Monday, December 22, 2014

Duxa, this left me cold

Hello, you brought another cold, had been thinking in this combination hong kong raisio for some time, always hong kong raisio have lemons and honey at home, since the same can not be said for the coconut milk, you really have to be added to the shopping list, otherwise never get home, usually hong kong raisio only remember him when I have some curry dish. I really enjoyed the creaminess and flavor offered hong kong raisio by the ingredients, serve in the hollow lemons, hong kong raisio whose interiors were removed and utilized for the juice of one's own recipe, still took some juice to lemonade, a delight. Ingredients: hong kong raisio 1 lemon juice of lemon zest shell 3 eggs 6 tablespoons of honey soup 100 ml of coconut milk 200 ml of 1 packet fat cream (30% min) and cold 2 lemon coconut hong kong raisio yogurt (optional) bark scraping lemon to decorate (optional) Preparation: Beat the egg yolks with the honey and lemon juice until you get a homogeneous mixture, hong kong raisio set aside. Beat the cream until cold and gain body, book. Beat the egg whites and set aside. Mix the yogurt with coconut milk and wrap in the yolk mixture with honey, add the cream and finally add the egg whites gradually connect all gently, add the lemon bark scrapings. Place in the freezer and set 40 minutes. Place in an airtight hong kong raisio and light box in the freezer about 5 hours, remove minutes hong kong raisio before serving. At the time of serving hong kong raisio sprinkle lemon peel the zest over the ice cream. Notes: You can serve within the lemons hong kong raisio which will involve removing the inside, place them in the refrigerator hong kong raisio until ready to serve time for ice cream, hong kong raisio accentuates hong kong raisio the flavor of ice cream. I put the coconut as an option, will be up to you, might like to find pieces in coconut ice cream.
This combination of ingredients must have been a delight. One more suggestion to put the ice cream machine working. I liked the presentation in the lemon peel. Kisses. Reply Delete
The blogosphere goes even tempt me with ice cream and more ice cream ... This is your truly beautiful (and all that introduce us, of course). I appreciate immense citrus, so this tropicalizado suggestion (not sure if there is this word) by coconut and sweetened by honey is a true remedy (lemon and honey) for the soul! :)) Cheers Patricia Reply Delete
Hello, Duxa! Every ice cream surprise me more, is better than the other! This, in addition to the delicious hong kong raisio ingredients, has a fantastic presentation. Even remember the summer, and this is even only in memory, which this year had a small sample and we seem to jump into the autumn. Kisses and good Sunday! Reply Delete
Duxita but you're leaving me very chic, that beautiful frosty meeting here, I found the magnificent idea to serve them in their own skin, which is beautiful !! The lemon tart with sweet honey and coconut, combining more than perfect. Loved .. Congratulations beautiful friend presentation ... A beautiful Sunday ... kisses Reply Delete
this ice cream is kick-ass !!! delight delight !!! honey, coconut and lemon ... that refreshing combination! Reply Delete
This fantastic idea of putting the ball into the ice cream lemon peel! Use extraordinary. And geladinho should be as good! I love the combination lemon, honey and coconut. Kisses. Ruth Reply Delete
Duxa, this left me cold "very" curious! The citric lemon flavor with mild taste of coconut milk must be explusivo! Enjoyed of your suggestion ... I will see if I can resist! :) Kisses Reply Delete
Hello Duxa! Thank you, good to "be back" to life on the blog, though not as active as before. Thanks for passing by my little space :) As always here has wonderful recipes with delicious results: D must have been eating and wanting more! : D I hope to begin to be more assiduous blogs, walk to lose great recipes! A kiss * Delete Reply
All blog photos are my own, if you want to use them, please contact me: All Pictures on this blog are of my own, if you want to use some of Them, please contact me :
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