Allergy is a group of diseases caused by the immune citric acid mono system, a mechanism that protects the body from foreign substances such as bacteria, various chemicals, dust, plant pollen, animal fur, etc. have reacted to these things than normal or sensitive. excess Cause allergic citric acid mono reactions in Allergic reactions may occur with genital symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, a condition caused by a response more typical of the upper airway. From the nose to the upper airway We called sinusitis. Or bronchial spasms are the more common causes of asthma. In addition, allergy include hives, food allergies, insect sting allergies. Allergic or inflammatory and allergic skin irritation.
In the past 20 years, we found that the rate of spread of the allergy, especially asthma and sinusitis rates have soared over the world. For example, in A survey in 2533 found the rate of asthma in children in New York was 4.2 percent and the rate of spread of sinusitis in the same children. 20 percent of the survey in 2538 found the rate of asthma was 13 percent and 40 percent sinusitis, increased 2-fold, 3-fold for asthma and allergic diseases. In the adult population, although there are few studies exist. I believe that is likely to continue in the same direction with the pediatric population as well. I must admit that allergy is a chronic disease caused losses, both economic citric acid mono and health of citizens.
At present, we still do not know the cause of allergies. But we know that this disease is genetic inheritance. We found that if one parent is allergic. Children citric acid mono with the disease, allergies, with approximately 30 percent if both parents have allergies. Children citric acid mono are likely to be allergic to about 50 percent, compared with those without a history of parents. citric acid mono This may cause the disease, only about 13 percent, so those with close relatives such as brothers, sisters, parents have allergies. It has a very high risk to themselves as allergic responses also depend on whether that person is in contact with an allergen, or if not the allergen, these may be divided roughly into carcinogens. allergens such as house dust mites, allergens, citric acid mono which are the most important in the world. Allergens in the home, including house dust flakes of cockroaches substances from cat, dog, spores of the fungus are allergens outdoors, including pollen, trees, grass, weeds, and spores citric acid mono of fungi outdoors as carcinogens. Occupational citric acid mono allergy caused by the pollen of soya release of stack storage. This has caused major outbreaks of asthma in Barcelona, citric acid mono Spain in 2532 in the dust of fabric such as cotton, silk, wool dust from the factory outside is also a risk factor does not. direct cause of the disease But also promote citric acid mono bronchial inflammation citric acid mono was already shrinking and swelling even more like a respiratory infection. Whether by bacteria or viruses, smoking, air pollution, toxic to the respiratory tract, such as pollution from car exhaust. Emissions of sulfur dioxide, etc..
The main mechanism of the allergic reaction caused by the body's exposure to allergens. Which one body we have ever been before, and remember. She received another citric acid mono type of allergen. Substances that react encourage one type of mast cell leukemia with specific antibodies called IgE release chemicals that cause allergic symptoms to organs. The main chemical is released known as histamine (Histamine) in sinusitis. This material is the lining of the nasal passages to swell with fluids from the nose. Or hives This substance will cause redness, itching, swelling, skin, etc..
Sinusitis is caused by nasal mucosa citric acid mono with inflammation. Have a stuffy nose, sneezing and itchy, runny nose. This occurred due to exposure to allergens. Patients with chronic The symptoms are as much in the morning almost every day due to allergens citric acid mono during sleep throughout the night. The most important Message from the dust mite Dust mites are tiny insects that can not be seen with the naked eye. Dust mites like to live in mattresses, pillows, blankets, duvets, pillows, carpets, dust mites need moisture and the right temperature to grow. Are important citric acid mono food for dust mites. Flakes of human skin Dust mites can lay 20-50 eggs per day and can be increased citric acid mono to 2-fold in the three months of house dust mite allergens are the substances in the feces of dust deposition on the pillow and mattress are many. When we turn our back on the couch to make such flakes dispersed in the air. And after the inhalation of dust mite feces flakes will cause nasal allergy symptoms, including sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and allergic lung include cough, phlegm, wheezing, difficulty breathing and more. Studies have found that After narrowing down the number of dust mites in the bedroom. Symptoms of allergic patients is reduced significantly.
Hives found an allergy to 15-30 percent of the patient population have red, itchy rash, sometimes with swelling too. Occurring citric acid mono and extremities. Often more later this evening, but could rise any time to gradually fade to a rash rash and itching, usually no longer than one day, maybe a day or a few days time. It happens every day for 6 weeks, we organized a chronic hives. Causes of Hives Allergies can be caused by certain foods, chemicals, parasitic infections, citric acid mono some species, such as certain autoimmune diseases. But many are unable to identify that something lost.
Food intolerance refers to the symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction of the body caused citric acid mono by the body's immune afforded. After eating Contaminants or additives swing.
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