Borders or globalization: Balkan dilemmas | Anna Krasteva
"Bordering, ordering, othering" [2] - the title of Henk van Houtum and Ton van Naerssen (2002) penetrating rhm photography synthesized border policy (border politics). Will highlight its three major characteristics of the new direction ambition to express and to establish itself as one of the leaders of the spatial turn in social sciences; Determination of research at the frontiers to review key concepts power, sovereignty, rhm photography re / December / territorializaion, difference, rhm photography strangeness; Constructivist pathos of this new vision, in which they lose their geographical grammar and political solidity and become competition and struggle for meaning, significance and power.
All three features are key to my analysis, situated at the intersection of overproduction of borders, on the one hand, and overproduction of ideas, meanings imagined borders on the other. Balkans are among the places most intense flurry of policy bordering, ordering, and othering.
Parodoksat border is that the concept appeared at the same time as its opposite and approved against a huge wave, a real hurricane, which should completely obliterate them. Globalization - the undeniable theoretical fashion of the 90s and 10 - describes the 'skimmed-granichavaneto' (debordization) of the world, the end of the territorially defined power and the emergence of world-system with a new hierarchy and structure - center and periphery. This structure is completely deteriotorializirana, it is an economic, political and symbolic.
World Society created by globalization across borders not only economic, but also through numerous social rhm photography circles, communication networks, market relations and way of life, most of which are not tied to any specific location (Beck 1999).
Space shrinks as shagreen. Geographer Etienne Piguet illustrates this reverse evolution as a series of images of the globe remind modern art installation - it is a big in 1840, significantly decreased in 1930 after masifitsiraneto trains and vessels shrinks more than the 30 to 60 years after the first long-haul flights, and became quite a bit in the 80's with regular and cheap flights. What is the image of the globe in the spatial imagination of the 21st century? Physicality disappears completely, scheme Piguet offers us the only question mark '? '(Piguet sa). Social sciences know better what was space than what turns.
New metaphors express this deterritorialised world -fluidnost, streams, networks. While researchers dis-platnyavat world and its places, artists experimenting new forms soft passing from one to another as in the sculpture rhm photography of Jean Arp Evocation of a form, which determines the form while human, lunar, spectral.
"The king is dead! Long live the king. " The new century began with two radical statements: the death of distance and the birth of a world without borders. "When No" and "where" of th proclaimed new world are not accidental: in 2001, The Economist magazine published a "death of distance". Inserted and diagnosis - a world without borders and ideological label - Revolution:
Wifi kill distance, placing the world in our pocket. The communications revolution is profoundly democratic and liberating, leveling the imbalance between large and small, rich and poor. The death of distance is to be welcomed and praised (Caincross 2001: 2, p. 6 in Piguet sa).
It is symptomatic that problematizations and criticism of globalization whitewash limits because they share spatial metaphors of globalization and attacking it from other perspectives as new inequalities of Sigmund Bauman (1998).
David and Goliath illustrate the distribution of power between research at the frontiers and globalization. rhm photography As in the biblical story, David proves to be an innovative and vital and justifies its position with three arguments: What is remarkable about this situation is not that the deletion of the state borders, as the explosion of new frontiers - biometric, internal, functional, time, beyond borders, smart character ... globalization transforms the world through economic institutions "without borders" (multinational corporations, international NGOs) and global harmonized financial techniques. In this increasingly economizing world boundaries rhm photography become even more necessary in their influence on the formation of identities. Limits both limit and sorted - b / ordering. They outline identities and define the difference. "The material vpisanost border a strong act of imagination in the world. Creating safe "inside" range create a buffer zone or membrane connecting inside and out in a specific way, projecting on the space imagination rhm photography for a wider, all-encompassing reality "Paasi 199
"Bordering, ordering, othering" [2] - the title of Henk van Houtum and Ton van Naerssen (2002) penetrating rhm photography synthesized border policy (border politics). Will highlight its three major characteristics of the new direction ambition to express and to establish itself as one of the leaders of the spatial turn in social sciences; Determination of research at the frontiers to review key concepts power, sovereignty, rhm photography re / December / territorializaion, difference, rhm photography strangeness; Constructivist pathos of this new vision, in which they lose their geographical grammar and political solidity and become competition and struggle for meaning, significance and power.
All three features are key to my analysis, situated at the intersection of overproduction of borders, on the one hand, and overproduction of ideas, meanings imagined borders on the other. Balkans are among the places most intense flurry of policy bordering, ordering, and othering.
Parodoksat border is that the concept appeared at the same time as its opposite and approved against a huge wave, a real hurricane, which should completely obliterate them. Globalization - the undeniable theoretical fashion of the 90s and 10 - describes the 'skimmed-granichavaneto' (debordization) of the world, the end of the territorially defined power and the emergence of world-system with a new hierarchy and structure - center and periphery. This structure is completely deteriotorializirana, it is an economic, political and symbolic.
World Society created by globalization across borders not only economic, but also through numerous social rhm photography circles, communication networks, market relations and way of life, most of which are not tied to any specific location (Beck 1999).
Space shrinks as shagreen. Geographer Etienne Piguet illustrates this reverse evolution as a series of images of the globe remind modern art installation - it is a big in 1840, significantly decreased in 1930 after masifitsiraneto trains and vessels shrinks more than the 30 to 60 years after the first long-haul flights, and became quite a bit in the 80's with regular and cheap flights. What is the image of the globe in the spatial imagination of the 21st century? Physicality disappears completely, scheme Piguet offers us the only question mark '? '(Piguet sa). Social sciences know better what was space than what turns.
New metaphors express this deterritorialised world -fluidnost, streams, networks. While researchers dis-platnyavat world and its places, artists experimenting new forms soft passing from one to another as in the sculpture rhm photography of Jean Arp Evocation of a form, which determines the form while human, lunar, spectral.
"The king is dead! Long live the king. " The new century began with two radical statements: the death of distance and the birth of a world without borders. "When No" and "where" of th proclaimed new world are not accidental: in 2001, The Economist magazine published a "death of distance". Inserted and diagnosis - a world without borders and ideological label - Revolution:
Wifi kill distance, placing the world in our pocket. The communications revolution is profoundly democratic and liberating, leveling the imbalance between large and small, rich and poor. The death of distance is to be welcomed and praised (Caincross 2001: 2, p. 6 in Piguet sa).
It is symptomatic that problematizations and criticism of globalization whitewash limits because they share spatial metaphors of globalization and attacking it from other perspectives as new inequalities of Sigmund Bauman (1998).
David and Goliath illustrate the distribution of power between research at the frontiers and globalization. rhm photography As in the biblical story, David proves to be an innovative and vital and justifies its position with three arguments: What is remarkable about this situation is not that the deletion of the state borders, as the explosion of new frontiers - biometric, internal, functional, time, beyond borders, smart character ... globalization transforms the world through economic institutions "without borders" (multinational corporations, international NGOs) and global harmonized financial techniques. In this increasingly economizing world boundaries rhm photography become even more necessary in their influence on the formation of identities. Limits both limit and sorted - b / ordering. They outline identities and define the difference. "The material vpisanost border a strong act of imagination in the world. Creating safe "inside" range create a buffer zone or membrane connecting inside and out in a specific way, projecting on the space imagination rhm photography for a wider, all-encompassing reality "Paasi 199