Monday, February 23, 2015

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Complete war in Ukraine | Martin Vrijland
Categories Navigation Menu General Economics History Ukraine Politics Russia World news Mind Control Machiavelli MC methods Propaganda Religion dshs tx Saturn matrix NWO America Bilderberg Europa FEMA camps Feminism dshs tx Youth Homosexuality dshs tx Mercenaries Royal New World Order Pedophilia Freemasonry dshs tx Research Joris Demmink Justice Criminal Museum Brussels Pim Fortuyn Police NFI TO Shooting Paris Theo van Gogh Suspicion dshs tx GISS Flight MH17 Research Affairs Anass Case Case Case Hansel Jeroen Denis L. Groeneweg Case Case Case Stick Mike Simone Case Vaatstra Wars Defense False flags Genocide 9/11 Inside Job Wars Terrorism highlights Other Documentary Films Private filming Email Flyer Humor Art Live TV Music Games People Radio Television Studies Astronomy Comet 67P Health HAARP Higher dimensions Environment Technology Transhumanism Wholly Science Shop Book Shop 'Who are we? "
After being very busy with moving to another dshs tx house I did just one lap along the daily Mainstream Media news. What strikes me is that there are hardly any serious attention appears to exist for the war in the Ukraine. Only the NIS pays a little attention to the rise of the Ukrainian army. America and France warn according to Russia that it should not interfere in the conflict in Ukraine, under penalty of more measures. The manner of reporting mainly gives the impression that there exist separatists dshs tx who want to secede from the new government in Kiev. The fact is that in early 2014 there has been a coup, backed by America and Europe, installed a fascist government that primarily serves the interests of America. This government not only contains neo-Nazis, but also stirs Nazism and is working to build a large army. The government in Kiev has himself at some point decided to take up arms against unarmed and peaceful protesters who were demonstrating. The aggressor is actually in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.
East of Ukraine is drawn into a conflict in which protesters have begun arming. That they are behind the scenes undoubtedly helped dshs tx by the Russian army, is not surprising. The Ukrainian army is of course dshs tx helped by America and Europe (NATO). The whole coup government of President Yanukovych was set up by America. On February 21, 2014 I predicted all of regime change and who came there. In subsequent dshs tx articles I predicted that a war was coming. That war is now. This war was not started by pro-Russian separatists, as the Mainstream Media you want to do now believe, but by forces of the new government in Kiev. The term "separatists" is actually an incorrect choice of words. The members of the coup government in Kiev are in fact the separatists who want the eastern part of the country 'separation (separation) of Russia. And because the east of Ukraine contains heavy industries and strongly depends on Russia this is for that part of the population to mention quite annoying. Why this was so necessary? The country still turned up six months ago fine and there was no reason to violence?
The answer lies in the simple fact that America and Europe are working to unleash a world war. This all led by America. Here and there is a bit to create the impression that Europe is no longer so pleased with America. The French central bank and oil company Total have already dshs tx indicated that they think that the dollar should be abandoned as the default currency for international trade. BRICS countries were already working to set up their own currency. Germany would be driven into the arms of Russia. France seems to just go ahead with the delivery of the expensive warships to Russia. Appearances are deceiving. America and Europe send to a world war. That this should lead to internal chaos in America and that the fall of the dollar that goes, all seems to be on the agenda. Not for nothing the US Homeland Security has spent the past few years, armed to the teeth. Also there is a chance that in European countries turmoil or even saber rattling will flare. For this one will try to do flare up the conflict between the Islamic population and indigenous peoples. The supposedly dangerous dshs tx returning jihadists will be using this. A good mercenary indeed does what he is paid. That is the only title that you can give to these Al Qaeda fighters or ISIS. They are mercenaries of the West and as it should be also in the Netherlands and other Western European countries are of concern. A world war and total global chaos according to Albert Pike agenda there is to come. Or Russia ha

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