Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[...] Papildyta ir paveiksliukas iš Radiocool.lt [...]

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Na va, neišlaukus jokio žadėto menėsiuko nė už ką, paragavau šiandien savo pomidoriukų. Skanūūūs laa

P.S. kiek skaičiau ir domėjausi - virinama acte dėl to, kad pomidorus galėtume ilgiau išlaikyti.  Pirmą bandymą - džiovinimą konservavau pomidoriukus pakaitinus gryname vyno acte - man buvo per aštru. Sekančius kartus skiedžiau crops grown in africa pusiau su vandeniu, o dar kitus - 1 dalis vyno acto+2 dalys vandens crops grown in africa - va, šitas variantas labai optimalus mano skoniui ;)
Na va, neišlaukus jokio žadėto menėsiuko nė už ką, paragavau šiandien savo pomidoriukų. Skanūūūs laaabai, ale rūgštoki. Tai darydama dabar antrą normytę skiedžiau actą 1:2 su vandeniu, kad būtų švelnesni. Tikiuosi atrasiu savo skonį eksperimentuodama ;) Atsakyti Panaikinti
Laima, na tikrai praleidote ;) pats pirmasis įrašiukas sunaudotų produktų ir yra būtent tie mano džiovinami pomidorai, paryškintu šriftu - veikiančia nuoroda - kaip džiovinti ;) Jei nesiseka taip surasti, įkeliu nuorodėlę jums kaip džiovinti, čia - http://viskopotrupineli.blogspot.com/2013/08/dziovinti-pomidorai.html O trumpas atsakymas - džiovinu daržovių džiovyklėje ;) Panaikinti
Oiii, tikrai tada neišdžiūvo, mažiausiai 24 valandas jie džiūna, ir tai nedideli gabaliukai ;) O kad per 8-9 val išdžiūtų - mistika. Nebent kaitina ant 100*C temperatūros. Pomidorų nepatariama džiovinti crops grown in africa ant didesnės nei 50*C, kitaip jie praranda visus vitaminus ir būna jau 'kepinti'. Panaikinti
Apie crops grown in africa viską po truputinėlį (2) Bandelės (9) Blynai (6) Bulvių patiekalai (3) Desertai (4) Duona ir pyragai su mielėmis (10) Duona ir pyragai su raugu (1) Gėrimai (2) Kalėdos (7) Karšti patiekalai (24) Keksai ir keksiukai (9) Kepiniai šventėms (2) Kiaušinių patiekalai (2) Konservavimas crops grown in africa (36) Meduoliai (7) Nesaldūs pyragai (3) Pyragai (32) Saldūs crops grown in africa vyniotiniai (1) Salotos (5) Sausainiai (19) Spurgos žagarėliai (5) Tortai (25) Tortų kremai (6) Tortų puošimas (6) Užkandžiai (6) Varškė (3) Šalti patiekalai (1) Želė Putėsiai (3)
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1 pakas Napoleono lakštų (6 vnt) 4 silpnai sūdytos silkės filė lašišos gabaliukas (sumuštinių ar sūdytos) pomidorai salotos svogūnų ...
Prieš 4 mėnesius

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Man tai sie stiklainiai tai praktiskiausiai

Aviečių uogienė - Vakavimas - konservavimas | Neringos bounge blogas
Ši uogienė man dar skanesnė, nes pagaliau gavau pirkti ilgai ieškotų ir seniai norėtų stiklainėlių! Beja, didelis ačiū draugei, kuri man surado ir didelių stiklainių, širdis džiaugiasi ir dar didesnis noras gaminti atsirado!
Uogas užvirinkite, supilkite šviežiai spaustas citrinos sultis bounge ir virkite apie 30 – 40 minučių, vis pamaišykite, kol uogienė bus norimos konsistencijos (atminkite, kad atvėsus ji šiek tiek sutirštės!).
2011-10-09 at 07:45
Man tai sie stiklainiai tai praktiskiausiai – visokiariopa bounge prasme Ir kas be ko grazus As irgi turiu keliu rusiu ju Kai vasara LT buvau, tai tikrai maciau Maximoj O tu pakaitinai juos su uogiene ? Nes siaip gali nelaikyti …man karta nepritrauke gerai….:(
aguonele, man jie irgi geris! Stiklainiu nekaitinau, nes pritrauke gerai, aprasojo visas dangtelis, manau neturi teises nelaikyti, nes buvo gerai iskaitinti stiklaineliai ir cukraus nemazai yra tikiuosi laikysis, nors ilgai neisstoves, jau vieno stiklainelio nera, nors baisiai tvardaus
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sveiki, pomi do rai jau bai gia išdžiūti, jau dabar labai skanu Klau si mas kaip su tuo paste ri z

