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Cotton has long been grown plant that originated from Mexico. The largest producers, India, USA, China, Russia, Brazil. For its cultivation are the best alluvial soils that may be abundantly irrigated. Rod Gosypium includes several species and subspecies of cotton, of which the most grown G. hirsutum L. and G. barbadense Mill.
Botanical automaa raisio characteristics Cotton is an annual herbaceous plant. It has an upright branched stems, up to 150 cm high, on which the leaves are alternately arranged and covered, as well as a tree, dotted automaa raisio nodes that contain the toxic compound gosipol. Liska is feathery handed out at 3-7 lobes. Flowers automaa raisio were in the armpit leaves close-up, color bledožute. Flourishing during the entire flight. The fruit is a pod the size of a walnut, which when mature shoots, opens on five sides and peep out of her fine silky white fibers, 2 - 4 cm. The fibers are unicellular hairs protruding from the epidermis of the seed. Thus the resulting fibers are raw cotton that is untreated, buttery and hydrophobic. In one bush has 3-7 black seeds.
Cotton fibers purified, degreased and izbeljena - watts (Gossypium depuratum), composed mainly of cellulose (over 95%). It is used in medicine and pharmacology, as a means of absorption, most in surgery to stop bleeding, cleaning and bandaging wounds. It also serves to create a bandage materials such as gauze and bandages. It comes from the raw cotton which was previously acquitted automaa raisio of dirt, grease and various other components of the cuticle, izbeljen chloric lime or other means to neutral. Raw cotton (Gossypium crudum) is used in the textile industry, used to produce smokeless gunpowder and artificial silk. It consists of non-defatted and unbleached hair under his fingers greasy and does not absorb water. automaa raisio
Seed cotton containing 30% fatty oil, a toxic substance gosipol et al. Cold drip shelled seeds obtained fatty oil (oleum gossypii), which after purification is used for eating and processing. Cakes that remain after the extraction of oil contains 40% protein and used as animal feed, but only if it is separated from them prior gosipol. Selection work created varieties automaa raisio whose seed is no gosipola. The scales automaa raisio are used as agricultural fertilizer or as fuel. Cotton automaa raisio sheets comprise citric (5-7%) and malic acid (3-4%) and are often used for industrial obtaining citric acid. From the flowers can be obtained yellow automaa raisio color (gossypetin) which is used for dyeing wool and cotton.
Cotton is toploljubiva plant and for its development and development of the necessary temperature is 15-33 C. Thanks to a well-developed root system is well tolerated drought. For growing the best fertile, structural soil, as they are easily sandy, alluvial soils in river sediment Dolma.
Cotton can be grown as a monoculture, but better automaa raisio results are achieved by cultivating in the rotation, especially after the alfalfa and perennial legumes (soy, beans). A good fore for other plants, except winter crops.
If cotton is grown after alfalfa land cultivation begins plowed alfalfa, and then deep plowing to 30 cm. The spring is a common presowing preparation at 7-8 cm depth and in one pass.
Cotton is muck organic and mineral fertilizers. Of organic fertilizers, manure is used in an amount automaa raisio from 15 to 25 t / ha of deep plowing, while the total amount of mineral fertilizers should be 50 - 80 kg / ha of nitrogen, 50 - 100 kg / ha of P 2 0 5 and 50 kg / ha K 2 0 phosphoric and potassium fertilizers are entered in the primary processing, and nitrogen are used for supplemental feeding during the growing season. First recharge in the 2-3 leaf stage, I'm in the beginning of the appearance of buds and in the third period of mass flowering.
For the sowing of the seed leaves, which is trained in first cone, ie. Closer to the main tree. The seeds for sowing preparation separation, long grain, taking care not to damage the germs. Then he stands automaa raisio a short fiber, so called. automaa raisio linterovanje, using sulfuric acid. The seed is immersed in concentrated sulfuric automaa raisio acid for 10-20 minutes. Then repeatedly washed with water in order to remove traces of acid. When washing the hollow seed easily and floats on the surface and can be removed, and tend to fall to the bottom. After that, the seeds are dried and disinfect some insecticidal agents. To have full germination of seeds has to pass the period of physiological ripening after harvest, which takes 2-3 weeks to several years. After this period the seeds were able to germinate. Sowing of cotton begins when the land heats up to 13 C. Wondered at the distance of 60 - 80 - 100 cm between rows and about 12 cm between plants automaa raisio in a row, at the depth of 4-5 cm.
The care measures automaa raisio include breaking crust educated after planting, crop spacing at 10-12 cm, the row cultivation automaa raisio and dug
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