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Fennel is an ancient spice plant. Already the ancient Greeks and Romans knew his noble aroma and healing effects. It originates from the Mediterranean countries. Is fostered in many countries, and over large areas in central and southern Europe (Germany, Poland, Russia, Romania, Italy, Greece), pt feedmill indonesia in some Asian countries (India, China and Japan), Africa and South America (Brazil and Argentina ).
Although in our country are very favorable conditions for the cultivation of fennel, it is little grown. For larger areas cultivated in Vojvodina. It occurs as a wild plant. pt feedmill indonesia Anatidae (1971) for the fennel writes that "it is very important medicinal, aromatic, spicy, honey, nutrients and industrial plant."
Fennel succeeding in different climatic conditions. The best results are achieved pt feedmill indonesia in sunny and warm landscapes. It is resistant to low temperatures. Izmrzava only at -20 C in the absence of snow cover. Moraca favors moderate amounts of aquatic sediments (about 600 mm). The seeds germinate pt feedmill indonesia at 6-8 C.
Soil preparation pt feedmill indonesia involves plowing in the fall. When grown after cereals, deep plowing before peeling off stubble. Plowed land with open grooves remain through the winter, pt feedmill indonesia and spring is preparing for sowing pt feedmill indonesia in order to better fragmented and straightened.
For the cultivation of fennel are used fertilizers, and manure is not necessary. pt feedmill indonesia In larger quantities of essential phosphorus and potassium, and nitrogen should be less. Since fennel grown for several years on the same plot, using larger quantities of fertilizer during basic fertilization. Depending on the soil fertility should be from 80 to 100 kg / ha of P, 05 and 60 - 80 kg / ha K20. Nitrogen plants recharge during the growing season from about 60 to 100 kg / ha.
Fennel is produced by direct sowing, which proved to be successful as opposed to the propagation of seedlings, which are no longer applicable in wide production. This method is quite slow and requires a greater investment of labor and resources.
Sow the seed drills Spacing in broadcast, in continuous rows with a distance of 36-48 cm between rows. Further pt feedmill indonesia reducing the spacing between rows adversely affects the yield. The number of plants per meter is 60-80. Seeding depth is 2 cm -3. Do not sow in too wet and cold land. It is believed that the most suitable time for sowing fennel from late March to early April. The seeds were sown at this time usually germinates in two to three weeks. For planting one hectare should be 4-6 kg of seed.
forming rows when the plants reach a height of 5-8 cm. It is unusual, but the crop can prorediti pt feedmill indonesia in places where it is too thick. Next hoeing are required. In the second half of the growing plants covering its mass between the rows, thus effectively oppose the weed plants.
In the fight against weeds may be after planting and before emergence herbicides prometryn (2.5 -3 kg / ha). When the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm, is used linuron (2 kg / ha). From the second year, before the emergence of the crop, good results are obtained prometryne S - 50 at 2-3 kg / ha.
Will have to be fed twice. The amount of fertilizer depends on soil fertility. When forming rows before the first hoeing, fed up with around 30 kg / ha of nitrogen. Secondly recharge with about 40 kg / ha of nitrogen is carried out with other cultivating.
Diseases and pests on Moraca may occur fungi - causal agents of various diseases: Plasmopara nivea meringues, causing downy mildew, Leveilula Tauriac (Leveille) Aznand pt feedmill indonesia - powdery pt feedmill indonesia mildew, Aecidium Foeniculi Cast. - Rust, Phoma foeniculina - leaf and stem, Rizoctonia crocorum pt feedmill indonesia and R. violaceae (Tul. Pat.) - Root rot. Since these diseases are the greatest damage in blight. From pests occur yours. Leaves damaging caterpillars swallow beet swallowtails L.
Fennel ripens unevenly, and therefore it is difficult to determine the right moment to harvest. Usually ripens in late July and early August, and sometimes later. Maturation depends on humidity and air temperature. To test the moment of harvest, samples were taken of fruit and leave to dry. If the fruits shrivel pt feedmill indonesia sign that has not occurred pt feedmill indonesia during the harvest. Samples are taken several times until they get the fruits greenish color, and when drying the shriveling. Reaps usually mid-September, at the time when the fruits of the appearance of gray stripes. For larger areas reaps the harvester, and the smaller pt feedmill indonesia hand. After the harvest the fruits dry out and purified. Can be dosuĊĦiti in kilns at temperatures up to 40 "C. The color of the fruit after drying should be greenish to tan, tan with prominent ribs and dark brown furrows. pt feedmill indonesia The drug has a peculiar aromatic odor and sweetish taste. Packed in crates or boxes and kept well closed, protected from light.
Fennel fruit yield in the first year of cultivation is around 600 kg / ha. In the late
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