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The other morning, while watering the garden-maceto, (and I told you that I love water, so take the opportunity to see if there are any undesirable check, if something prune or harvest the garden evolves every day in the summer) I I found that a clump of cucumbers and a cucumber had done, as I also have tomatoes and peppers ready to harvest, I thought the inevitable summer heat + cucumber + tomato + pepper + = "gazpacho"
The gazpacho comes from Andalusia, is a very valuable food in summer for its refreshing and moisturizing power, but it is also a very complete food, natural source of vitamin C (primarily pt japfa santori indonesia for the content of pepper), vitamin A and vitamin E, hydrates carbon, minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium and sodium, in addition to vegetable pt japfa santori indonesia fiber and antioxidants such as lycopene responsible for the characteristic red color of tomatoes and carotenoids
As you see it is better than any multivitamin pharmacy, cheap and easy to do in our homes, but not least is a low calorie food, being a sports drink lots of it allows us to take without fear of hip
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