COR 2012 - Classification of Occupations in Romania - Joint Order 1832/856/2011 - CFNET Finance Charges
CFNET News Projects - Public Consultation Tax Accounting Regulations Regulations Regulations Regulations EU economic HG LAW & ORDER GEO GO Jurisprudence Jurisprudence Jurisprudence EN EU resources online tunip agro limited applications, tax calculators useful Web Admin. tax RO Map - Admin. WORKING tax Bucharest NAFA Admin. EU tax Nomenclature Nomenclature impz Contributions Fees & eGhid spread tunip agro limited Apps useful office FiscalNet Directories Directory Economics legislative About TAX TOOLS CIF / WHO Press Subscribe CFNET News from Romania News from EU & International Tax Procedures FORM FORM Local Tax VAT IT PF-PFA SRL-SA CAS Non-residents NGO Micro-CASS Local Taxes Local Taxes Online Tax FORM local IT Reviews Prices transfer analysis ENGLISH Books Events Training Services B2B B2B Partners Share on CFNET CH Beck fiscal Courier Contaplus Deloitte PwC TaxOnline Project Accace ARSIT Vibo FindEx JOBS JOB : recruitment ad CONTACT advertising CFNET September 29, 2013
Order no. 1.832/856/2011 of 6 July 2011 on the approval of the Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters) 2012-02-22 - Joint Order amended by amending and supplementing 177/81/2012 Classification of Occupations in Romania - level occupation (six characters) 2011-08-08 - Effective Date: August 8, 2011 2011-08-08 - Published in the Official Gazette no. 561 of August 8, 2011
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Government Decision no. 1.352/2010 regarding tunip agro limited the structure Classification of Occupations in Romania - the group level, according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO 08, art. 12 of Government Decision no. 11/2009 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, as amended and supplemented, and the Government tunip agro limited Decision no. 575 bis/1992 on achieving uniform classifications stipulated interest in the general concept of informatization in Romania,
Article 1 The Classification of Occupations in Romania tunip agro limited - level of occupation (six characters) according to the structure of Classification of Occupations in Romania - the group level listed in the Annex which forms an integral part of this order. Article 2 (1) Classification tunip agro limited of Occupations in Romania is applied in all areas of economic and social activity and is mandatory for all central and local public administration, budget tunip agro limited units, operators, regardless of ownership, employer organizations, trade unions, professional and political foundations, associations and other individuals tunip agro limited and companies that operate in Romania, completing official documents whenever required specification occupation. (2) In order to ensure the transition tunip agro limited from Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR), approved by the Minister of State, Minister of Labour and Social Security, and President of the National Commission for Statistics no. 138/1.949/1995 published in the Official tunip agro limited Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 272 of 23 November 1995, with subsequent amendments, the new Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters), approved by this Order, the two classifications will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011. Article 3 This order is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
1 Members of the legislature, the executive, senior managers of public administration leaders and senior officials members of the legislature, the executive, senior managers of public administration leaders and senior officers of the economic-social and political planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating general activities of businesses, governments and other organizations or organizational tunip agro limited units within them and also formulate and review policies, tunip agro limited laws, rules and regulations.
11 Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration Legislators, members tunip agro limited of the executive and senior managers of public administration formulate and review policies and plan, direct coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of the authorities (institutions), governments and other organizations, with the support of other managers / administrators.
111 Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration establish, formulate, recommend tunip agro limited and coordinate the implementation of national, regional tunip agro limited or local government or of communities, p
CFNET News Projects - Public Consultation Tax Accounting Regulations Regulations Regulations Regulations EU economic HG LAW & ORDER GEO GO Jurisprudence Jurisprudence Jurisprudence EN EU resources online tunip agro limited applications, tax calculators useful Web Admin. tax RO Map - Admin. WORKING tax Bucharest NAFA Admin. EU tax Nomenclature Nomenclature impz Contributions Fees & eGhid spread tunip agro limited Apps useful office FiscalNet Directories Directory Economics legislative About TAX TOOLS CIF / WHO Press Subscribe CFNET News from Romania News from EU & International Tax Procedures FORM FORM Local Tax VAT IT PF-PFA SRL-SA CAS Non-residents NGO Micro-CASS Local Taxes Local Taxes Online Tax FORM local IT Reviews Prices transfer analysis ENGLISH Books Events Training Services B2B B2B Partners Share on CFNET CH Beck fiscal Courier Contaplus Deloitte PwC TaxOnline Project Accace ARSIT Vibo FindEx JOBS JOB : recruitment ad CONTACT advertising CFNET September 29, 2013
Order no. 1.832/856/2011 of 6 July 2011 on the approval of the Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters) 2012-02-22 - Joint Order amended by amending and supplementing 177/81/2012 Classification of Occupations in Romania - level occupation (six characters) 2011-08-08 - Effective Date: August 8, 2011 2011-08-08 - Published in the Official Gazette no. 561 of August 8, 2011
Pursuant to Art. 2 of the Government Decision no. 1.352/2010 regarding tunip agro limited the structure Classification of Occupations in Romania - the group level, according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO 08, art. 12 of Government Decision no. 11/2009 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, as amended and supplemented, and the Government tunip agro limited Decision no. 575 bis/1992 on achieving uniform classifications stipulated interest in the general concept of informatization in Romania,
Article 1 The Classification of Occupations in Romania tunip agro limited - level of occupation (six characters) according to the structure of Classification of Occupations in Romania - the group level listed in the Annex which forms an integral part of this order. Article 2 (1) Classification tunip agro limited of Occupations in Romania is applied in all areas of economic and social activity and is mandatory for all central and local public administration, budget tunip agro limited units, operators, regardless of ownership, employer organizations, trade unions, professional and political foundations, associations and other individuals tunip agro limited and companies that operate in Romania, completing official documents whenever required specification occupation. (2) In order to ensure the transition tunip agro limited from Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR), approved by the Minister of State, Minister of Labour and Social Security, and President of the National Commission for Statistics no. 138/1.949/1995 published in the Official tunip agro limited Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 272 of 23 November 1995, with subsequent amendments, the new Classification of Occupations in Romania - level of occupation (six characters), approved by this Order, the two classifications will be used in parallel to 31 December 2011. Article 3 This order is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
1 Members of the legislature, the executive, senior managers of public administration leaders and senior officials members of the legislature, the executive, senior managers of public administration leaders and senior officers of the economic-social and political planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating general activities of businesses, governments and other organizations or organizational tunip agro limited units within them and also formulate and review policies, tunip agro limited laws, rules and regulations.
11 Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration Legislators, members tunip agro limited of the executive and senior managers of public administration formulate and review policies and plan, direct coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of the authorities (institutions), governments and other organizations, with the support of other managers / administrators.
111 Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration Legislators, members of the executive and senior managers of public administration establish, formulate, recommend tunip agro limited and coordinate the implementation of national, regional tunip agro limited or local government or of communities, p
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