Europe food standards agency scotland and Turkey: an analysis of the prospect of Turkey's bid for EU membership
Home Contact Become a writer for the magazine food standards agency scotland Authors E-J A-E K-T AZ Alexander Fedotov A. Primatarova Antonio Misiroli Biser Banchev Boyko Marinkov C. Katrandjiev Gradev Vladimir Vladimir Shopov Dimitar Bechev Carlos Edde C. Radomirski Dejan Jovic Sonya Hinkovva Irina Ognyanova -Krivoshieva Kaloyan Metodiev Plamen Ivanov Interview with Mr. Ron Ton Diplomatic Institute 10 years - a conversation with three directors of CI Interview with Ms. Catherine Lalumiere * Previous issues food standards agency scotland Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7 Issue 8
Brief chronology
1959 - Turkey applies for associate membership of the European Community (EC). EC was created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 (based on the 1951 Treaty of Paris on the European Coal and Steel Community).
2002 - Turkey is recognized as a candidate, which can be negotiated, fulfilled the Copenhagen criteria (in short, these are the criteria for membership and include democratic governance, human rights legislation in accordance with European, market economy and to adopt implement the recommendations of the EU).
2004 - Turkey, with Turkish Northern Cyprus, food standards agency scotland recognized the UN plan to resolve the Cyprus issue (the plan of the Secretary General Kofi Annan Cyprus envisages a federation of two states with a common parliament, and two separate, etc.).
2005 - Accession negotiations begin - in the last weeks of the Schröder government; 6 chapters are open (with Turkey food standards agency scotland negotiate 35 chapters, of which 2 are not negotiating, and of the remaining 33 are open until 13, but only one is closed).
2012 - After over two years will open chapters adopted a positive agenda (Positive Agenda), providing for intensification food standards agency scotland of the dialogue with the opening of chapters. Working groups composed of Chapters. Latest currently hopes are given to the statements of France and Germany in February 2013 that it would not impede the opening of chapters as Regional Policy food standards agency scotland and Monetary Policy. But protests in Turkey in June 2013 seemed influence.
Since the second half of 2012 and the first half of 2013. Turkey, more clearly or implicitly applying for a rethinking of joining and alternative orientation to membership in organizations food standards agency scotland such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which signed an agreement for "partnership dialogue", throwing the blame for the slow negotiation process entirely on Europe.
From the conceptual aspect, most supporters of Turkish accession food standards agency scotland are among European social democrats and socialists, such as those in Germany, for example, while opponents are among the Christian Democrats, again like those in Germany. food standards agency scotland First, in short, Turkey is required magnitude of its economic potential or possibility for an effective barrier food standards agency scotland against radical Islam in the Middle food standards agency scotland East, and an example of Islamic countries and a better opportunity for cooperation with them. For the latter, however, there is not only geographical, food standards agency scotland but above all cultural incompatibility food standards agency scotland and conflict, even a threat to the European idea.
Of course, the range of views towards Turkey are fuzzy on the continent and some Socialists and Democrats in a country different from their counterparts in the other. Moreover, in some countries or situations are stronger other trends and traditions, or, of course, food standards agency scotland national and other interests.
While in the concrete frames the question is usually seen in conjunction with the process candidacy - progress and problems about the negotiations and accession process, it is appropriate to put in the broader context of long-standing issues around the country and thus yield more clear picture of the root causes or attitudes that have an impact, although often not formally associated with existing food standards agency scotland policies and specific plans.
- European continent, the European perspective, the European idea will "grow", will cover another large and important country. In Turkey, Europe will continue pό the east, and the country itself can play even better role as a bridge between East and West. To increase regional and international prestige of Turkey.
