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Green News Green Report Green Interview Green Forum on Fish to eat stars Behind Green News Links NGOs. Government food preservation drying / State / Organization Media Group / projects / corporate / other networks Organization International Agency Media / Publication of Media Education / Museum Learning Other Resources Other resources.
Currency diamond food preservation drying carpet protector locals Senat Bung Muang Nakhon food preservation drying Sawan showed stunned when reporters questioned the perception of the project area flood or temporarily cheeks that may occur in residential areas and sources. arable their As with the other villagers. In the same district food preservation drying are still not aware of the entry of such a project.
Creating space cheeks is a water management project in A3 module to improve irrigation in the project area irrigated agricultural area of Nakhon Sawan. To be used as temporary flood storage. Is expected to be implemented in 3 districts namely. Tako district and parts of Muang Kao.
Although the steps taken by the government to auction the consultant company, then. The Company Water project in this section. But found that villagers in Nakhon Sawan recognize the occurrence of this project very little. Thus leading to a fear of the consequences that will happen on its own.
As well as the ninth district residents perceived the project through the public documents sent to the headman. Hearsay of the residents of this document states that the only notification food preservation drying that the village will become cheeks. Headman and conduct a public hearing in the community. However, such operations can not occur. When asked to apply the precise details of the project. I do not have any answers.
"I saw him three district is situated in the cheeks. Cheeks but did not know it. Because no clear He says the buzz saw that is in the cheeks. How much do flood I do not know how much the water level The major concern is that the farmer. Was concerned that farmers in nearby villages. He is compensated or How much do anything like this His anxiety enough Diversion to flood every year, but it is not certain ".
"It's food preservation drying never flooded every year. I know that the cheeks will come every year. Or two years time Is four times our normal happy anyway. However, if the two-year Once a year or every year I still have no idea how to do "at his Gurnee residents food preservation drying allowed to Trang Kao Moo 8, Tambon Nong Saeng, Nakhon Sawan said.
The physical food preservation drying characteristics of Nakhon Sawan then. Considered areas cheeks naturally. The area is well known Bungboraped food preservation drying normal flood season when the lake will help to store water. But that can not get water Bungboraped fully. Since there are various structures The lateral food preservation drying flow of water, such as road or rail.
Despite dredging operations in the area Bungboraped but it does not make the water more efficiently. The scholars food preservation drying also commented that the project management, water management occur in areas such as building a dam Sawan. Or a water diversion To push for the destruction of the cheeks caused by nature.
"But it happens in Bungboraped is. Bungboraped maybe it needs water to pond over. But all the water it was changed. Like a dam blocking roads and obstacles food preservation drying in water too messy blow wormwood. Well past the government center in a 10 Bungboraped this is to change the entire system of Bungboraped food preservation drying ".
"It is normal cheeks a natural area of it anyway. But how is that not necessary to change the structure. The elevated road if I need to go talk to the locals that if the raised residents live below the road if it flooded, it is flooded as well. Villagers get it I think the project food preservation drying will cost a fortune too. Like tens of millions of the upper cheeks too. Lastly, food preservation drying it is a door Dam filled The dam is full time basis and will be focused on people wanted to know how much oil is on the keys are nowhere. Finally, natural gas is not existing. This makes it a swamp, it will not do its natural "youth Hannarong food preservation drying Excellence food preservation drying Foundation for Integrated Water Management said.
Demands of the villagers Want a consulting firm to study the impact of environmental food preservation drying laws. Before the public hearing will be held to hear the opinions of people in the area. They also wanted the Government to clarify the fact that what will happen after this is done in any manner. And will make their lives have changed for any /.
06 May 2014
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