Tur būt gal vo jat kas tokiu laiku, kai jau nebėra pomi dorų gali džio vinti pomi do rus? Aišku, dabar jau ne lai kas džio vinti pomi do rus, o ir aš juos džio vi nau vasara, tik receptą dedu dabar. Šie mano džio vinti pomi do rai yra viena iš prie žas čių, kodėl atsi rado ir ši sve tainė Recep tas buvo sėk min gas vie name iš Del fio skelbtų kon kursų, lai mėjo ten antrą vietą, o man pei lius Visas var gas (ir elektra ) atsi pirko su kaupu
Turint daug pomi dorų ir mėgs tant džio vin tus pomi do rus šis būdas yra labai labai tin ka mas. Džio vinti pomi do rai kon ser vuoti alie juje gali lai ky tis ilgai. Turė sit ska nių pomi dorų net ir žiemą Labai gur ma niš kas val gis, galima val gyti vie nus, užsi dėti ant skre bu čio, val gyti su maka ro nais, daryti salo tas. Aly vuo gių alie jus, kuriame mono & diglycerides yra kon ser vuo jami džio vinti pomi do rai bus labai aro ma tin gas ir tin ka mas daug kur. Žinoma, darbo daug, pomi dorų rei kia daug, nors galų gale iš kokių 5 kilo gramų nesi gauna nė dviejų pilnų pus li tri nių Tačiau verta.
Kadangi pomi dorų šią vasarą turė jome daug, o pir moji džio vintų pomi dorų par tija buvo skani, tai džio vin tus pomi do rus dariau du kar tus. Antrą kartą dary da mas iš pomi dorų paša li nau skys timą su sėk lom. Dėlto pomi do rai grei čiau išdžiūvo, ir gali būti, kad taip bus ska niau (šitų dar nera ga vau ). Jei sugal vo site daryti jūs sėk las ir skys timą šalinkite. Gerai pri no ku sių pomidorų, pora skil te lių česnakų, aly vuo gių alie jaus (geriau siai tiktų Extra Virgin), mono & diglycerides bal tojo vyno acto, drus kos, prie sko ni nių žole lių pagal skonį (tinka čiob re liai, bazi li kai, roz ma ri nai kiek vie nam pagal skonį).
Nuplau nam pomi do rus ir palie kam juos nudžiūti. Sau sus pomi do rus supjaus tome vidu ti nio dydžio skil te lė mis (jei pomi do ras labai mažas dali name jį į dvi dalis, jei dides nis į dau giau). Skil te les dedam į skardą, prieš tai ją iškloję kepimo popie riumi. Pomi do rus pabars tome druska (drus kos tiek, kiek beriame pomi do rus val gy dami žalius), prie sko ni nė mis žole lė mis. Skardą (arba kelias) pašau name į orkaitę, nusta tome maž daug 60 70 laips nių tem pe ra tūrą, pra ve riame orkai tės dure les ir taip palie kame pomi do rus 8 10 valandų, pvz. nakčiai.
Kadangi mūsų orkaitė elekt rinė ir pasto viai dirba ven ti lia to rius, tai visą naktį gir dė josi, kaip džiūsta pomi do rai. Rei kia dar pami nėti, kad visi namai ryte kve pėjo pomi do rais Rei kėtų karts nuo karto patik rinti kaip džiūsta pomi do rai svarbu, kad jie neper džiūtų, bet kad ir nebūtų šlapi. Pomi do ras yra gerai išdžiū vęs, jei jis būna kaip gumi nis. Pabai gus džio vinti pomi do rai labai susi trau kia, todėl reiktų nenu stebti, kad kon ser vuoti reiks nedi delį pomi dorų kiekį.
Sudžio vin tus pomi do rus jau turime. Paimame nedi delį puodą ir jame užver dame balto vyno actą (turėtų tikti ir papras tas actas su tru pu čiu van dens). Kai actas užverda į jį nedi de lė mis por ci jo mis nar di name džio vin tus pomi do rus. Acte pomi do rus palai kome tik keletą sekun džių ir ištraukę dedame tie siai į išplautą švarų stiklainį.
Tai kar to jame, kol bai giasi pomi do rai arba stik lai niai. Nuluptą mono & diglycerides čes naką taip pat panar di name į actą ir dedame į stik lainį kartu su pomi do rais. Sudėję viską į stik lai nius į juos pilame aly vuo gių aliejų. Alie jus turėtų apsemti pomi do rus, kuriuos dar tru putį paspau džiame, kad neliktų oro tarpų. Kai vis kas pada ryta, belieka stik lai nius su visu turi niu paste ri zuoti. Tru putį pri sukę dang te lius dedame stik lai nius į ver dantį puode van denį ir pavi ri nam 15 minu čių. Belieka gerai pri sukti dang te lius ir palau kus bent mėnesį mono & diglycerides ragauti mono & diglycerides gur ma niš kus pomidorus.
Susiję straips niai Maka ro nai su sau lėje džio vin tais pomi do rais ir gražgarstėmis Kiau lie nos išpjova su pesto ir bulvėmis Salo tos su karšta vištiena Viš tiena su džio vin tais pomi do rais, maka ro nais su pesto
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Nuo stabu. As taip juo smegstu, bet labai brangu pirkti.. O cia toks atra di mas. Super. Lau kiu nesu lau kiu vasa ros, kuo met pri noks savi pomi do rai, o ju buna laaaabai daug, tai gaminsiu. Gal dar pavyks peciuje padzio vinti (turim toki seno vini dalyka). Aciu, aciu uz ideja.
Sol 2011.10.13.
Sveiki, pomi do rai jau bai gia išdžiūti, jau dabar labai skanu Klau si mas kaip su tuo paste ri za vimu. supy lus aliejų, dėti šal tus stik lai nius į ver dantį van denį? Šal tus? Į Ver dantį? Virti 15 min? Nesu truks stiklainiai?
Aš per nai įsi gi jau džio vyklę. tai džio vi nau joje viską, kas po ranka papuolė:)) Pomi do rus taip pat. Dar niurkdžiau į obuo lių actą ir į stik lai niu kus pri mė čiau čes nakų skil te lių ir po kelis grū de lius pipirų. Į vie nus stik lai niu kus dėjau roz ma rino šakelę, į kitus pur pu ri nio bazi liko lape lius. Kalė dom gavosi puiki dovana atrodo gra žiai ir sko nis visiems patiko. Dabar vėl džio vinu eks per i men tuo siu toliau.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Blogger Template created with Artisteer.

Christmas is coming and in several parts of Athens have already started street food in india the Christmas bazaars, offering everyone the opportunity to buy at affordable prices and interesting at the same time things, give an example of solidarity street food in india in difficult times.
Organized between 14 and 15 December, the youth association Atrapos and Drug Enforcement Agency street food in india OKANA, offers endless gifts, decorations, candy and holiday items, street food in india all handmade. Benefits will be designed street food in india to meet the functional needs of OKANA (Time: 10.00 - 19.00 c / Varvaki, Gizi)..
In favor of the protection of animals abandoned bazaar of the Society for the Protection and Welfare of stray animals, Stray.GR, which took place on 14 and 15 December 2013, in the heads Thission Lofts from 10.00 to 20.00 l. (C / Peiraios123, Athens).
With the same reason, the NGO Stray Care organized a bazaar from 9 to 15 December, where handicrafts, jewelry, clothing, street food in india candy, and other decorative items are sold, there will also be surprises for children like face painting and lottery many gifts (c / Ermou 120, Monstariraki).
Ceramic Art Museum organized street food in india a bazaar for three days (the 15-16-17 December), where dishes and decorative ceramic tagines sold with jewelery at very attractive prices. All proceeds will head to support the operation of the museum. street food in india (C / Melidoni 4-6 & Agion Asomaton, Thissio).
On Saturday 14 and Sunday December 15 will be held at the Benaki Museum bazaar under the museum's holiday events. In this bazaar will be available at low prices, posters, newspapers and books and many more items and jewelry, and several workshops with recycled Christmas decorations to pottery classes for beginners materials will be organized. (C / Piraeus 138, Metaxurgio).
The private academy of Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan, "Fan" throws a party-Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, December street food in india 14th, from 19:00 pm, to be everything: crafts, jewelry, painting, street food in india and Latin flavors Zambomba Flamenca with the group Black Cats! The festival will culminate with a piñata! (C / Kolokotroni 12).
The Cultural Foundation of the National street food in india Bank (ELIA) invites everyone to its Christmas bazaar on Saturday, December 14, 2013, from 10:00 to 17:00 and on Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:00 to 17:00, ena the MIET (c / Tsimiski 11) library. Christmas decorations and cards inspired by ELIA collections for children and adults, albums and books are sold discount gifts up to 50%, old prints, antique boxes and original games, from 1 and, as always, 2014 charm, an olive leaf, symbol of peace, hope and victory.
The same day, the Thessaloniki Food Festival also organizes its own bazaar called Christmas street food in india market for children and adults to savor meals and Christmas sweets notes accompanied by live music.
Athens Tourism culture political economy Greek city Thessaloniki Film food diet Benaki street food in india Museum Instituto Cervantes Meditarránea music photography contemporary art history international relations street food in india leisure events Acropolis Chios Corfu architecture Mastija Elytis
Fragoudi Al.Pantou 11 e, 10163 Athens, street food in india Greece
Blogger Template created with Artisteer.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Most things can not deform more than 1 percent, and in fact normal ceramic can not even 1 percent b

