The basic rules: To meet the needs of the organism through food substances necessary for its functioning (vitamins, proteins, fats, sugars, fiber, water, minerals, oligoelementë) is required to have a varied diet, taking care, in Specifically to eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, meat, fish, eggs ...
A fresh vegetables or preparing A source of animal protein: meat, fish, eggs A portion of flour (corn, potatoes, pasta) and / or bread A fresh fruit or prepared amount depends on the needs of each: age, sex, height, physical strain ...
An easy appetizer: fresh vegetables, soup with vegetables, protein (a slice of ham) A portion (average 130 g) meat or fish or 2 eggs A portion of vegetables (200 g) A portion of bread (30-50 g) and / or cereal (100 -150 g cooked) A dairy product, yogurt, 100 g fresh cheese, 30-40 g cheese seasoned BBC ... A dessert: fruit etc.
1) Cut Carrots Hamburger bean sprouts and potatoes steam Natural yogurt A fruit compote 2) Half a grapefruit in the oven Salmon Spinach Rice Pudding own Each Anyone can and should adopt this kind of typical lunch, grampian 26 according to the tastes grampian 26 and habits of nutrition. For example, Lasagna is not necessary, though does more complete meal. But must neither grampian 26 are forced to eat a full meal, if we did not hungry. It is not always grampian 26 easy to swallow appetizer, dish, cheese, dessert ... .When we have only 30 minutes of time to eat.
Okay, this type of feeding is ideal, however, the most important thing is to reach the food balance in the course of the day, ie. Who provide the body with energy and food substances for which there needs to function better.
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