Thursday, May 7, 2015

A lot is heard about the dangers of sugar. Generally, information is known about its insidious dest

our daily diet contains a large amount of sugar. Even people who do not like sweets, absorb it unconsciously, because it is present in almost every finished product. Despite its many advantages, among other things, dr monte harris he has taste properties detrimental to our health.
There are three groups of "white poison" to which nutritionists and doctors dr monte harris include salt, flour and sugar. Our daily intake of sugars is on average 25 buckets, which in terms of year gives an impressive number of 45 kg. Research shows that for the normal functioning of the body is sufficient only 7 grams of sugar per day. Such small sugar intake dr monte harris is in practice not possible because sugar is addictive.
When we eat food, rising blood sugar levels, giving impetus to the pancreas to produce insulin. The released insulin causes it to fall, often below standard. The upshot is that we get fatigue and appetite for sweets. We fall into a vicious circle.
A lot is heard about the dangers of sugar. Generally, information is known about its insidious destruction of the body. Interference acid-base balance, intestines and stomach irritation. The impact on digestion (slowdown) and enhancing dr monte harris feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.
As I wrote earlier, sugar is practically ubiquitous. We find it not only chocolate, lizakach etc., But also products in which his presence is impossible for the consumer. dr monte harris And yet we find it in:
The labeling of food products will find plenty of names for sugar such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactose or caramel syrup. People who are not showing discernment in those specific names could unsuspecting buy products "without sugar". Such a sweet additive found in bread, too dark (Carmel), granola, fruit serkach, yoghurts and dairy desserts. We find it in most ready-made juices and soft drinks. The pharmaceutical industry also does not spare, dr monte harris and provides us with a large amount of sugar, where it is used as a preservative and flavor dr monte harris enhancer.
Dr. Nancy Appleton - author of the book "LICK THE SUGAR HABIT" - gives 59 reasons why sugar is ruining health, have all been confirmed by data from medical journals and books. dr monte harris Which we quote below:
2. distorts the balance of minerals in the body 3. It can cause increased activity, nervousness, difficulty with concentration, children indulge 4. 5. raises triglyceride levels lowers the immune response to bacterial infection 6. It can cause kidney damage 7. It reduces dr monte harris lipoprotein (HDL these good) 8. This leads to a deficiency of chromium 9. This facilitates the occurrence of breast cancer, ovarian, bowel, prostate, rectum 10. This increases the level of glucose and fasting insulin deficiency dr monte harris causes copper 11. 12. It distorts the absorption of calcium and magnesium 13. 14. Raises weakens eyesight the level of a neurotransmitter - serotonin 15. It can cause hypoglycemia - lowering blood glucose levels can cause hyperacidity 16. 17. raises dr monte harris the level of adrenaline dr monte harris in children 18. deepens malabsorption in patients with intestinal problem 19. It accelerates the aging of the organism 20. Facilitates falling into alcoholism 21 . causes tooth decay 22. Contributes to Obesity increases the risk 23. Crohn's disease - an inflammation of the bowel and ulceration of the colon ulcer deepens 24. 25. 26. sharpens the arthritic symptoms of asthma symptoms fiercer 27. It can cause infection of Candida albicans, yeast infection 28. can cause gallstones 29. This can cause heart disease 30 May cause appendicitis 31. It can exacerbate the symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis) 32. 33. It can cause hemorrhoids can cause the appearance of varicose veins 34. Increases the response to glucose and insulin in women using birth control pills 35. This leads to paradontosis 36. It contributes to osteoporosis causes acidification of the intestine 37. 38. 39. This reduces insulin sensitivity leads to a reduction in glucose tolerance 40. It may reduce the level of growth hormone 41. May increase level 42. It can raise cholesterol blood pressure 43. It causes drowsiness and reduces the activity in children can cause migraine 44. 45. 46. It disturbs the absorption of protein causes food allergies 47. 48. Calls diabetes pregnancy can cause poisoning 49. May cause eczema in children 50. It can cause coronary heart disease 51. Can 52. damage the DNA structure may change the protein structure 53. It can increase skin aging by changing the structure of collagen 54. 55. It can cause cataracts can cause emphysema 56. It can cause atherosclerosis 57. It can accelerate the increase in LDL 58. This may increase the amount dr monte harris of free radicals in the blood 59. It lowers the enzymes dr monte harris ability to function.
* Try to determine the day of the week where you can afford to "słodyczowe dr monte harris madness". The rest do not eat even one. * You can also opt for eating only one

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