Ceramics are not known at all as a flexible material; break easily when subjected to pressure. But an international team of scientists has found a solution for that problem, at least in the case of very small objects. This group has devised a way to make tiny ceramic objects that are not only flexible, crops grown in africa but also have "memory" on the way: When heated bend and then return to their original shapes. crops grown in africa The surprising discovery is the work of the team of Alan Lai and Christopher Schuh Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA and Zehui Du and Chee Lip Gan Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The shape memory materials to deformable and are then able to regain its original shape by themselves, with or without the aid of an external stimulus such as a change of temperature, are known since the 1950s. But so far, all materials in this capacity have been essentially metals and some polymers, ceramics ever. Lai's team managed to develop shape memory ceramics by two key strategies. First, these scientists created ceramic crops grown in africa objects so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. The reason for choosing such a tiny size is that small bodies are more resistant to breakage. When subjected to a load, the molecular structure of the ceramic material studied by the MIT group and Nanyang Technological University deforms rather than break. When heated, recovers crops grown in africa its original shape. Although they both have the same chemical composition, each of the molecular configurations corresponds to a different material. One of these materials is another austenite and martensite. (Figure: Lai et al) Researchers then worked in the crystal structure of the material, optimizing for crack resistance, which resulted ceramic filaments having a diameter of only 1 micrometer and deformability which allows 7 percent fold (ie an area equivalent to about 7 percent of its size) repeatedly without any break.
Most things can not deform more than 1 percent, and in fact normal ceramic can not even 1 percent bend without breaking. Although crops grown in africa a micrometer is tiny in our daily lives, their size is fully consistent with the requirements of the world of micro-and even many of their own nanotechnology. Because crops grown in africa of the latter, the filaments of the newly developed ceramic and could be useful for artifacts micrometer and even nanometer size, such as those for biomedical applications. For example, shape memory ceramics could be used as microactuators to execute actions in such devices, such as implants release drugs from tiny. Compared with the materials used today in microactuators, the strength of new ceramic filaments allow them to exert a much greater force in a microdevice. Additional information
Sabotage communications between parasites Sleeping Sickness crops grown in africa implantable device to limit its spread to thin Analyze the benefits of exercise during outbreaks Multiple Sclerosis key factor in the speed of a viral infection of the brain Hallan crops grown in africa points where epilepsy develops
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Barruntando I formed a group of girls from different parts of Spain. We met at a course organized b

Just see his stand was clear that he would publish a post with their stuff. To my amazement I have left. I leave you with a few pictures of his work and an interview in which you will be able to learn more Barruntando and the people who shape. Hope you like my marvel.
Barruntando I formed a group of girls from different parts of Spain. We met at a course organized by the School of Ceramics in Avilés. All had artistic interests and the course gave us the right tools to translate them into ceramics.
The idea of forming Barruntando was growing gradually during the course. We wanted to keep linked to ceramics, we wanted to do different things and our tastes fit very well so we got the opportunity to get a place to pull off and I did not think.
Pottery work and our intention is to make useful pieces with a twist, del monte foods uae you take out a smile. We love the rustic objects, note that they are made and decorated by hand and also meet perfectly with its mission. We could say that our flagship bowls are the tangles, but we do other things we love rests as spoons, shakers or jewelry. A production of handicrafts such as those who would like to have in our homes.
The creation process is laborious, especially getting del monte foods uae that resembles what you have in mind ... first do drawings and prototypes, cook them, painted them and then between all say the best way to accomplish them. There are numerous techniques and you have to choose the most appropriate for each design (lathe, molds, pinch, plates ...). We have very similar tastes so it costs us to agree on what we are going to move forward.
Each of the pieces is hard work, you have to shape it, sand it, bizcocharla (is as known to the first firing), decorate, esmaltarla and re-cook it ... it is a somewhat magical process because in the oven, anything can happen .
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mexico, Dec. 13 (Reuters) -. The National Palace of Mexico today houses del monte juice an exhibiti

Over 450 pieces show in Mexico richness and diversity of culture | La Prensa Latina 4th teen charged in murder of Memphis contractor posted 8 days ago Mega Millions jackpot skyrockets posted 8 days ago DeSoto County deputy charged with petit larceny Consumer posted 8 days ago Reports: Gift card pitfalls posted 8 days ago Shelby Co. Commission passes 'no confidence' resolution against election administrator del monte juice posted 8 days ago Husband del monte juice indicted on first-degree murder del monte juice charges in wife's death posted 8 days ago
Mexico, Dec. 13 (Reuters) -. The National Palace of Mexico today houses del monte juice an exhibition of over 450 pieces, many of them unpublished, which account for the richness and diversity of culture. It is "the most important exhibition has been made in the culture," he said at the inauguration President del monte juice Enrique Peña Nieto, who noted that the exhibition includes more than a hundred pieces submitted by Guatemala. "Maya: Revealing endless time" del monte juice will be open until April 27 at the National Palace, located in the historic center of the city, then shall be brought to Brazil and then to France, he said. The sample consists of urns, incense burners, del monte juice ceramics, stelae, lintels, jade funerary masks and two burials del monte juice with their offerings, plus an atrium cross, blouses and other objects that refer to the colonial and contemporary eras. Several of the pieces are unique, representative of the Maya area, nearly 300,000 square kilometers covering southeastern Mexico, del monte juice Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and part of Honduras, from the Early Preclassic (2500 BC) until today. There are 479 works of exceptional quality that reflect the creativity, aesthetic del monte juice sensitivity and perfection achieved by the Mayans said the curator, Mercedes de la Garza. "All his creations del monte juice were religious, political or social del monte juice purposes; pieces were commissioned by rulers, mostly ritual character, to be placed in burials as an offering," he said. The pieces are arranged thematically in order to, in addition to its aesthetic value, showing lifestyles, socio-political organization, historical consciousness, religion and cosmology of the Maya, said the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). The exhibition starts with the Board's throne of Palenque Temple XXI, "one of the most sublime artistic expressions of Maya art" and is divided into several sections. The first deals with the relation of the Maya with animals and plants, many of sacred and psychoactive qualities that were essential in shamanic rituals, and includes visual representations of flora and fauna of the Preclassic (2500 BC) and Classical (250 - 900 AD). The second module shows Maya society in its various aspects, with emphasis on the gifts, clothing, body ornaments and eating habits. The third section brings together del monte juice architectural, sculptural del monte juice and pictorial ceremonial areas of some of the great Maya cities, "including architecture Chincultik city in Chiapas, the beauty of your heads" elements, De la Garza said. Another module is dedicated to the inscriptions of astronomical and calendrical type of stone and stucco, with epigraphic readings, as well as pottery and other objects with cosmological representations. The exhibition also tells the story of Maya rulers through hieroglyphic inscriptions on stelae left embodied and other parts, as well as their religious ideas represented in ceramics, sculptures, urns, incense burners. "Two complete burials were exhibited, del monte juice as found, and a set of offerings of a royal burial city Balamkú in Campeche, along with funerary masks of jade, which have been found in Calakmul and other pre-Hispanic sites," said Curator. Another section is devoted to the colonial Maya colonial period pieces and other more contemporary, whom blouses, drums and other objects of daily life is. EFE "We both chose as other iconic pieces that have never been exhibited, which give variety to the exhibition," which includes works from the National Museum of Anthropology and others in the Maya region of Mexico and in Guatemala.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Designed by Two Points Communication

