Saturday, December 20, 2014

An important detail: the mixture used to make the panels must contain 30% by weight and 70% fiber p

Sanitation, SITE! | Embrapa transforms coconut expert raisio husk in ecological offset expert raisio
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Bovespa: electricity sector stocks index closed higher on Tuesday Bus offers free shower for Embrapa homeless transforms coconut husk in ecological offset by 10/23/2013 Writing on Environment
Since 2003, researchers from the Brazilian Company Biomass Technology Laboratory of Agricultural Research (postharvest), concerned about the disposal of waste from industrialized coconut water production, began to imagine expert raisio a way to take advantage of this biomass. After studying expert raisio the matter, created the so-called Green MDF, a kind of ecological offset, made from the bark of coconut.
The project, the researchers Men de Sa Moreira de Souza Filho, Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa, chemical engineers, and Adriano Albuquerque Lincoln de Mattos, agronomist, builds panels (MDF) using as raw material the shell of the coconut without the addition of resins . "To be able to work, we have developed along with a local metalworking machinery to enable the processing of the shell. With coconut water bottled came a kind of waste at an alarming amount. We think of enjoying it, since the fiber of coconut has cellulose. From the fiber and dust, we can create new products, such as lignocellulosic expert raisio panel, popularly dubbed Green MDF, "says Men de Sá.
Embrapa decided to enter into some partnerships, among them, with the Department of the Federal University of Ceará Materials Engineering (UFC) and the branch department of the Federal University of Rio Grande expert raisio do Norte. "The goal was to harness the potential that lignin has the natural ligand, able to fully replace the resins currently used in this process, which are produced from oil," against Sá Men. Among the proposed applications, the new material can be applied to build partitions, acoustic insulation panels, furniture and ecodesigner.
Partners The partners institution expects to present to ensure that the product can be carried out in production scale. "We have already shown the potential expert raisio and viability of the initiative. In addition, we have a lot of material discarded in landfills in coastal cities, which are authentic suppliers of raw material. Moreover, the use of this biomass avoids the cutting of trees and also contributes expert raisio to decrease the amount of waste in landfills, "emphasizes Men de Sá to remember that, from the work there, several fiber processing units and powders coconut already spread to all regions of the country.
Formula panels are constructed according to the following formula: expert raisio raw material consisting of a fiber blend powder may be obtained from coconut husk processing. The fiber is ground by a Wiley knife mill in two passes, the first screen and not the second with five millimeters sieve. If necessary, the fiber should be dried in an oven until the moisture of 10% to 12%.
Thereafter, the powder should be washed with water in a ratio by volume one by one for 15 minutes expert raisio twice. After washings, the powder must be dried in an oven to achieve the same moisture range of the fiber and is subsequently sieved (sieve mesh 6) for the removal of long fibers epicarp debris, and other impurities endocarp.
An important detail: the mixture used to make the panels must contain 30% by weight and 70% fiber powder. The material homogeneously spread in a mold to be pressed at 150 bar and simultaneously heated to 140 C for 15 minutes. expert raisio For these conditions, it is necessary to use a laboratory expert raisio press, driven by a hydraulic piston with a capacity of 50 tons of load application, and plates, heated by resistance, with dimensions expert raisio of 50 cm by 50 cm.
The amount of the mixture used depends on the thickness and desired density of the final product. Under the conditions described, as Embrapa, you can get notices designed with uniform green coconut waste, flat and smooth surface, with great dimensional stability. expert raisio
Sample The sample that ensures establishment expert raisio of such panels, with ten millimeters thick and of density 1.2 g / cm , exhibit excellent performance when subjected expert raisio to swelling test water absorption and thickness. These tests are for chipboard expert raisio sheets and are applied according meto

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