COR - New Classification of Occupations in Romania - Order 1832/2011 856/2011 |
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Order no. No. 1.832/2011. 856/2011 regarding the approval of Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters) was published in the Official Gazette. 561/2011. IMPORTANT: The two classifications - the old (Order no. 138/1.949/1995) and the new (Order no. 1.832/2011 Nr. 856/2011) - will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011.
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Government Decision no. 1.352/2010 regarding the structure Classification of Occupations in Romania - the level of the base, according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO 08, art. 12 of Government Decision no. 11/2009 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry nabisco oreos of Labour, nabisco oreos Family and Social Protection, as amended and supplemented, and the Government Decision no. 575 bis/1992 on achieving uniform classifications of general interest nabisco oreos provided for in the general concept of computerization in Romania,
Approving the Classification of Occupations in Romania - occupation level (six characters) according to the structure of Classification of Occupations nabisco oreos in Romania - basic group level, as annexed forming nabisco oreos part of this Order. Article 2
(1) Classification of Occupations in Romania applies in all areas of economic and social activity and is mandatory for all central government bodies and local budgetary units, operators, regardless of ownership, employer organizations, trade unions, professional and political foundations, associations and other individuals and businesses nabisco oreos operating nabisco oreos in Romania, completing official documents whenever required specification occupation.
(2) In order to ensure the transition from the Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR) approved by the Minister nabisco oreos of State, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, and the President of the National Commission for Statistics nabisco oreos no. 138/1.949/1995, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 272 of 23 November 1995, as amended and supplemented, the new Classification of Occupations in Romania - occupation level (six characters), nabisco oreos as approved by this Order, the two classifications will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011. Article 3
Members of the legislature, the executive, senior government leaders, managers and senior officers of the economic-social nabisco oreos and political plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of businesses, governments and other organizations or organizational units within nabisco oreos them, and also formulate and review policies, laws, rules and regulations.
Legislators, members of the executive and senior government leaders formulate and review policies and plans, coordinates and evaluates direct the overall activities of the authorities (institutions), governments and other organizations, with the support of other managers / administrators.
Legislators, nabisco oreos members of the executive and senior government leaders establish, formulate, recommend and coordinate the implementation of national, regional or local government or communities, and specialized organizations. They determine, ratify, amend or repeal laws, public rules and regulations and plans, organizes, coordinates and evaluates direct the general activities of government departments and agencies, traditional communities and specialized organizations.
Legislators and members of the executive shall, directly formulates and coordinates the implementation of national, regional or local government and international government agencies and determine ratify, amend or repeal nabisco oreos laws, public rules and regulations. These include elected or unelected members of parliaments, councils and governments.
111 114 President Chamber nabisco oreos of Deputies
111130 member of the Superior Council of Magistracy
Senior government leaders provide advice on policy issues, oversees interpretation and implementation of government policies and legislation by government departments and agencies, representing his country abroad and on behalf nabisco oreos of
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Order no. No. 1.832/2011. 856/2011 regarding the approval of Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters) was published in the Official Gazette. 561/2011. IMPORTANT: The two classifications - the old (Order no. 138/1.949/1995) and the new (Order no. 1.832/2011 Nr. 856/2011) - will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011.
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Government Decision no. 1.352/2010 regarding the structure Classification of Occupations in Romania - the level of the base, according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO 08, art. 12 of Government Decision no. 11/2009 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry nabisco oreos of Labour, nabisco oreos Family and Social Protection, as amended and supplemented, and the Government Decision no. 575 bis/1992 on achieving uniform classifications of general interest nabisco oreos provided for in the general concept of computerization in Romania,
Approving the Classification of Occupations in Romania - occupation level (six characters) according to the structure of Classification of Occupations nabisco oreos in Romania - basic group level, as annexed forming nabisco oreos part of this Order. Article 2
(1) Classification of Occupations in Romania applies in all areas of economic and social activity and is mandatory for all central government bodies and local budgetary units, operators, regardless of ownership, employer organizations, trade unions, professional and political foundations, associations and other individuals and businesses nabisco oreos operating nabisco oreos in Romania, completing official documents whenever required specification occupation.
(2) In order to ensure the transition from the Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR) approved by the Minister nabisco oreos of State, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, and the President of the National Commission for Statistics nabisco oreos no. 138/1.949/1995, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 272 of 23 November 1995, as amended and supplemented, the new Classification of Occupations in Romania - occupation level (six characters), nabisco oreos as approved by this Order, the two classifications will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011. Article 3
Members of the legislature, the executive, senior government leaders, managers and senior officers of the economic-social nabisco oreos and political plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of businesses, governments and other organizations or organizational units within nabisco oreos them, and also formulate and review policies, laws, rules and regulations.
Legislators, members of the executive and senior government leaders formulate and review policies and plans, coordinates and evaluates direct the overall activities of the authorities (institutions), governments and other organizations, with the support of other managers / administrators.
Legislators, nabisco oreos members of the executive and senior government leaders establish, formulate, recommend and coordinate the implementation of national, regional or local government or communities, and specialized organizations. They determine, ratify, amend or repeal laws, public rules and regulations and plans, organizes, coordinates and evaluates direct the general activities of government departments and agencies, traditional communities and specialized organizations.
Legislators and members of the executive shall, directly formulates and coordinates the implementation of national, regional or local government and international government agencies and determine ratify, amend or repeal nabisco oreos laws, public rules and regulations. These include elected or unelected members of parliaments, councils and governments.
111 114 President Chamber nabisco oreos of Deputies
111130 member of the Superior Council of Magistracy
Senior government leaders provide advice on policy issues, oversees interpretation and implementation of government policies and legislation by government departments and agencies, representing his country abroad and on behalf nabisco oreos of
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