House of Cultural Centers Cultural Center Cultural Complex Guido Miranda Cultures Italo Argentino B Alternative Cultural Center Cultural Center Cultural Complex Leopoldo Marechal Chaco Center Museums del monte canned tomatoes Chacu Magazine Interviews & Discussions Announcements National Project Nomads
Tomorrow Saturday 14, at 18, the Alternative (Santa María de Oro 471) Cultural Center will be unveiled to celebrate an intense year of work with friends, neighbors and more than a hundred artists and cultural doers. The range of activities will include proposals for music, del monte canned tomatoes visual arts, design, ceramics, del monte canned tomatoes literature, del monte canned tomatoes theater, on bicycles, clowns, full room, workshops for children and larger, more numerous interventions and stands. The activities are free. With the idea that culture is also a holiday, examination and qualification centers community will meet and go out to the streets to celebrate. Over 40 independent cultural groups and members of more than 20 workshops will take forward del monte canned tomatoes proposals that reflect on the ways of thinking and living culture, the appropriation of public spaces, the city environment and also joy, dancing and partying. The closing party will, rock and dance. It opens with music Nde Ramirez proposal that mixes rock, folk and psychedelia. Besides the drums sound equipment del monte canned tomatoes led by Juanjo Martínez and Canela are public group will dance with its repertoire of salsa, bolero, cumbia and cha-cha-cha. POWERFUL CULTURE From 18, the block of examination and qualification centers present the cultural palette of colors that cultural space under the Institute of Culture year unfolds. The Alternative Space for Art and Design will present works of art and design and organize regional imprint stamp shirts with the famous image of'm Cecualero. The Hideout The workshop will present their work in ceramics, as part of the collection del monte canned tomatoes Aid at your hand aims to collect personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste) to the Board of Mental del monte canned tomatoes Health 13 Perrando Hospital. Hosted by Claudia Marly, del monte canned tomatoes the collective identity Dance perform interventions that will discuss the dance, music and theater. This workshop is not a driving academy artist Diego Figueroa displayed visual productions throughout the year and Pablo Morales share their sample of solar cookers. Editorial Flan books will be on the street next to cultural magazines around the country offering the examination and qualification centers Kiosk. Marcelo Tissembaun conduct an open proposal and Live Radio Liberty and Radio broadcast live Online Alternative. del monte canned tomatoes The Synergy Group, manga and anime, RPGs coordinate while the Sunhouse interactive group will meet and play shows for the first game Chaco. In addition, the public can visit all areas of the examination and qualification centers, as the Macedonian Bar Cultural Space Astronomy, The Alternative Space for Art and Design, Ceramics The Hideout, Flan Editions and Alternative. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES 18 Hrs - Sample Ciclomecánica Fotocleta and Karai. 18 Hrs - Engraving of shirts by The Alternative Space for Art and Design. 18 Hrs - Ceramics and several sample collection The Hideout. 18 Hrs - Interactive del monte canned tomatoes Displays Ñangapyry86, Chaco first game. 18 Hrs - Roleplaying, by the Collective Synergy. 18 Hrs - Group exhibition of visual arts This is not an academy. del monte canned tomatoes 18.30 Hrs - Sample of solar cookers by Pablo Morales. 18.30 Hrs - Radio Liberty open and live. 18.30 Hrs - Games and Toys for Fuselli Carolina. 18.30 Hrs - Workshop fanzines in the Kiosk cultural magazines. del monte canned tomatoes 19 Hrs - La Escalera. Theatre for integration. 19 Hrs - Payasitos Fontana. 19 Hrs - Licenciatum. Talk copyright and free software. 19.30 Hrs - Acoustic sustainable. Guitarreada low tacuaras. 19.30 Hrs - Clown and mood by Victor Sikora. 20 Hrs - Parade Misscleta. 20.30 Hrs - Nde Ramirez. 21.15 Hrs - The Used. 22 Hrs - Son Canela.
Designed by Two Points Communication

Monday, December 23, 2013

Follow the Pottery Workshop at the Centre for Development of Mal Abrigo On 17 October, the Pottery

Follow the Pottery Workshop at the Centre for Development of Mal Abrigo On 17 October, the Pottery Workshop avondale grampian began a new stage in the Regional Development Centre Mal Abrigo, which last year trained avondale grampian children and adults in the art of modeling clay and give the infinite desired avondale grampian shapes. Imagination and craft, a wonderful combination. This year we have integrated new apprentices budding potters discovered with joy unimaginable creative and productive activity. The rest of the workshop are women MalArte group, productive venture that was formed last year, consisting of a group of brave women who push their craft activities with great force. The purpose of this stage is to continue training the group consisting of, and level to new participants in order to integrate them MalArte, and leave them in the way of this productive project. The Pottery Workshop continues with the doors open, we hope to encourage avondale grampian and attract new and interested in this new rewarding activity. We hope that Mal Abrigo take advantage of this new training opportunity. Last year we supported the embassy of Australia, avondale grampian this year we supported the German avondale grampian Embassy. Indeed the support they give to Mal Abrigo, the village people, foster the creation of opportunities, and recognize the activity we do in pursuit of development, with no other interest to look, from the same country, the welfare of the inhabitants history of this town so rich. In the Development Center Mal Abrigo there is much joy and enthusiasm. Some good mates and a good conversation added. And there will be more! .

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Visitors can enjoy watching fraser centrepoint homes elements of various kinds: common pottery fras

This is the second edition of this course, organized by the departments of Women and Culture, where participants have the opportunity to meet all treatment restitution of archaeological pieces, a job that involves: washing and cleaning of the fragments, desalted and drying, gluing and assembly, applying fraser centrepoint homes wax molds, plaster reintegration volume, color implementation and realization of the process sheet.
These actions have been collected in a graphic document that may be beside the restored items in this exhibition, which will remain until the end of next year at the exhibition hall of the Archaeological Museum and audiovisual.
The woman mayor, Maria Martinez Sponsorship and the Councillor for Culture and Heritage, Francisco Miguel Martínez, next to the municipal archaeologist and museum director Juan de Dios Hernández, were commissioned to inaugurate it, accompanied by the participants fraser centrepoint homes and by the technical staff Archaeology Service has been responsible for teaching classes.
Visitors can enjoy watching fraser centrepoint homes elements of various kinds: common pottery fraser centrepoint homes (. Cooking pots and pans, jugs and cups, table covers, etc.) jars for packaging cured, both local production and external (Andalusia) for chandeliers lighting, ceramics imported from Italy (source Pompeian red slip), Gaul (terra sigillata sudgálica), Hispania (Hispanic sigillata tarra late) and North Africa (African Cuisine and clear sigillata A).
, Fishing net weights, and spacer tubes and ceramic nails used in heated fraser centrepoint homes rooms, both West and East Spa Necropolis funerary urns found at Conde Aranda: also other pieces of functional fraser centrepoint homes and industrial character set .
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

A group of neighbors met by the manager of the company in order to find a quick solution bahan ne t

