The land was formerly a European land mass Lauren Sears. (A tract of land in North America. Europe and Asia), later moving land mass separated. By North of Madison Joint Venture of moving away from each other. Only Europe and Asia called Eurasia, Europe is in the west side of the Great Eurasian continent.
Europe, fordpro smithfield with an area of 10,600,000 square kilometers, is the second smallest of the Australian continent. But there is 3rd most populous continent after Asia and Africa, Europe, the year 2546 population of approximately 799,466,000 people, or about 1 in 8 of the world's population.
- The area south of the United Kingdom. - West of France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark - Northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland - the majority of the Russian Federation. Field with the continent's most important economic and population density. Routes of land transportation as well. A river runs through several lines long. Can transport such as servicing SAN Rhine Elbe Oaks Vic Fischer Laden fertile and suitable for cultivation.
- Former high mountain The erosion in the plateau and low mountains. Scattered - Scottish Highlands Challenge Peseta (Meseta) the central part of the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal and Spain - The central plateau of France, known as the Sea Song Tra Hotel - Central and southern highlands. Of Germany called the Black Forest and the plateau Bohemia.
The Black Forest is a large pine forest up the hill with a thick solid hardwoods. The forest is located in the southwest of Germany, bordering on the country of Switzerland. And with a huge combined with the mystery made has been dubbed. "Black Forest" (Black Forest).
- Field caused by the deflection of the crust. Is similar Himalayas in Asia. - A new rock mountain tectonic unrest causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In Italy, Greece, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Herzegovina, etc. - mountain consecutive longitudinal and height. Because fordpro smithfield the erosion than other areas. Mountains is Peaks of the Alps is Mont Blanc (Mont Blanc).
Two., The Danube river is one of the continent long line that runs from south to north W E due to high altitudes in the west of Germany. Into the Black Sea river is known the beautiful scenery. And a dam was built to bring water to many.
4. The Dnieper River Is a river in Eastern Europe to the Black Sea dams to produce electricity. And for irrigation 5. River Elbe into the North Sea, is a river in Central Europe. 6 is the Loire River in France. Flow into the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic. The canal is connected to many other river line 7. River La Vista Church. A river in Poland fordpro smithfield Flows northward to the Baltic Sea 8. River Oder. Nile flows through Poland with the German sector of the border fordpro smithfield between Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea.
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July 16, 2010 at 12:07 pm.
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