Thursday, May 28, 2015

These are the names that design mantra matthew clark wholesale of consumption. In a way, we are add

Activist Esther Vivas, author of The Business of food ', warns that the industrial food model follows the logic of profit. This concentrated in few hands, the polluter is not as healthy as they say and the precarious working on their production matthew clark wholesale and sale. And demands that we take conscience of the plate.
Sper and enter the load in the basket steak, 100 grams of packaged ham York, a jar of peas, two grouper fillet, pineapple and two cans of cola. A common gesture. Of those that allow you to have the head elsewhere. For, according to Esther Vivas (Sabadell, 1975), activist and expert on food sovereignty load the basket is also a political act. Buy a support matthew clark wholesale surface is a model food intensive industrial quilomtric, relocated and petrodependent. The author matthew clark wholesale of The Business of food (Icaria matthew clark wholesale Editorial) warns that this model is one more example of the impact of the logic of capital that puts special interests to collective needs.
Firstly, peat know that there is enough food to feed 12,000 million people -gaireb double the inhabitants of the Earth actualment- for that one in seven hungry. What explanation t? How is it possible that the European Union can throw 89 million tons of food in good condition and almost 80 million people have difficulty filling out the estmac something consistent? Basically, according to Vivas, because food production chain up to the plate this in few hands, which are those of deciding what should food prices mark and are protected by a tailored legislation. The world market then east controlled by six multinational names: Syngenta, Bayer, BASF, Dow Chemical, Monsanto and DuPont, warns the activist.
These are the names that design mantra matthew clark wholesale of consumption. In a way, we are addicted to meat because the model of intensive livestock industry needs someone consumes and, consequently, that the discourse propagated animal protein is essential that eat more meat as best explains. And it works. A paradoxical case, according to the atlas published by the Meat Foundation Heinrich BLL, is that of India, traditionally vegetarian, meat consumption which currently matthew clark wholesale comenaa be socially frowned.
Behind the steak good, nice and cheap Sper of a series of hidden social costs. To begin, in the same production. A ter of cropland and 40% of the worldwide grain harvest is destined for the livestock industry. matthew clark wholesale With consuming animals could feed 3,500 million people, said Vivas. For not only take the grain from the mouth, but that large farms feed and fodder involve desforestaci matthew clark wholesale forests, the disappearance of small farms and the expulsion of thousands of farmers from the land, as well as degradation of resources hdrics SLI (between 70 and 80% of water is consumed by agriculture and livestock).
transgnic- generally think these are involuntary cause of climate change: 51% rise in emissions of greenhouse gases (a cow and her calf that emit more pollutants a car with 13,000 kilometers). For, amsams, according to the WHO, 75% of human diseases epidmiques have their origin in animals. Most antibiotics are administered to animals in Europe preventively and is its meat and their milk that we consume.
And the same with the fish. We sell fish s speech bonssim their content in acid Omega 3 and vitamin matthew clark wholesale B, Vivas described for the intensive model -the 2013, the global production of fish from capture and farmed fish, reached 160 million tons,
To begin to feed one kilo of wild salmon takes three kilos of other species, and for one kilo of tuna, 20 kilograms of other fish, the sea and the consequent sobreexplotaci 'rising prices. With these data in m, producers have justified that green dress, not damage nature and respond to demand, this solution in farms, where the units also s n fed soybeans, the same model that uses intensive livestock.
In fish farms, amsams applied antiparasitic treatments such as formalin baths, and are supplied antibiotics matthew clark wholesale preventively that not only affect human health, but they also environmental impact: the waters of the pools breeding land with the SLI damaged cropland prximes. As in the case of livestock and agriculture market again

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