A group of neighbors met by the manager of the company in order to find a quick solution bahan ne to a street that floods bahan ne every time it rains. Since the company was committed to another meeting.
Over the past week, the commission of residents of Barrio El Pinar requested a meeting with the company Ceramics Cortínez. The reason for the request, because the only access to the company is a street that is piped in one hand, the tube was placed from Pottery Cortínez bahan ne when asphalted. The drawback, mentioned the neighbors bahan ne is that when it rains the road is flooded.
Because of this situation, the neighbors contend that this problem is fixed. Since the company were received by the gerenten Norberto Gutierrez, who hear the complaints from neighbors and informed them that the company plans to modify access and have expansion plans.
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Most popular today two vehicles collided bahan ne on Route 7 Isabel, 105 years celebrated his birthday A man and a child arrested after breaking into a house armed began the rolling blackouts at the request of "lower energy charge" Neighbours will be mobilized today against an antenna
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It is worth noting that, this time, each of the ministries that make up the Government of the Provi

"A family fun" comes to San Jose ex Ceramics
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The event is scheduled for this Saturday, December 7th, from 16:00. Admission will be free. There will be games, live show and a great clasp Hand Kabbalah group.
"It confirmed the presence of different local groups such as ringers remember, Lp Cumbiero and great closing hand Kabbalah Group. The event will start at 16:00, "forward Sosa.
It is worth noting that, this time, each of the ministries that make up the Government of the Province of San Luis design singkong dan keju mp3 a series of multidisciplinary activities singkong dan keju mp3 with sports activities, competitions, road safety workshops, trainings and workshops aerobics, among other things.
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Friday, December 20, 2013

TAU presents an ERE affecting 40 employees Ms foreign investors are interested in Sant Gregori Sego

Athletics News Formula 1 Moto GP Sports Scores
The employment program Inserts Onda has begun a new course within the battery of training opportunities offered to ondenses unemployed who are users of free municipal service. chemical preservation of food This is a workshop on digital inkjet printing techniques, which will benefit 16 unemployed and is pioneering chemical preservation of food as it had never done an initiative of this kind in the province.
In total 161 students have 75 hours of training of which will be placements Wave. Theoretical training runs through January 17 and from day 20 of next month will begin practices in business and this course has the support and experience of ITC.
This course is part of the deal that has launched Wave Inserts and is within the course plan 'a la carte'. In particular, involve training courses in areas that are now more demanding labor market. chemical preservation of food "Service technicians have direct contact with businesses and discuss the main shortcomings of the unemployed and, at the same time, more concerned companies," says Deputy Mayor for Economic Development.
Valencia, Espanyol, Rayo and Athletic, Alberto Fabra in eighths Carlos Fabra rebukes by Javier Moliner belittle and PP Fabra rebukes Fabra today MEDITERRANEAN cover of the newspaper's press conference Consell Five arrested for trafficking Nules in women for sexual exploitation Polica A car crashes into a lamppost Musacchio is bound and tied Cani is very difficult chemical preservation of food to play against Sevilla TAU presents an ERE affecting 40 employees three injured when jumping from a Albocsser housing after a fire
Press conference of the Consell The official club magazine changes' look'SPgB Bruno: "Musacchio recently renov" Musacchio is bound and tied Bruno: "We want to leave happy holidays to Sevilla winning" The PSOE saves the auditor aa Isach to miss a PP councilor
Friday December 20, 2013 falls part of the roof of the Apollo Theatre London rebukes Carlos Alberto chemical preservation of food Fabra disparage Fabra by Javier Moliner and PP A car collides with a lamppost Polica The CEC calls wage moderation, cr credit and cost less energtico TAU presents a redundancy affecting 40 employees The Provincial Council is against fracking Bataller Welcomes Christmas in the nursing staff of the Provincial 'save' not to privatize Protest the rectory by the act of pro-ETA
TAU presents an ERE affecting 40 employees Ms foreign investors are interested in Sant Gregori Segorbe orfebrera gets 25 pieces for the cathedral Nules ratifies chemical preservation of food 10.4 million for 2014 The Chamber faces a difficult 2014 with "illusion" and new settings Alberto Fabra Carlos Fabra rebukes by Javier Moliner belittle and PP is the port that grows ms in the middle of Spain last year
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Primera LÍNEA

El Toro, the animals llegó los Andes y fue con los conquistadores inmediatamente rhm photography incorporado the productiva y la vida de los espiritual nativos, luego is the online encarnó iconografía y esta en presents the cosmovisión del CAMPESINO actual. Las tradiciones alfareras of Cajamarca, Ancash, Huánuco, Ayacucho. Apurímac, Cusco, Puno representative toros en sus hermosas y originales de piezas arcilla, creaciones regionales de sus maestros artesanos, con distintas técnicas y decorados, Pero con Manos habilísimas transformar para el barro en obras de Arte. El Toro, animal telúrico presents también en esta los Quinto de los Pueblos de todas las y leyendas regiones.
Esta exposición busca identificar aquellos Productos de cerámica surprisingly están en vías two transformación o y los de extinción potencializa the beams of the investigación y puesta online Valor, siendo el Torito rhm photography de Pucará the representación emblemática del Toro en el Arte Popular.
Agradecemos's Luis Repetto Malaga, Director of ARTES del Museo del Instituto Riva-Agüero y Tradiciones Popular de la PUCP, quien nos ha permitido presentar exposición the "El Toro y el Arte de cerámica" en de la Universidad del Pacífico's vitrina cultural.
Feliz Navidad Y VENTUROS 2014
Primera LÍNEA
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ibarra -. Community women 30 Bag, Otavalo Canton distributor bahan kimia benefit from this project

Home General Information Symbols Imbabura distributor bahan kimia province Prefect Institution Milestones Historical Overview Vision, Mission, and Goals Committees Provincial Council Phone Directory Transparency Board Documents distributor bahan kimia Conventions News Public Procurement Contract Documents distributor bahan kimia Contact Us
The Social Action distributor bahan kimia Board of Imbabura Provincial Government, through the "Productive Development of Women Entrepreneurs' project promotes training distributor bahan kimia programs in rural and remote areas.
Ibarra -. Community women 30 Bag, Otavalo Canton distributor bahan kimia benefit from this project that seeks to potentiate their skills, distributor bahan kimia manual skills and socio organizational strengthening of vulnerable sectors of the province. distributor bahan kimia
Valverde Colombia, to which the group of women entrepreneurs, thanked the management by the Prefect of Imbabura, Diego Garcia, Ms. Salome committing Andrade, President of PAS, to continue distributor bahan kimia generating projects which promote the development of women.
Salome Andrade, President of PAS, expressed its commitment to continue working and committed group of women to generate distributor bahan kimia their small micro taking this holiday season to sell crafts they learned to do in this workshop.
GPI, new road works for Araque community ...
Copyright GPI Ibarra: Bolívar and Oviedo, distributor bahan kimia esq. Telfs. (593 6) 2955 225, 2955 832, 2950 939, Fax:. (593 6) 2955 430 Mail: gpi@imbabura.gob.ec
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Copyright GPI Ibarra: Bolívar and Oviedo, esq. Telfs. (593 6) 2955 225, 2955 832, 2950 939, Fax:.