- At the EU will priasedini territory with key geostrategic position. Turkey not only define ourselves as one of the most important countries during the Cold War. Global line of opposition and passed away. Hardly USSR would directly attack US and Western Europe, while in the south - to the turbulent and rich warm seas and deposits Middle East - as if you could use situation. Issued to the east wedge Turkey, masking from the north was important for sticking NATO. And now he is recessed in the area of conflict and challenges for the entire international security. Turkey is a neighbor and builds to Iran, the Caucasus, Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus, Greece, etc. As stated in 2006 in support of Turkey's Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Y
Home Contact Become a writer for the magazine food standards agency scotland Authors E-J A-E K-T AZ Alexander Fedotov A. Primatarova Antonio Misiroli Biser Banchev Boyko Marinkov C. Katrandjiev Gradev Vladimir Vladimir Shopov Dimitar Bechev Carlos Edde C. Radomirski Dejan Jovic Sonya Hinkovva Irina Ognyanova -Krivoshieva Kaloyan Metodiev Plamen Ivanov Interview with Mr. Ron Ton Diplomatic Institute 10 years - a conversation with three directors of CI Interview with Ms. Catherine Lalumiere * Previous issues food standards agency scotland Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7 Issue 8
Brief chronology
1959 - Turkey applies for associate membership of the European Community (EC). EC was created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 (based on the 1951 Treaty of Paris on the European Coal and Steel Community).
2002 - Turkey is recognized as a candidate, which can be negotiated, fulfilled the Copenhagen criteria (in short, these are the criteria for membership and include democratic governance, human rights legislation in accordance with European, market economy and to adopt implement the recommendations of the EU).
2004 - Turkey, with Turkish Northern Cyprus, food standards agency scotland recognized the UN plan to resolve the Cyprus issue (the plan of the Secretary General Kofi Annan Cyprus envisages a federation of two states with a common parliament, and two separate, etc.).
2005 - Accession negotiations begin - in the last weeks of the Schröder government; 6 chapters are open (with Turkey food standards agency scotland negotiate 35 chapters, of which 2 are not negotiating, and of the remaining 33 are open until 13, but only one is closed).
2012 - After over two years will open chapters adopted a positive agenda (Positive Agenda), providing for intensification food standards agency scotland of the dialogue with the opening of chapters. Working groups composed of Chapters. Latest currently hopes are given to the statements of France and Germany in February 2013 that it would not impede the opening of chapters as Regional Policy food standards agency scotland and Monetary Policy. But protests in Turkey in June 2013 seemed influence.
Since the second half of 2012 and the first half of 2013. Turkey, more clearly or implicitly applying for a rethinking of joining and alternative orientation to membership in organizations food standards agency scotland such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which signed an agreement for "partnership dialogue", throwing the blame for the slow negotiation process entirely on Europe.
From the conceptual aspect, most supporters of Turkish accession food standards agency scotland are among European social democrats and socialists, such as those in Germany, for example, while opponents are among the Christian Democrats, again like those in Germany. food standards agency scotland First, in short, Turkey is required magnitude of its economic potential or possibility for an effective barrier food standards agency scotland against radical Islam in the Middle food standards agency scotland East, and an example of Islamic countries and a better opportunity for cooperation with them. For the latter, however, there is not only geographical, food standards agency scotland but above all cultural incompatibility food standards agency scotland and conflict, even a threat to the European idea.
Of course, the range of views towards Turkey are fuzzy on the continent and some Socialists and Democrats in a country different from their counterparts in the other. Moreover, in some countries or situations are stronger other trends and traditions, or, of course, food standards agency scotland national and other interests.
While in the concrete frames the question is usually seen in conjunction with the process candidacy - progress and problems about the negotiations and accession process, it is appropriate to put in the broader context of long-standing issues around the country and thus yield more clear picture of the root causes or attitudes that have an impact, although often not formally associated with existing food standards agency scotland policies and specific plans.
- European continent, the European perspective, the European idea will "grow", will cover another large and important country. In Turkey, Europe will continue pό the east, and the country itself can play even better role as a bridge between East and West. To increase regional and international prestige of Turkey.
- At the EU will priasedini territory with key geostrategic position. Turkey not only define ourselves as one of the most important countries during the Cold War. Global line of opposition and passed away. Hardly USSR would directly attack US and Western Europe, while in the south - to the turbulent and rich warm seas and deposits Middle East - as if you could use situation. Issued to the east wedge Turkey, masking from the north was important for sticking NATO. And now he is recessed in the area of conflict and challenges for the entire international security. Turkey is a neighbor and builds to Iran, the Caucasus, Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus, Greece, etc. As stated in 2006 in support of Turkey's Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Y
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