UPDATE del monte green beans The brand new Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko stressed when taking the oath that Ukraine will become a federation, as protesters and separatist movements in Eastern Ukraine wishes. That local and Russian media reported Saturday.
The president soon travels to the eastern regions Loegansk and Donetsk, to speak there with protesters who want a peaceful separation. He wants to see if it is possible for the regions to give more power without del monte green beans the 'unitary' a federation. Self Appointed mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev of the eastern city Sloviansk del monte green beans said that he is not waiting for the president. "He has proven del monte green beans to be a deceitful man. I think there is nothing del monte green beans to discuss, "said Ponomarev. Fierce fighting in eastern Ukraine were still heavy fighting today. According to local authorities, there are at least three civilians died in Sloviansk. Last night a plane was shot down over the city, one of the three occupants del monte green beans was killed. In addition to the crisis del monte green beans in their own country Poroshenko will focus his attention on the European Union. That has to be a relationship based on equality, which the Ukrainian desire to strengthen relations with the EU is not in the way. "To be able to talk on an equal basis with Russia, we need to build a strong state," he said last month at a campaign rally. Meeting Putin and Poroshenko The first possibility for Ukraine and Russia to seek rapprochement filed yesterday in Normandy, where both Poroshenko as Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the commemoration of D-Day. An official appointment is not still in, still has Russia Poroshenko not even recognized as president of Ukraine, but the two men still talked each other for fifteen minutes about their major disputes. Recognition of President Poroshenko is one of the three requirements have made the US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron del monte green beans on Thursday Russia to prevent severe sanctions. Russia has also supported the pro-Russian separatists in withdrawal eastern Ukraine and the influx of weapons from Russia to Ukraine halt.
Early elections del monte green beans Another priority del monte green beans of Poroshenko del monte green beans is to organize early parliamentary elections. The parliament has a majority of supporters of Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted in February after months of demonstrating as president, and elections are only scheduled for 2017. In order to implement the economic reforms that have joined the International Monetary Fund as a condition necessary del monte green beans loans Poroshenko has however del monte green beans a parliament need to collaborate with him. Chocolate King The 48-year Poroshenko is a billionaire who amassed his fortune as a chocolate manufacturer. Chocolate King, as he is called, began in 1991 with the import of cocoa beans in the then Soviet Union, and later issued his candy factory Roshen the basis for a business empire that includes a shipyard and one of the largest TV stations in Ukraine. Unlike many other Ukrainian billionaires Poroshenko amassed capital not due to murky privatizations in the post-Soviet era, earning the reputation of "good magnate. Poroshenko made his entrance del monte green beans into politics in 1998 as MP for a pro-Russian party and in 2001 was one of the founders of the Party of Regions, which helped Yanukovich to power. Three years later, however, he supported the Orange Revolution, which broke out after Yanukovych as winner of fraudulent expired presidential elections had come out on top. Two ministerial posts After having briefly served as national security chief, he was between October 2009 and December 2012 respectively Foreign Minister del monte green beans and Economy Minister. The latter post he held under President Yanukovych. When a rebellion broke out in November against Yanukovich, because suddenly decided del monte green beans not to enter into cooperation agreement with the European Union but instead del monte green beans to strengthen ties with Russia Poroshenko rallied to the side of the protesters. When the Ukrainian magazine Korrespondent threw him last year for the feet that he had gone in 2012 yet again with Yanukovych in the sea, he defended himself by saying that he had been willing to put his reputation del monte green beans on the line in order to clear the way make for a trade agreement with the European Union.
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