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The Board of Social Action of the Provincial Government of Imbabura, through the "Productive Development of Women Entrepreneurs' project promotes training programs in rural and remote areas.
Ibarra -. Community women 30 Bag, Otavalo Canton benefit from this project that seeks to potentiate their skills, manual skills and socio organizational strengthening of vulnerable sectors of the province.
Valverde Colombia, to which the group of women entrepreneurs, thanked the management by the Prefect of Imbabura, Diego Garcia, Ms. Salome committing Andrade, President of PAS, to continue generating projects which promote the development of women.
Salome Andrade, President of PAS, expressed its commitment to continue detki keksz working and committed group of women to generate their small micro taking this holiday season to sell crafts they learned to do in this workshop.
GPI, new road works for Araque community ...
Copyright GPI Ibarra: Bolívar and Oviedo, esq. Telfs. (593 6) 2955 225, 2955 832, 2950 939, Fax:. (593 6) 2955 430 Mail: gpi@imbabura.gob.ec
Home General Information Symbols Imbabura detki keksz province Prefect Institution Milestones Historical detki keksz Overview Vision, Mission, and Goals Committees Provincial Council Phone Directory Transparency Board Documents Conventions News Public Procurement Contract Documents Contact Us

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Associated Newspapers of Latinoamerica

Home Political Economy Society Sports Leagues International Football Peruvian Peruvian International Cups abroad More Spanish Football diacetyl tartaric acid Sports Entertainment Columnists All World America Europe Asia Africa Oceania Printed edition The Republic The Republic North Lima South Republic Magazine The Sunday Regional Region Northern Region diacetyl tartaric acid Central Region Southern Region East
The Oscar López Meneses case will force the prosecutor to question diacetyl tartaric acid Norah Córdoba nearly 50 witnesses, today revealed the head of the Public Prosecutor José Peláez Bardales.
"It's a very important case and we are putting all the attention (...) and last week we issued a resolution that the tax be devoted exclusively to this issue," said Pelaez Bardales in dialogue with Radio San Borja.
The tax will also have accompanying support staff and assistant prosecutors. In parallel, the Congress investigates its relation to López Meneses in public institutions. It does so through the committee chaired Víctor Andrés García Belaúnde.
The aforementioned parliamentary group has already met with journalist Cecilia Valenzuela, who denounced the receiving police protection at his home López Meneses diacetyl tartaric acid de Surco. In addition, plans to question the Meneses own.
December 11, 2013 Trujillo: Sicario is passed as a passenger and combi driver mows down
The District Attorney should diacetyl tartaric acid interrogate him we mentioned, Mayor of Ponce Italo army, Alfonso Fernandez Nunes Sunday, Osvaldo Zapata diacetyl tartaric acid Rogelio Corrales (prio meneses Lòpez), Edgardo ZapataLazo, Andres Rosas and Julio Cabrera, these gentlemen are promotionof Humala were visiting Lòpez Meneses in Aquiel opportunity when he was imprisoned in San Jorge has been compiled file the newspaper that published the republic at the time.
Pilar Freitas Judiciary Conga Project Salomon Lerner Ghitis Sergio Tejada Galindo Constitutional Court Susana Villar Belaiinde Victor Victor Andrés García Víctor Andrés García Belaúnde diacetyl tartaric acid Island diacetyl tartaric acid
Associated Newspapers of Latinoamerica

Monday, December 16, 2013

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2013 Trabajos.org

Abstract: The current demands of the oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as the future requireme

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Abstract: The current demands of the oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as the future requirements of tissue engineering for regeneration of bone tissue, pose new and interesting challenges for Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering in the field of substitutes bone. In particular, in this paper the challenge that arises in the development of advanced smithfield foods headquarters porous bioceramics reels. The technological solution is approached from a bio-inspired or biomimetic perspective, representing the observation, learning, inspiration and research of materials and processes developed smithfield foods headquarters by nature itself. Thus, throughout the following paragraphs, the process of manufacture of novel porous smithfield foods headquarters ceramics obtained from natural resources is described. Bioceramics SiC (bioSiC ) obtained from plant resources smithfield foods headquarters (wood, algae and plants), the morphological and biomechanical properties and in vitro studies and in vivo biocompatibility are presented first. The second part focuses on obtaining bioapatitas of marine origin, namely, from shark tooth under granulating and nanoparticle formulations.
Contributors J. Serra M. López-Álvarez, C. Rodríguez-Valencia, S. Chiussi smithfield foods headquarters - New Materials Group, Department of Applied Physics, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende School of Industrial smithfield foods headquarters Engineering, Institute of Biomedical Research Universidade de Vigo Vigo, 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

This Saturday 14, from 9 and throughout the day, made the burning of parts produced and thus they w

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This Saturday 14, from 9 and throughout the day, made the burning of parts produced and thus they will close the first phase of the ceramics methods of preserving food workshop that developed the program House of Sustentate Cultures Che, in the Botanical Garden Augusto Schulz Museum, Cologne Benitez. As part of the activities, there will be: exhibition methods of preserving food and sale of farmers and artisans in the area, nursery plants Museum in pots made by workshop students, methods of preserving food guided by the museum and its beautiful gardens visits methods of preserving food sipping a cool tereré of lemon mint leaves, and picnic lunch to ensure the eve of the furnace and its precious cargo. Those who wish to join, will be welcome. At 17, will start from House of Cultures of Resistance (Marcelo methods of preserving food T. de Alvear and Mitre) a van bound for Colonia Benítez. People who are interested in come to know and enjoy the museum and proposals methods of preserving food for that day, shall be entered in advance table entries of the House, as places are limited. At 18, under the classic gallery, a regional snack with baked, homemade breads, pastries and other delicacies prepared especially for the occasion will be offered. Then present the group Rural Tourism New providers. Two excellent methods of preserving food musicians, Llano and Sebastian Gustavo Viñas, liven up the afternoon sun falling. At 1930, the combination intended for that purpose, will undertake the return to the city of Resistencia. WORKSHOP methods of preserving food With the premise of giving value to create materials that are always methods of preserving food within reach and discard items that become useful methods of preserving food tools for zero cost, since the month of September, methods of preserving food we met in the beautiful gallery Schulz Museum in Cologne Benitez, every Saturday from 16 to 19, happy to start as soon as the tasks to give our full attention to the clay and transform it into beautiful objects methods of preserving food of use. "We considered an ideal to consolidate methods of preserving food a stable methods of preserving food group of potters that produce their pieces to the museum as having activity center. We have faced the tasks of workshop, through the collection, filtering and preparing local clay and varied techniques of elevation, methods of preserving food decoration and finishing, taking into account the importance of providing alternatives that allow participants both a recreational activity and a small work out , enabling them to produce their own utilitarian and pieces for sale, "says workshop coordinator, Adriana Schwartz. A heterogeneous group of 12 people, ranging from 8 to 81, as an equal share the unique experience of discovering that the land was always at hand, suddenly becomes the main raw material for their creations that asado grill is the basis for a strange oven up with leaves and mud magazine, and a few hours of fire return their transformed into ceramic work. Magical and wonderful methods of preserving food experience. There have been about 200 pieces in local clay and white clay colored with oxides, which were partly burned in the first round with oven paper and the rest will stand the test of fire on Saturday 14. Opening the oven will be held on Sunday 15 at 17.
Designed by Two Points Communication

