Friday, January 2, 2015

The United States occupied the II. World War commandant role not only in

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Relations between Obama and Putin and diplomatic successes in Syria and Iran are deleted. Returns "operation as usual", but it does not create much on the poor decisions made by governments, but rather on the events themselves.
America has been repeatedly caught in a terrorist acts in Syria, and certainly now in Ukraine. Is it really "America"? Watching olam agro india those with authority to make decisions, especially olam agro india in connection with orders from the US State Department olam agro india about the sacking of airports in Ukraine up, ie. The "smoking gun" evidence of the intercepted e-mails, which shall provide all the details, so we begin entering the "rabbit hole" (ie., the gateway to the wonders of the Earth).
It really was a change in American politics, when it was decided to relaunch the Truman Doctrine of 1947 and the Bush doctrine of 11.9 on the surrounding Russian missiles, olam agro india gulags and torture chambers olam agro india with corrupt dictatorships?
What one finds at the outset, is that the US government is in fact a collection of factions controlled bribery olam agro india and extortion, and under the leadership olam agro india of Bush's government was crippled by using a systematic program to erase all signs of representative democracy.
Obama's idiotic policy to support criminal mafia in Kiev demonstrates one thing, the absolute waiver that would stand for their faith and stood extortion, as well as obedience to a policy olam agro india that began to develop in Bush's globalist tyranny.
According to our investigation would go several organizations in the US exactly a "terrorist". One of them is the US State Department. It has its own army, its own "foreign policy" and serve a government that is not on any map, does not hold any election and never miss, ie not during olam agro india the day and certainly not publicly.
But it is not just the State Department, and not just in the United States. The whole pseudo-governmental organizations, the European Union is similar, it is a collection of entities that when we discover as you have so far resulted, so it can be characterized only as "terrorists".
What we are now finding is that before olam agro india Bush (43) left office, was introduced alternative command structure that controls the US Embassy, the US Nuclear Command, CIA and NSA and the entire judicial system, starting FBI to justice.
Private individuals, not the government, some of them have never been in government, can, and it may continue to issue "a government decree" for the murders, to overthrow, to "eavesdropping" and even attacks, not just some drones, but - and I would be very glad if perhaps exaggerated - even nuclear weapons.
Recent caught communication olam agro india between the US State Department in Kiev and the Ukrainian military liaison officers outlining planned terrorist attacks once again reveal critical information about America's fragmented olam agro india command structure.
Why do you press never asks when and wherever disaster strikes global, appear even men like Senator McCain or retired Gen. Paul Vallely, both sworn enemies of the Obama administration and both associated with violent extremist elements from within the USA, just as they are also both known informers Al-Qaeda?
E-mails in the last few days, Anonymous leaked through Ukraine stained eerie image. US embassy officials working together with military liaison officers in Ukraine openly conspired to terrorist attacks under false flag.
New today released e-mails show clearly that the takeover of Ukraine extremist groups is part of a broader plan that could easily be aimed against olam agro india Russia itself, the plan, which is one of many whose roots take us back to the past to the Project for the New American century and John Kagan (Deputy Minister of Foreign husband of Victoria "is at * EU" olam agro india Nuland).
Was planned destruction and EU officials should feign outrage and a coordinated visits to Senator John McCain and Lindsay Graham had been planned already "ahead" as visits olam agro india to venues terrorist attacks, although not yet been stage-managed.
Voting People Crimea, it detaches itself from the extremist elements who took Kiev, not surprising. olam agro india Not surprisingly, neither olam agro india the American people convicted for efforts to self-determination. Post-colonial period has already accumulated dozens of cases where not only were authentically grown nations added to the alloy with nations olam agro india that have never belonged, but also nations for which was "stage-managed" fall.
The United States occupied the II. World War commandant role not only in "zrežírovaných" breakdowns and schisms, but also the suppression of self-determination for the Palestinians, Kurds, Armenians, and countless others, to the extent that they participated in ethnic cleansing and apartheid as in Vietnam, the wartime devastation.
Syria as a three-year "Vietnam War" would, as expected, had a pretty good go wrong with the defeat of the USA. Ukraine was

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