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Senator Barack Obama, a Democrat candidate for president claims that he was born of a Muslim father and that he converted to Christianity. This article deals with the issue of conversion according to the Islamic Shari a.
Change of Religion under Islamic Law The Case of Barack Hussein Obama U.S. Senator Barack Hussein Obama s Muslim past had emerged as an issue in the Democrat presidential campaign. The candidate is born of a Black Muslim father from Kenya and a white non-Muslim mother from Kansas. His father deserted the family when Barack Jr. was two and returned to Kenya. His mother then married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. Barack moved with his mother and stepfather to Jakarta when he was six where he attended a madrassa (national milk sell by date vs use by date Muslim school) for two years in addition to the two years he spent in Catholic schools. Barack claims he follows the Christian faith and attends with his wife, Michelle, the United Church of Christ in the state of Illinois. In a speech he gave in June 2006, Barack Obama admits his birth of a Muslim father, he says: My father, milk sell by date vs use by date who returned to Kenya when I was just two, was Muslim but as an adult became milk sell by date vs use by date an atheist Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim? Muslim theologians define Muslims as those who were born as such or became Muslims later, (See Al Ahkam Al Sultaniyya fi Al Wilaayaat al diniyya by Abi Al Hassan Al Mawardi, Dar Al kutub Al Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon, p. 67). The Quran allows a Muslim to marry a woman who belongs to the People of the Book , that is Christian or Jew, but does not force the wives to change their religion (Quran 5:6). As for women who are pagans, the Quran insists that they must convert to Islam if they have to marry a Muslim man (Quran 2:222). In other words, a Muslim man is allowed to get married to a woman belonging to any religion. Based on a provision from the Quran (60:11) which reads: The women (i.e. Muslims) are not lawful for them (disbelievers) , Muslim theologian milk sell by date vs use by date prohibit a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim. It is further understood by Islamic laws that the children born of a Muslim man must be raised as Muslims, which means that the religion of the children born of a Muslim man must be Islam. Therefore, it is obvious that Barack Obama is considered, according to Islamic Shari a, a Muslim regardless of whether he practiced the religion of Islam in dedication to the prayers, paying the zakat (alms giving), or going to Mecca for pilgrimage, or any of the other conditions prescribed by the Quran for Muslims to follow. Those conditions are important for any Muslim to be in good standing within his religion, but they do not cause a Muslim to be considered an apostate if he decides not to follow these conditions. Under these circumstances, Barack Hussein Obama is, without any doubt, a Muslim because he was born of a Muslim father. Obama claims that his father became atheist later in life; that creates more problems to the father, because the Islamic Shari a considers a Muslim who becomes atheist (Arabic, milk sell by date vs use by date zindeeq) as bad as is the apostate, and subject to the death penalty. Apostasy in Islam (Al Radda) All Muslim theologians agree that a Muslim who converts to any other religion (Arabic, murtadd), is subject to the death penalty. This is based on what the prophet of Islam said: Kill he who changes his religion. The death penalty for apostasy in Islam is supported by all four schools of thought in the Sunni traditions: Maliki, Shafi i, Hanafi, and Hanbali, (see Kitab al Fiqh according to the four traditions by Abdul Rahman Al Jaziri, Dar Al Irshad, Egypt, vol.5, pp. 333-342). Muslim theologians disagree on whether an apostate milk sell by date vs use by date should be sentenced to death immediately or be given a three-day s grace period, during milk sell by date vs use by date which he may reverse his conversion. Some theologians argue that an apostate should be executed as soon as change of religion milk sell by date vs use by date becomes known; others allow a three-day grace period during which an apostate has a chance to change his mind and recant his apostasy. According to Abi Alhassan milk sell by date vs use by date al Mawardi, a prominent theologian (mentioned earlier), the method of execution varies from beheading by the sword or by beating up the defendant with wood stick until he meets a slow death, milk sell by date vs use by date or by a
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