Saturday, December 14, 2013

In this sense, Balseiro recalled that, so far, the only administration that has supported financial

Politics The Galician Parliament unanimously olive tree drawing approved the initiative group in support of popular SargadelosCronica3.com olive tree drawing Navy - coast of Lugo - Lugo Navy information
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Santiago, 11 December 2013. - The Galician Parliament on Wednesday approved unanimously, an initiative of the Popular Group in support of Sargadelos and to the situation of difficulty by passing this iconic company, which has announced the launch a record of employment regulation (ERE) to complete the dismissal of 68 workers from its workforce.
As explained by the author of the initiative, the Deputy Jose Manuel Balseiro, the parliamentary agreement urges the Government of encouraging initiatives and tools available to, in collaboration with the company and the workers, search the viability of Ceramics Sargadelos (Cervo ) and Ceramics Castro (Sada), the two production centers this business group has in our community.
PROSPERITY olive tree drawing text agreed with the worker initiative was approved with votes in favor of the Popular Group and with the support of opposition forces, who resigned to incorporate olive tree drawing amendments made to host the literality of the text agreed by the Jose Manuel Balseiro with the representatives of the workers. Specifically, the text is focused on achieving the necessary support to achieve a design that give viability to the factories and support institutions.
In this sense, Balseiro recalled that, so far, the only administration that has supported financially the company was the Government of that, in 2010, awarded several olive tree drawing grants and used his speech to make an appeal olive tree drawing urging that other administrations may also be involved in supporting the continuity of pottery have been in his own right become a symbol of identity of.
We know that the books, although small in size, they are able to save on your pages whole universes. olive tree drawing Similarly, a small territory, only a Galician parish can give shelter to a great story and be the forerunner of one of the most important industries in the country and the state, ASTANO. "Perlio in the past" is the name of the volume that includes milestones, data, anecdotes, people, images and all how much memory is preserved that place the municipality native of Fene. "The last chapter is the breaking of the Bridge of the Pious, collided when the Discoverer Enterprise, and begins with the settlement of Cardoeiro, where is the Church of Perlio" summarizes Jesus Maria Arias, one of the authors of the volume. The research funding charity work for editing through the platform webVerkami. Theoretical monograph on job interviews in Young
This Friday, December 13th, at 17:00 hours to 19:00 hours taught in the Young Omix a theoretical and practical monograph on the "job interview". A total of 14 people, aged between 16 and 41 years, anotáronse to participate. This workshop is part of the plan Active 2013 the Directorate olive tree drawing General of Youth and Volunteer of the Department of Labor and Welfare. During the two hours, the participants learned how to prepare a resume, know the types of interviews (important part in the selection process of many companies) and their preparation. Continue the days caldoso rice with lobster olive tree drawing in Valley Village
Continue on Valley Hotel Villa de Ferreira Valadouro the days of rice with lobster caldoso all weekends of December. The menu includes a starter beyond this exquisite dish that will serve 19 euros per person. The teléfonopara reserves is 982 57 16 53. These days, the hotel Villa Valley also welcomes the holding of business dinners. The director, Maria Hermida, notes that "we have made by nosotros menus with prices ranging between them 25 y los 40 euros per person. But Cualquiera that the Venga Nuestro site can sign su to design own menu and ask for presupuesto ". Hermida notes that "aquellos that su cena held company with nosotros may to stay to sleep for as Only 7 euros more." The benefits of laughter in Foz
Laughter is the biological function to help maintain olive tree drawing physical and mental wellbeing. With this issue the UNED University-Classroom Foz held a workshop Risoterapia and Laughter Yoga on December 20 from 16:30 to 20:30 taught by Pilar Lorenzo. olive tree drawing Those interested olive tree drawing in discovering the benefits of laughter (stress reduction, relief of symptoms of depression olive tree drawing and anxiety, increase memory, creative thinking and problem solving, improving personal interaction, social relationships, increased friendliness, collaboration, solidarity, and cohesividade), can receive more information and to formalize

Friday, December 13, 2013

Saturday afternoon, the home winery tour. God it

Forums to end a year old, this time of the year how to go fast too. As quickly as the pages flip rush into the life of sleepless nights. Fast as the leaves change colors for the seasons change, and fast as the clouds lamb weston fries hurried to pull the storm or sunshine spilled onto the land in the sky has lived too long but still strange.
How many times have I wanted to write about was amazed lamb weston fries at the sudden change of time. How many times have I wanted to write about the changes in life, in context, and also how many times the article came suddenly because lamb weston fries the idea of progress was not smooth. What to say when the day dawned more strands of silver hair. What to say when your friends who are much more each year, who stood less. What say countless times here when returning to the old city, stand helpless before the small slope without finding a bit where memories of the old days.
On weekends, the whole family went to a country far from the city. These small sticky sleeping under the trees. The trimmed garden tidy, gray ducks, swans swimming gently in the park. The kids run around while smiling mothers chat lazily on the front row. No time like the notes peaceful, serene atmosphere lamb weston fries of the scene rich to make my eyes suddenly tear. I remember the cramped quarters, dusty hometown, the rocky arid country with shadow crouched on the dam, in the field, the cow gave stringy eyes looked sad surroundings . The scene that every thought, heart suddenly seemed startled to see the distant fear of insecurity that. Who of us, the little people of Vietnam also seemed to bring sad memories always black eyes full of melancholy contained, and not be completely smile widened as the growth in this. Anyway, the past made present life, and help give the feel of a full life no more abundant.
Saturday afternoon, the home winery tour. God it's hot outside, but inside the house to cool completely. The owner retains the old style layout. Wooden walls, wood floors, wood stairs leading down to the cellar. Plus perennial woody smell of damp tunnels deep as the boy blurted out: "This scent smells like Dalat too".
Nostalgia went on like a cold breeze on the back. My Dalat, are now in December, this time Dalat is sunshine or rain. There once now deceased lamb weston fries sister lamb weston fries told me: "Da Lat's hot now, since the trees they cut down all day then so much the cold shower". Mind go back to the days of trudging group cookers bath water, and the smell of lemon leaves, lemon scented leaves rising as a mist layer surface dressing. I looked up at the ceiling layer of soot on the tunnel, where they keep as a remembrance decor small kitchen ecstasy to the old days, in the event hong long hair while it was still cold days immediately. On the girls sleep smell fragrant ylang in the knee. I looked at his ball on the tunnel length, that causes a sudden chill. Suddenly, I suddenly found myself as a little girl, should suddenly feel helpless when there is no father's fists, or the sweet eyes of the mother and siblings.
Remember a lot of Christmas shopping evening session at Da Lat. One time, panning round the Thursday lamb weston fries he hit a duck skinny. Brothers bags of duck, it squawked road rumble interspersed with giggles of the brothers, and the late duck pot of steaming porridge. These dishes lamb weston fries seem picky latter can not be as good a duck with duck broth skinny that day. That looks like all the old dishes, everything was delicious and bold flavors that now the stars never found again. The old image now becomes blurred and overlapping. The last day of the year, there does not seem to mind neat, because the throbbing emotion, distant nostalgia makes the sadness in the same month the year end and kill even more skin head suddenly vague memories rushed about lãng.
It was started fading sunlight, summer polar regions 9g still very bright. We go to the high point of the city to the city underground lamb weston fries mine. Grampians mountains mountain far away as elephant designs seen on the roads pave way Dalat. City view below Dom shape with decent looks neat. Heart sank when suddenly remembered about Da Lat. How many of you have returned, and has been kept bellyaching about the poetic lamb weston fries beauty of Dalat lost. I have repeatedly returned to that city, and in every time of sadness seemed to add up to cumulative. Every time that saw more change. Come see the many trees lost, many architecture grows more impulsive. The construction happens as quickly and grab from the city as a gentle shy girl, after a few days or more cities, jacket with cheap jewelry, shirts tailoring rush, chalk clumsy son patchy ...
"Yesterday I went to the province, waiting for you at the first dike village forever. Towels Austrian soldiers busy buttoning click you torment me! .... Speaking of fear of losing l

