Friday, January 2, 2015

Canada and the United curing green olives States have a long and close neighborly friendship. It is

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24 February 2009 Advocate Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput at the University of Toronto, Canada lecture tolerance is not a Christian virtue, which examines the place of the Catholic faith in political life, the last US election results and the significance and true form of Christian hope.
Tonight I want to do three things. First, some of the themes of my book "Give to Caesar: Serving the nation so that we are living curing green olives their Catholic beliefs in political life." Secondly, I want to talk about the lessons we can draw from the recent elections in the United States. And thirdly, I want to talk about the meaning of hope.
Canada and the United curing green olives States have a long and close neighborly friendship. It is so long and so close, so that Americans often forget that our history, our political structures and worldview are in a sense very different. Tonight, curing green olives we will discuss how American and Catholic curing green olives bishop. But I think that the core of Catholic political vocation remains the same for every believer in every country. Details of our political life vary in each country. But the public mission of Christian discipleship remains the same, because we all have to share the same baptism. curing green olives
Every year, for 12 years, says the same thing about faith and politics. The experience, however, I learned that Henry Ford was right when he said that "Two percent of the people think; three percent think they think, and 95 percent would rather have died than thought. "
Ford had a pretty dark view of mankind, curing green olives who do not share. Most people I meet as a shepherd, has brains and talent to survive very satisfying life. But Ford was right about one unintended matter: Consumer culture is very strong narcotic. Moral reasoning can be difficult and TV is big killers pain. It has political implications. True freedom requires the ability to think. It seems that a large part of modern life - throughout the developed world - deliberately curing green olives discouraged from thinking. Always therefore worth talking about God and Caesar, although it attracted only one Christian listener in the audience.
The most important thing you have of our discussion today to remember is this: As adults we need to form a strong and effective Catholic conscience. Then we need to vote the conscience to obey. And then we have to take responsibility for the consequences of their vote. Nobody do this for us. Therefore, it is also important that we actually know their Catholic faith, to live by it, and submit to her. It is the only reliable guide that we have, that we are engaged in public life as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Let's talk a minute about therefore, "Caesar's." When people ask me to book their questions can be grouped into three categories. Why I wrote it? What this book says? And what this book means to us as individual Catholics? This last question is a good starting point for the discussion of last year's presidential elections in the US, but let's start from the beginning. Why I wrote this book?
The first answer is simple. A friend asked me to. In 2004, a young lawyer, I know that, ran for public office in Colorado as a Democrat for life (pro-life). Almost won the Republican precinct. But also discovered how difficult it is to raise money to campaign and remain faithful to his Catholic beliefs. After the elections, has asked me to put my thoughts on faith and politics into a form that could be used by young Catholics who consider political occupation - and it really is "vocation."
You did the idea. But I had other reasons for writing the book. I have to honestly say that I was tired when I listened to people outside the Catholic Church from the Catholic Church, Catholics who said that they have to be quiet and do not involve their religious and moral views in major public debates concerning the whole society. This kind of intimidation by the Catholics did not accept.
Another reason for writing the book lies in the fact that when I was looking for the one source that simply explains the Catholic political curing green olives vocation, I have not found it. It was very strange. Public life is a demanding profession, but it is not voodoo or advanced physics. As citizens we can never afford to give up their civil life for the political and economic elite. National political life, like Christianity, is for everyone and everyone has an obligation curing green olives to contribute into it. Democracy depends on the active work of all citizens, not just lobbyists, experts, thinkers and media. For Catholics, the policy curing green olives - finding justice and the common good in the public domain - part of the history of salvation. Nobody is a small actor in this drama

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