of storage are mice and rats, the rest being considered insignificant, because the man was not an end in itself, but production. Back in Targoviste, here also did not study and did not say a word about the connection between food and aflatoxin Romanian market. The only data we give ourselves the West, which states unichips spa that at least half of the food they put on the table every day contains cancer-causing substance aflatoxin.
The boundaries of the mycotoxins are hazardous micro-order or nanogramelor per kilogram unichips spa body weight per day (thousandth of a millionth of a gram or g), depending on the type of toxin. If the body receives more importantly, what happens to us every day, mycotoxins attack the genetic material, making it pos