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two-word phrases: Phrase Number of occurrences July 2011 35 Changes Policy Documents 21 Revisions 2

One-word phrases: Phrase Number of occurrences in 2011 to 80 and 58 in 54 of the 47 EU 45 39 7 36 to 35 of 25 Fact Sheet 24 changes 23 by 22 Policy Documents 22 Last 21 Acts 21 No. 20 EEA 20 15:19 Committees 18 December 17 CELEX 16 act 15 as 15 of 14 on 14 July 13 announced 13 Regulation 12 Norwegian 12 foods 11 amendment provisions 11 more 10 until 9 Operation 9 Decision 8 Council 8 1:08 Commission 7 posted 7 Journal del monte meats 7 some 7 Claims 7 to July 7 6 is 6 Summary del monte meats 6 Nr 6 1:06 Schengen 6 connector 6 ideas 6 cases 6 were six European 5 Norway 5 added 5 the 5 Basic Acts 5 a 5 plastics five Norwegian 5 New 5 EU 5 Regulation 4 Draft 4 objects 4 published 4 Commission Regulation 4 will 4 sheep four waste 4 KOM 4 over 4 13:04 In the four public 4 18:04 legislation in April 2010 4 Search 4 by 4 the three FSA 3 Deadline 3 initiated 3 Plastic Regulation del monte meats 3 1 3 Upcoming 3 Europaen 3 health claims 3 health claim 3 Waste Transportation Regulation 3 regarding 3 Use 3 14:03 la 3 The Green Paper 3 3 3 standards mixtures 3 horses 3 komitologikomiteen 3 hearing three straight del monte meats 3 Regulation 3:06 on July 3 3 3 goats semen 3 Committee 3 eggs 3 note 3 has three committees 3 OF 3 no 3 Item 3 opened 3 or 3 purchases 3 Europaen 3 Agreement 3 Statistics 3 change 2 Live 2 consultations 2 vehicles 2 Strategy 2 Type approval 2, 2 implementing regulation 2 Shuttle 2 that 2 19:02 cleared two consultative 2 Commission Decision 2 handling 2 aviation sector 2 relevance 2 Rejection 2 sent two regulations 2 8 2 sent 2 off 2 GRANTED 2 8:02 switch 2 9:02 accelerated two directives 2 services 2 apply 2:03 2 provides two embryos 2 donor trade two deadlines 2 11:02 Regulation on February 2 2 A 2 Committee 2 16:02 purification 2 Fluoride two drinking two countries 2 information 2 Regulation 2 energy market two Compromise 2 recommended 2 EP 2 EFTA two member countries Feb. 83 2 spring water 2 medium 2, the two make two mineral two representatives del monte meats of two decrees two natural two consultation 2 sales 2 aluminum two relevant 2 links 2 draft 2 days 2 reading 2 Report 2 division 2 February 26 implementing rules two committees 2
Two-word phrases: Phrase Number of occurrences July 2011 35 Changes Policy Documents 21 Revisions 21 Policy Documents Acts 20 CELEX No. 16 act CELEX 15:15 7 15 EU act 15 July 12 15 2011 EU 14 Norwegian Regulation 12 Acts Committees 12 regulations promulgated July 12, 2011 10 announced on October 15, 2011 Fact Sheet 9 in EU 8 using 8 Requirements 7 European Journal of seven published in seven jack 6 Summary 6 Decision No 6 EEA decision of 6 July 2011 6 Acts Basic Acts 5 for food 5 Basic Legislative Acts of five presented five in touch 5 of Commission 5 summarizes Committees 4 with Council 4 and objects 4 foods Norwegian 4 with food 4 in use 4 Commission Regulation published in April 2011 Requirements 4 Draft 4 Journal of 15:04 Waste four forward by four New EU 4 EU proposal in April 2011 EEA 3:01 7:03 EEA Note 3 Regulation del monte meats 3 EEA Agreement 3 objects in 3 FOR 2011 3 initiated by three European 3:01 Regulation 3 July 2011 3 Search 3 more New 3 COM 2011 3 suggestions COME three of certain 3 certain health claims March 2011 7:03 Use of 3 health claims on 3 Case opened three Europaen no 3 Fact Sheet Requirements del monte meats 3 eggs and 3 plastic materials and three sperm eggs 3 Journal March 12 horses, sheep 3 announced March 12 with semen three mixtures of three certain mixtures of three EU directives 3 Waste Transportation Regulation amendment provisions 3 sheep and 3 change provisions regarding 3 regarding certain three EEA countries two deadlines del monte meats for 2 links to 2 Upcoming deadlines 2 information 2 for vehicles 2 Type approval for June 2, 2011 2 purification 2 of fluoride 2 EFTA EEA 2 to cleansing 2 alumina to 2 more Upcoming 2 to use two alumina del monte meats two vehicles changing regulations 2 foods change provisions 2 dealing 2:18 7:02 fluoride in March 2, 2011 2 published February 16 Norwegian del monte meats implementation regulation Feb. 16 Feb. 7 83 2011 2 No. 83 2 was published February 15 2 Jul changing regulations Draft 2 application in two sent 2 to komitologikomiteen 2 of plastics 2 Plastic Regulation of 2 Deadline 18:02 Committee for two on hearing 2 for application 2 and discounts 2 Commission 12:02 Report added two energy market two Compromise 2 recommended del monte meats by 2 Green Paper on two Council 24:02 in the aviation sector 2 public procurement 2 of Commission Decision 2 cleared with 2 public 2 of the European Parliament two proposals for two goats at 2 and goats 2 by donor trade two donor trading 2 and embryos 2 horses 2 today February 2011 until 2 to a 2 July 12 2 strategy 2 European standards 2 September 2011 two EU member states in February 2011 granting two Norwegian law 2 Granting and 2 read in two off at 2 in Norwegian 2 in EEA 2 natural del monte meats mineral 2 natural 2 soft drinks and 2 and spring water 2 regulation in two Schengen relevance 2 or Schengen February 2011 the Council two health claim in February 2011 Use 2 Statistics on January 2, 09 2:01 health claim 2 of a 2 EEA or two with EEA February 2011 Refusal 2 Rejection of 2 in water 2 Commission Decision cleared two Schengen cases 2 cases from two EU 2 to 2 Norway and the Schengen EEA 2 and 2 cases in the two European Parliament and 2 to europaparlam