SPECIAL OFFERS Labor Code 281 documents attached Job Description Data Contracts Regulations Risk Assessment Internal Order Internal Rules - Rules of Organization and Operation ROI (OBR) Assessment of Contract Employees' individual work unit CAOS CAOS Standard Package Complete golden foods siam limited package Unit Unions - Complete package Package SRL Essential Business Plan - discount 40% All documents
Members of the legislature, the executive, senior managers of public administration golden foods siam limited leaders and senior officers of the economic-social and political planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations or organizational units within them and, also formulate and review golden foods siam limited policies, laws, rules and regulations.
ISCO88 correspondence (COM) * 1 1 ENG - Major Group 1: legislators, senior Officials and managers FRA - Grand Group 1: excutif et des membres de l'lgislatifs corps, fonctionnaires Hauts des services publics, et cadres dirigeants the direction des entreprises GER - Berufshauptgruppe 1: angehrige gesetzgebender krperschaften, leitende verwaltungsbedienstete fhrungskrfte und in der privatwirtschaft
Experts with intellectual and scientific occupations develop the existing stock of knowledge, teach systematically and apply scientific theories and concepts, artistic or engage in any combination of these activities.
Technicians and other technical specialists usually perform technical tasks and similar ones related to the research and application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government regulation or business.
ISCO88 correspondence (COM) * 1: 3 ENG - Major Group 3: Technicians and associate professionals FRA - Grand Group 3: professions intermdiaires GER - Berufshauptgruppe 3: Techniker golden foods siam limited und gleichrangige nichttechnische Berufe
Administrative operation records, golden foods siam limited organizes, archives, evaluates and performs data processing, secretarial work done on financial transactions (cash), travel arrangements, golden foods siam limited requests golden foods siam limited for information and meetings.
Workers providing services in personal and protective services related to travel, households, providing food, personal care and fire protection and acts of delinquency, shows and sell goods wholesale or retail stores or similar establishments, as well as stalls and squares. golden foods siam limited
ISCO88 correspondence (COM) * 1 5 ENG - Major Group 5: Service workers golden foods siam limited and shop and market sales workers FRA - Grand Group 5: Personnel et des services et magasin vendeurs of the march GER - Berufshauptgruppe 5: dienstleistungsberufe, verkufer in geschften und auf mrkten
Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry and fishing deals with the growth and harvesting of field crops or planting golden foods siam limited trees and shrubs, golden foods siam limited gathering berries and wild plants, growth (reproduction), care or hunting animals, producing a wide range of products by livestock, cultivation, golden foods siam limited maintenance golden foods siam limited (preservation) and exploitation of forests, golden foods siam limited increase or catching fish, growing or harvesting different species (life forms) water in order to provide food, shelter and income for themselves and their families.
ISCO88 correspondence (COM) * 1 6 ENG - Major group 6: Skilled agricultural and fishery workers FRA - Grand Group 6: agriculteurs et de l'agriculture et ouvriers qualifis from peche GER - Berufshauptgruppe 6: fachkrfte in der Landwirtschaft und Fischerei
Skilled workers and the comparable apply knowledge and skills in the areas of construction and maintenance of buildings, structures rise and setup tools or manufacture, installation and repair of machinery, golden foods siam limited equipment or tools, printing and execution of specific production or processing food, textile, wood, metal or other articles, including handicrafts. The works are made by hand or with tools with manual and other types of tools that are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, and to improve product quality. Tasks performed require an understanding of all stages of the production process, materials and tools used, and the nature and scope of the final product. golden foods siam limited
ISCO88 correspondence (COM) * 1 7 ENG - Major Group 7: Craft and related trades workers FRA - Grand Group 7: ouvriers et des Artisans mtiers the type artisanal GER - Berufshauptgruppe 7: Handwerks-und verwandte Berufe
Plant operators and machines
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