Thursday, December 25, 2014

Heide Duarte finchaa sugar factory - 3rd year A / College Our Lady of Soldade a time when the natio

The processing of coconut shell fiber enabled the creation of a computer cabinet that has the external parts made with coconut husk fiber and resin. This is one of the results finchaa sugar factory of polymer composites design with plant fibers developed finchaa sugar factory by Polymer and Systems Laboratory (LAPOS), the State University of Santa Cruz (Uesc) in Ilheus, 465 km from Salvador. For Professor Celso Junior Fornari, LAPOS coordinator, one of the biggest advantages finchaa sugar factory of the processing of coconut finchaa sugar factory fiber is the ecological appeal, enabling finchaa sugar factory a more noble destiny to the shell, unlike the deposit or landfill. Unlike plastic, fiber has greater ease of decomposition and is biodegradable says. "The fiber of coconut, incorporated into the polymer, allows us to develop a material that, in addition to not rust, is still heat, ie, prevents the external heat damage the internal parts of the computer," the coordinator of LAPOS, finchaa sugar factory Professor finchaa sugar factory Celso Fornari Junior. "To give you an idea, the traditional office finchaa sugar factory used by the industry comes from the ship China, it takes up to three months and often comes with rusty parts," said the teacher. Vegetable fibers have a great potential for use in industry because they possess significant properties as low density, finchaa sugar factory low cost, and high tensile strength and wear resistance. Advantages - Leave to import raw materials and start producing in the region, finchaa sugar factory generating jobs and development, adding value to a material that was once discarded, is one of the project goals with coconut by-products, a different material, natural, that, worldwide, few countries finchaa sugar factory have the advantage of producing as Brazil has. However, with large water consumption of coconut green, also increases up the disposal of its bark. It is estimated that for each 250 ml of coconut water consumed, or 1 kg of waste generated. Bahia is the largest national finchaa sugar factory producer of coconut and is responsible for 34% of production in the country, with production estimated at 408 000 tonnes. Among the producing regions Bahia coconut, the southern state has more favorable weather conditions, and be an important consuming region, especially in the months of most tourist flow (December finchaa sugar factory to February). Among the municipalities that are part of this region, we highlight Camamu, Cairu, Canavieiras, Unite and Islanders. History - The project of the State University of Santa Cruz has been developed since 2005, with the encouragement of Support of Bahia State Research Foundation (Fapesb) and industries of Ilheus Computer Pole and Uesc. Also, has the support finchaa sugar factory of the institution's teachers: Alejandro de Marco, physical; Ricardo Alvin, civil engineer; Lycian Queiroz, architect; and Gezil Amarante, physical as well as students of Production and Systems Engineering who voluntarily devote to the project. "This idea came from graduation, when I graduated chemical engineer, did the master's and doctorate in polymer materials. From this discipline, I could work on designing new materials, finchaa sugar factory which allow the use of alternative forms at a lower cost," stresses the project coordinator. Fornari said that what drew the most attention when he moved to the region was the agricultural wealth that the South has. "I impressed myself with the amount of fiber produced and the volume of coconut thrown away," says the professor. Bruno Britt, student participating in the project, finchaa sugar factory says the experience adds enough, for providing develop something new, and above all put into practice what is learned in the academy. finchaa sugar factory Tests - In the laboratory where the project was developed, resistance tests are done to that produced cabinet, meeting legal standards required by universal testing machine, which also measures the tensile, bending and compression of the physical finchaa sugar factory properties of the material. A machine calculates the force required to break the material, if you suffer effects such as falling on the floor, for example. According to the teacher-coordinator, the project is feasible because fiber has a competitive price and to achieve viability of production and marketing, it just depends on incentives. "An engineering project like this is not only to do research, find patent and put in a drawer. The vision is that this project will work, and the students are very optimistic", says Professor Celso Fornari. finchaa sugar factory
The fiber of coconut that came as a new technology, it is really interesting, especially the part that she brings to the development for the industry as a whole. Antonio Lorenzo, Antonio Baiao and Emerson students Angels 2 The college of Our Lady of Solitude November 4, 2008 08:28
Heide Duarte finchaa sugar factory - 3rd year A / College Our Lady of Soldade a time when the nations of the world, especially our country, are increasingly seeking sustainable development, finchaa sugar factory is of great happiness to know that there are projects like that of coco.Um Fiber projet

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